Game Starts with the Scarecrow

Chapter 39: Cough cough... You use my mushrooms as m

  This...the reputation is too much, right?

   No, I have to find a way to make up this reputation!

   Mo Fan looked at the deducted prestige, his face darkened.

   More than 20,000 prestige, not too much to say, der can get back after a few hours.

   But if you don’t say much, you can buy a Gou Yasha skin!

   So, Mo Fan still feels distressed.

   took a deep breath and looked at the taskbar.

   Mo Fan prepared to do Miss Dong's task first.

   This prestige can be brushed anytime. Now that you have come to the mission location, it is better to do the mission first.

   This Miss Dong mission has a 5 million aura at any rate, which can make up for a little bit of her loss.

   After confirming the task tracking direction, Mo Fan walked towards Maple Leaf City.

   After more than ten minutes, Mo Fan came to the outside of Maple Leaf City.

   At this time, he had already replaced the scarecrow skin with human skin.

   There are already many players in and out of the city.

   There are also some buildings outside the city, which are the houses of some farmers.

   The direction of the task prompt is here.

   Mo Fan walked inside for a while and came to a courtyard.

   Before he could walk in, a slim girl came out from the yard.

   Looking at this little girl, Mo Fan was taken aback!

   Isn’t this the little girl picking mushrooms!

   "Hey, who are you? Why are you here?"

   The little girl looked at Mo Fan warily.

   At this time, Mo Fan was wearing human skin, and the little girl didn't recognize it at all.

   "Are you...Miss Dong?"

   Mo Fan asked uncertainly.

   "I'm Dong Xinhui, are you looking for me?"

   Dong Xinhui was puzzled. In her impression, she had never seen Mo Fan.

   And after Mo Fan got an affirmative answer, the expression on his face could be as exciting as it was.

   Dong Xinhui helped him before...

   Mo Fan felt a fever on his face when he thought of the beautiful picture.

   "Hey, what are you doing?"

   "Ah...I'm here to hand in the task!"

   Mo Fan immediately looked at the taskbar.

  Ordinary task: find Miss Dong (the only one) (submit available)

   found that the task can be submitted, immediately clicked.

   After Mo Fan submitted the task, Dong Xinhui seemed to have received some information, and her face instantly turned pale.

   then murmured in his mouth:

   "Jade... Yuer..."

   "I killed you!"

"Blame me......"

   Dong Xinhui suddenly burst into tears and squatted on the ground sadly.

   Mo Fan did not expect this result.

What exactly is going on?

   Yuer asked me to find a young lady for him, saying that he was taken away by the monster.

   Looking at this situation, how does Dong Xinhui seem to be captured by a monster?

   After this young lady found it, she did this again...

   At this time, Mo Fan was also very confused.

   Looking at Dong Xinhui who was squatting on the ground, she didn't know what to say.

   Don't just patronize and cry, please reward me with the task anyway?

   "Miss Dong, are you okay?"

   Hearing Mo Fan's question, Dong Xinhui's cries gradually decreased.

   After a while, she wiped her tears and stood up.

   "My son, thank you for the news of Yuer."

   "I guess you are also very confused, why would Yu'er give you such a task."

   "When I was very young, I was more mischievous. I took Yu'er through the misty forest. When I met a monster, I was taken away by the monster."

   "Just when I was about to die under the claws of the monster, the messenger appeared and saved me."

   "When we went back to find Yu'er, we found that she was already..."

   At this point, Dong Xinhui started crying sadly again.

   "Life and death, don't be too sad..."

   Mo Fan couldn't bear to see the little girl crying so sad, so he comforted.

   After all, I have had a skin relationship with myself. Although that is what, it is always right to comfort me.

   "What did you say, son, Yuer is not dead!"

   Dong Xinhui glanced sideways at Mo Fan at this time.

   "What, not dead?"

   "It's good if you don't die! It's good if you don't die!"

   Mo Fan scratched his head and gave a dry laugh, suddenly a little embarrassed.

  I R, the situation of this magic horse, depending on your performance, I thought this Yuer was already dead.

   Mo Fan almost suffocated a mouthful of old blood.

   "When we passed by, we found that Yu'er was demonized by monsters!"

   "Then the envoy used a spell to seal Yu'er there."

   "The demonized Yu'er is very powerful. From then on, she will incarnate from the seal every year, trying to lead me over."

   "So for some people who pass by there, assign some tasks to come to me."

   "As long as I pass, she will incarnate and kill me without hesitation!"

   "It's all my fault, I killed her. If it weren't for me to clamor to go to the foggy forest, she wouldn't be like this!"

   Dong Xinhui's sad expression doesn't seem to be a pretense.

   After hearing her explanation, Mo Fan probably understood what was going on.

   "Miss Dong, who is this messenger?"

   "The messenger is the realm messenger! He is called Xiaoyaozi."

  Sure enough, it was him, Mo Fan suddenly thought of the scene when Xiaoyaozi defeated the King of the Mist that day.

   Dong Xinhui gradually put away her sad expression, and slowly said:

   "My son, thank you for listening to me talking so much. Over the years, these words have been held in my heart for a long time. It is extremely uncomfortable."

   "It's okay, it's my honor to be able to help you!"

   Mo Fan smiled slightly, this little girl probably didn't know that I was the mushroom demon.

   Dong Xinhui took a close look at Mo Fan, then seemed to have discovered something, and walked around Mo Fan twice.

   even smelled it with his nose, his face was a little weird.

