Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 117: Dock Danger

There are a lot of 200,000 people. If you gather together, it is not an exaggeration to say that the heads are crowded and you can't see the side at a glance.

But there are very few 200,000 people, especially when they are scattered on the defensive line of tens of kilometers, even more so.

The wind is whining.

Although it is April day, spring is full and everything is prosperous, but on the northern defense line of the 104th theater, there are only devastated land and the cold steel defense line.

April 12th.

A brigade that Lin Feng belongs to formally came to a dock named '10429' in the north to be stationed.

Said to be a dock.

But this dock is actually very large, with a length and width of three hundred meters. In addition to the city wall that is six or seven meters high, there are also squares, bedrooms, living rooms, toilets, and even entertainment venues in the dock.

And the food resources stored inside are enough for forty-six people to eat and drink for three months when the supply line is completely cut off.

Standing on the highest floor of the dock and looking far away, you can see the coastline ten kilometers away, the distant blue sea, and one after another white waves are thrown in the wind.

"It feels like we are back in ancient times, on the sidelines!" The little fat man Tong An Sheng smiled.

Lin Feng also smiled.

Their situation at this time is really very similar to that of the warriors on the border in ancient times.

The difference is that they are not guarding against the nomads swept from the north, but monsters.

Speaking of the ancient frontier defenses and the Great Wall, most people are probably familiar with them.

But most people are very strange.

Speaking of the Great Wall, I believe that the first reaction of most people is defense.

But in fact it is not exactly.

The Great Wall is a strategic fortress integrating defense, attack, and early warning. In a sense, its greatest effect is early warning and attack, followed by defense.

Behind the Great Wall.

Generally, when a city is built with human beings, people will reclaim fields, grow fields, collect grain, and repair around and near the city.

Once there is a war on the front line, the soldiers on the border will ignite the bonfire warning in the dock. When the people in the city get the news, they will quickly increase the number of troops to block the enemy's strength.

After receiving the information, the imperial court further behind began to dispatch troops.

And if attacked, the Great Wall is also a well-deserved fortress in front.

Because it must be clear that in ancient times, when a war was launched, the biggest problem was the logistics supply line.

If only supply from the rear and the grain of ten stones are transported to the front line, there may be only one stone left. In addition, where to put the food is also a problem. You can't throw it directly on the ground in the open, right?

What to do if it rains?

Moreover, if the army is mobilized, if you build a granary in the wilderness, once or twice is okay, is it possible to build it once when you walk, then the marching speed of the army has become the tortoise speed?

At this time, the importance of the Great Wall is once again reflected.

It's the same as the hometown of the LOL base. The situation ahead was so frantically beating people, sending a small part of the troops back to the Great Wall near the looted cattle and sheep.

If the situation is not good, then transfer the army back, drill into the Great Wall, and just stay closed.

And to the modern age.

The spiritual significance of the Great Wall is far greater than its practical effect.

But once we have to be clear, even in modern times, building positions and military defense fortresses are very, very important things during wars.

No one will stand up against the enemy without any cover, because that is tantamount to suicide.


The role of Lin Feng and the others in the dock is almost the same as that of the soldiers who guarded the border in ancient times.

A large-scale monster was found to warn the rear immediately. If it is a small-scale monster, kill it on the spot to prevent them from breaking through the line of defense and going deep into the hinterland of humans to cause larger monsters to be destroyed.

"We will be here for a month of defense. In this month's time, I hope everyone will cheer up and don't slack off!" Lin Feng said to everyone.

In the team, he is the strongest, but he is not so arrogant that he can stand up to everything on his own.

Five days passed quickly.

The place where Lin Feng is staying has been calm. In fact, the monsters who walked out of the sea were not always attacking all lines of defense.

The line of defense is too long. Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly an extremely stupid move to attack all the long lines of defense at the same time.

In fact, the monsters only need to pass through a few points, and after breaking through, it is enough to cause irreparable damage to the human hinterland.

"There is a situation!"

That night, Lin Feng felt uneasy. He climbed up the city wall and looked up. His scalp suddenly became numb, as if he was facing an enemy.

Tonight, there is no moon, no sky full of stars, gloomy rain and low visibility.

But Lin Feng saw that on the distant horizon, groups of dark monsters were moving and crawling towards where they were.

"Quick, warning!" Lin Feng shouted, awakening everyone.

Suddenly everyone in the dock began to move, and five flares shot out, passing in mid-air, illuminating the sky.

Then, everyone had scalp tingling.

At the moment when the world was illuminated, they clearly saw the endless and incalculable monster creeping on the ground in front of them.

None made a sound!

And the closest monster is less than 500 meters away!

"My mother, this number is at least 100,000 heads!" The little fat man Tong An Sheng laughed and joked in the daytime, heartless, but at this time his face turned pale, his legs trembled, and he almost sat on the ground without a butt.

Other people's faces were also pale.

Among the 45 people in Lin Feng's team, half were students from several universities in Beidu, and the other half were seniors from Zhongda University, with only a few veterans.

But even for the veterans, their faces are now extremely stiff, their hands and feet are cold, and they are very nervous.

Because there are too many monsters.

At this time, there was a wave of despair in everyone's hearts. When death is approaching, when the crowd is outnumbered, not everyone can ignore all fear and fear life and death.


Scarlet flares soared up into the sky, with ten in one strand. This was the highest level of alert, indicating that there were more than one hundred thousand enemies.

"Zhang Zhong, you lead your squad to control hot weapons, and other people, follow me, and stop the enemy at all costs!" Lin Feng roared.

He didn't have time to explain any more things, because the monsters in the distance had already known that they were exposed, and no longer concealed their bodies, they crazily culled at the dock where they were.

It was just a moment, the dock where they were located became like a small sailboat in the vast ocean, and there was a danger of capsizing at any time.

"Kill!" Lin Feng shouted and jumped off the top of the city.

Three monsters in the warlord state had already rushed over at this time. If they were allowed to enter the dock, the players would suffer heavy losses.

In an instant, thunder was lingering, lightning ran across the sky, three beasts died tragically under three knives, and they were directly cut in the middle.

Their strength is insufficient, but they have just entered the realm of warlords, and are far from Lin Feng's opponents.

However, Lin Feng did not have any feeling of joy, because in the distance, densely packed monsters rushed up, dozens of them were extremely powerful, fierce flames, and they were all powerful warlord monsters.

"Don't you just enter the front line and have not yet displayed your ambitions and brilliance, you will die here?" Even though Lin Feng has always been confident and never surrendered in the face of difficulties, he couldn't help but despair and bitterness at this time.