Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1181: Talk

Everyone was full of emotion. They were replaced by ordinary people, and they were chased by the nine near sages as soon as they entered Wuxian.

The brothers met with a lot of emotion.

At this moment, when Jin Mu suddenly turned red, he knelt down in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was startled by his appearance.

"Brother Lin Feng, I can't help you..." Jin Mu trembled and his voice trembled.

"What is this for?" Lin Feng frowned and hurriedly stepped forward to help.

But never thought, a few puffs, a large area of ​​kneeling around unexpectedly.

Lin Feng was confused and said angrily: "What are you doing?"

After everyone's explanation, he learned that it was Jin Mu and the others who had been imprisoned by the demon saint earlier, and felt extremely guilty for not being able to help him.

Lin Feng laughed and laughed for a while, shook his head and said: "I have never blamed you for this, everyone, get up!"

Seeing that everyone was still still, he couldn't help but sink in his face, and said, "Keep down on your knees, I don't think everyone else has to do it!"

Everyone just got up.

"Let's talk later!" Lin Feng thought for a while, turned and left.


"His Royal Highness!" Mu Fengchun respectfully saluted.

"Thank you five for leading the way." Lin Feng smiled and took out a universe bag to give them as a reward.

Seeing that the five people were sincere and fearful, why didn't they agree to subordinate, Lin Feng pretended to be angrily: "Let you take it, then take it! Why, do you still want me to breach the contract?"

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

Seeing that the prince was so persistent, Mu Fengchun and the others could only accept it with trepidation.

Then the two parties briefly talked a few words, which is the difference.

After walking for a while, Jia Wenjiang whispered: "Big brother, how do I feel, this ancient highness......"

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly saw the big brother Mu Fengchun's eyes, and said sternly: "Don't chew your tongue!"

The unprecedented stern appearance of the senior brother not only shocked Jia Wenjiang, but the senior brothers and sisters also trembled.

At this time, I only heard Mu Fengchun's heartfelt words: "We don't know anything. We just unexpectedly met with His Royal Highness on the road, and then led His Highness to find the Monster Race!"

"Have you remembered it all? It has nothing to do with me waiting!"

"Yes..." Jia Wenjiang's heart trembled, and the big brother secretly saw something.

In fact, he felt something was wrong earlier. But he couldn't tell what was wrong. It wasn't until the highness that his Highness found the Yaozu just now, and the two parties asked to talk separately, but he noticed the trickiness.

With suspicion in my mind, I can't help thinking about it, and the more I think about the experience during this period, the more I feel wrong.

Among the crowd, only junior sister Zhai Zhaodi was ignorant.


That night, Lin Feng and the demon youths simply held a banquet in a palace that collapsed a little and a half. Everyone ate and drank and talked about their experiences during this time.

"What are your plans next?" Di Xu asked.

"I intend to enter the Chaos Area." Lin Feng did not hide it, telling the truth. "Someone from the outside world has been thinking about me. I don't want to go out until the mid-term or even later period of Wuxia."

Although those most saints said, let him go.

But that's all on the surface, and there must be hands and feet in the dark. Once there is a chance to kill him, I believe these people will not hesitate.

Now that Lin Feng's cultivation is not enough, if he is outside with the blessing of the gods, he can reach the peak of the near holy realm, but he can only flee in the face of the most holy.

Of course, Lin Feng had never thought of killing the saint now.

But in any case, the higher the cultivation level, the more you can use the power you get with the blessing of the **** status inscription, and the more you can guarantee your own safety.