   "Miss Dong, what's the matter?"

"you you......"

   Dong Xinhui pointed at Mo Fan, her hands trembling a little, not sure if she was angry or surprised.

"What's wrong with me?"

   Mo Fan also pointed to himself, with a strange expression on his face.

   "You... are you the mushroom demon?"

   Dong Xinhui was not sure at first, and then asked with some certainty.

   "I am not a mushroom demon, I am me, how could I be a mushroom demon!"

   Mo Fan shook his head quickly and immediately retorted.

   And he was a little surprised in his heart.

   This girl has such a good nose?

   Can you smell this?

   Is there still a smell of mushrooms on my body?

   Why can't I smell it myself?

   Mo Fan doesn't want to admit that he is a mushroom demon, otherwise, how embarrassing?

   "My son, although I don't know how you became a human being, I would advise you not to enter Maple Leaf City for the sake of you coming over and handing in the task."

   Dong Xinhui said this, and then slowly, continued:

   "Yu'er, this girl, it is estimated that there is no possibility of recovery in this life, unless the messenger can make another move..."

   "My son, can you do me a favor?"

   After Mo Fan heard Dong Xinhui say this, he moved in his heart, is it coming for another task?

   "Of course you can, you say!"

   "I think you are also an extraordinary person, and you will become a great weapon in the future. If it is possible, you can help me to tell the messenger, let him save Yu'er, okay?"

   At this point, Dong Xinhui looked at Mo Fan with some expectation.

"no problem!"

   Mo Fan took this task without thinking about it.

   "My son, this is for you!"

   Dong Xinhui handed a pink ribbon on her body to Mo Fan.

   [System prompt: Congratulations on completing the "Looking for Miss Dong (the only one, get 5 million auras, and get the "Haze Belt"]

  【Accept the red mission: Yuer's difficulty (only)】

   [Yu'er has turned into a monster, please take action to get rid of Yu'er's demonic nature and restore her to normal]

【mission rewards:? ? ? 】

   Seeing the rewards and the tasks he received, Mo Fan became happy.

   Especially for the task that I just received, although I don't know what the reward is, but just by looking at the "red mission", I know that the reward won't be worse.

   "My son, since you are willing to help me, let's add a friend, and we must notify me in time if we make progress."

   Dong Xinhui said again at this time.

"add friend?"

   Mo Fan is full of question marks, what kind of friends do you add as an NPC?

   Before he could react, a message in his friend box suddenly flickered.

   [System prompt: Dong Xinhui applied to become your friend, do you agree? 】

   Mo Fan directly agreed.

   [System Tip: Congratulations on becoming friends with Dong Xinhui! 】

   "Okay, we are good friends now, your name is so strange, 巭孬嫑烎?"

   Dong Xinhui covered her mouth and laughed, very pretty.

   Mo Fan looked at Dong Xinhui in front of him, and then thought of the beautiful scene again.

   "Well, if there is nothing else, then I will go now!"

   Mo Fan swallowed and said slowly.

   "Well, you go ahead and I will live here. If you have anything to do, you can come to me directly."

   Dong Xinhui nodded, then thought of something, then said:

   "By the way, I am a pharmacist. If I get injured in the future, you can come to me and give you a 50% discount for treatment."

   "Then dare to love, do you have any medicines for sale here?"

   "Yes! Come with me!"

   While talking, Dong Xinhui took Mo Fan to her yard.

   After entering the yard, Mo Fan found that it was quite big.

   Some unknown medicinal materials were basked in the open space of the yard, and there was a smell of sub-medicine everywhere.

   After entering the room, the fragrance of the medicine became stronger.

   Inside is a medicine hall, and some bottles and cans are placed on the cabinet in front.

   Dong Xinhui took out some medicine bottles and handed them to Mo Fan.

   "My son, these medicines will be given to you when you come to my house for the first time!"

   "Thank you, Miss Dong."

   Mo Fan took the medicine bottle There are three in total.

   looked at the properties of these medicines and opened his mouth wide.

   [Qingfeng Yuluwan (medium): instantly restores 2000 points of health after use, cooling time is 10 seconds]

   [Qingfeng Yuluwan (large): instantly restore 5000 points of health after use, cooling time is 15 seconds]

   [Life Recovery Rune (Small): After use, it can reduce the cooling time of the potion by half for 1800 seconds]

There are 3 bottles of    Qingfeng Yulu Pills (medium), and each bottle contains 100 capsules.

There are 2 bottles of    Qingfeng Yulu Pills (Large), and each bottle contains 50 capsules.

   And there is only one life restoration rune (small).

   This kind of gift, it can be said that the help to Mo Fan is really great.

   is a life-saving thing at a critical moment after all.

  In the early stage of the game, potions have always been scarce.

   The previous life restoration potions, Mo Fan had already used up.

   "The healing effect of this medicine is also great, you did it all?"

   Mo Fan looked at Dong Xinhui in front of him and asked.

   In fact, he still wants some, but he doesn't know what price Dong Xinhui will give him.

   "Yes, I am a senior pharmacist, and these medicines are not difficult to make."

   "By the way, some of the mushrooms I picked at your place last time, I also used some of them to make medicine."

   "If you want this, you have to pay for it!"

   After finishing speaking, Dong Xinhui took out a vial and handed it to Mo Fan with a triumphant expression on her face.

   After seeing the properties of this medicine, Mo Fan's eyes widened.




  PS: The second one is here, and the tickets go! comeon!