Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1190: Elixir can kill

Dou Min smiled bitterly: "The materials needed to refine the **** pill and half **** pill are the essence of the natural spiritual essence, and ordinary people are afraid that they will not see it in their entire life."

"From the Immortal Realm and the Celestial Realm, you can refine it for hundreds of thousands of years to become a pill!"

"Once it becomes a pill, naturally the sky will fall in disorder, golden lotus will be everywhere, and the fairy mist will evaporate..."

After a pause, he said again: "Of course it may also cause Tianji. If such a precious pill is not allowed to appear, it will result in a thunder penalty, which is extremely terrifying!"

Lin Feng nodded slightly, expressing understanding.

But he turned curiously and said: "After Dan Cheng, there will be alien phases. After so many years of sealing, will there be alien phases?"

"Yes, as long as the pill energy is released, it will cause a strange phase. Of course, it is not as terrible as the pill!"

Dou Min explained, "Because such a medicinal pill has involved the Daotiandi Dadao, the heaven and the earth are the most logical, as long as they exist and appear in the human world, they will cause alienation!"

Lin Feng sighed.

"In the legend, there are some divine pills and even the birth of spiritual wisdom, capable of cultivating like human beings..." At this point, Dou Min's eyes flashed with enthusiasm.

As if to say again, if I could refine such a pill during my lifetime, I would be willing to die on the spot!

Lin Feng was a little startled.

"Is there a pill that will give birth to spiritual wisdom?" He touched his chin. This kind of thing has only been heard in those myths and legends, and I never thought that there are stories like this in all realms.

"Naturally, according to legend, in the ancient times, in the ancient times, there were gods elixirizing people, practicing all the way, and gaining the heavenly status!" Dou Min said in admiration.

As soon as he said this, even if it was Lin Feng, there was a huge wave in his heart.


After a long trance, Lin Feng came back to his senses like waking up from a dream.

"Old man, go ahead!"

"If there is a **** pill, let me see what this **** pill looks like!"

"If it's not a **** pill, a half **** pill, but a holy pill, it would be a gain for me!"

Lin Feng smiled.

He has regained his peace of mind.

Anyway, these pills were not made by him, but obtained from the underground world. No matter what, he earned it anyway.


Seeing that Lin Feng was sure to turn it on, Dou Min took a deep breath.

His expression became serious, and he was no longer the same as before, and he directly unplugged the pill device.

It's just chanting words.

I saw the purple golden gourd floating in the air, and with a ‘pop’, the plug flew out. Then with a clatter, Lin Feng clearly saw a red cloud flying out of it!

"Dragon Blood Pill!"

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed.

Through the red mist and red clouds, he clearly saw the appearance of the pill, which was exactly a round dragon blood pill. But it is different from the ordinary dragon blood pill, I saw that the pill was surrounded by golden dragon shadows.

Lin Feng counted them one by one, and there were nine of them!

"Nine-patterned dragon blood pill, this top-grade sacred pill!" A thick vibration flashed in Dou Min's eyes.

But he recovered quickly this time, only to see that the dragon blood pill that had just flown out of the word, he returned to the purple gold gourd.

With a "pop", the gourd plug was plugged back again, and all the sights in the house disappeared in an instant.

Only then did Dou Min let out a long breath. Lin Feng found that the old man was sweating on his forehead.

Seeing Lin Feng's surprised eyes, Dou Min smiled bitterly: "Thanks for the quick response, otherwise we would just be finished!"

"What do you say?" Lin Feng frowned.

Dou Min said: "This nine-patterned dragon blood pill is a high-grade sacred pill, and it cannot be taken unless it is in the most sacred late stage. I am waiting for a lack of cultivation, even if I swallow a breath, it will be enough to burst our physical body instantly!"

"So exaggerated?" Lin Feng was dumbfounded. At the same time, there was a cold sweat on his back.