Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 137: Falling into a nightmare

"The taste is very good. I have eaten a golden moon-like fruit. The fruit is warm, a bit like a loquat fruit, but this ice **** fruit is cold. The two are completely different... .." Lin Feng commented.

Xu Li looked at him with complicated eyes.

She did not expect that at this moment of life and death, the tired-faced teenager lying on the hospital bed could still maintain such a demeanor.

As a nurse and a frontline nurse, she has seen too many people when they die. Most of them are in pain and despair in the face of death. Only a few are hysterical or calm.

Lin Feng clapped his hands.

Then took the second ice fruit.

If he eats the first ice fruit, it makes him feel as comfortable as eating frozen watermelon in the summer.

Then after eating the second ice **** fruit, he felt a tingling pain.

That kind of feeling is like going to the toilet naked and freezing in the twelfth lunar month.

After eating the third ice **** fruit, this stinging icy sensation reached its extreme, and every inch of skin on the whole body seemed to become cold, like a dead person.

Even Lin Feng noticed that the breath he exhaled turned into a white chill.

"The effect is obvious, isn't it?" Lin Feng smiled at the people in front of him.

He has short black hair, visible to the naked eye, white frost, and white smoke on his skin.

But when he immersed his consciousness in the glass beads, Lin Feng found that his soul value had been obviously restored, reaching one thousand quickly, and this number was still increasing.

No wonder, even though he was cold and stiff as a dead person, Lin Feng hadn't noticed for a long time a clear mind and quick thinking.

You must know that for the past few days, he has been holding on, although he has not completely collapsed, but his consciousness has always been a bit muddled.

His head was also very sore and cracked, as if it had been all night for a long time.

"I'm ready!" Lin Feng took a deep breath and said to everyone in front of him.

At this time, in addition to Xu Li and the two female soldiers who escorted the ice **** fruit, there was also a master of psychiatry in the ward.

Next, he will deeply hypnotize Lin Feng and let Lin Feng enter a deep sleep.

Of course, in this process, Lin Feng himself will hypnotize himself.

When he reached his state, he naturally learned the technique of hypnosis.

After all, on the battlefield, when in the war zone, sometimes the whole body is sore and needs rest, but what should I do if I don’t have much time?

You can only hypnotize yourself and get a deep sleep. Rest for ten minutes to relieve fatigue.

"You feel very tired, you hear a vague laughter in your ears, and you come to a world full of flowers, where it is safer than ever before, and you completely relax..." With the incomparable gentleness of the spiritual master Words.

At the same time, Lin Feng, who had been performing self-hypnosis, gradually closed his tired eyes.

One minute,

Two minutes,

Lin Feng's hands suddenly slipped from the white quilt, all his muscles relaxed, and he fell into a deep sleep.


Xu Li stood aside, looking worriedly at Lin Feng who was falling asleep, and whispered softly: "Master Dai, do you think Lin Feng has a good chance of waking up?"

The spiritualist Dai Zhongyu was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "I'm not sure."

In the past few days, he has also conducted similar hypnosis to other members of the Tooth Squadron.

Some members did fall asleep.

However, only a few minutes later, he woke up again, and then his mental state became worse.

Two other members screamed in their sleep, convulsed all over, and died.

"People's dreams are different from reality. All we can do now is wait." Dai Zhongyu said softly.

People have a lot of dreams when they sleep every day. At least three. More than a dozen is not impossible.

It's just that after most people wake up, they basically forget the situation in their dreams.

According to Dai Zhongyu's estimation, if Lin Feng can survive, it will take an hour at the fastest, and tomorrow morning at the slowest, and there will be an answer.


Suddenly, Lin Feng, who was asleep on the hospital bed, twitched and let out a hoarse roar.

Xu Li was startled, and immediately looked at the instrument next to Lin Feng, and found that it showed that Lin Feng's heartbeat was frightening fast, and the red light flashed and issued a warning.

In addition, on Lin Feng's forehead, neck, and arms, the blue veins bulged up like a horned dragon, making them extremely hideous.

Dai Zhongyu looked serious, and said solemnly: "So soon... I hope Lin Feng can survive it!"



The whole world is black, and so is the sky and the sea. Lin Feng opened his eyes and found that he had returned to the scene he had faced earlier in the deep sea. The difference is that there are no teammates around.

He was the only one standing alone on the yacht.

Bowing his head, the pitch-black sea water was like ink. From a glance, it didn't see the bottom, and at the same time it carried a magical power that swallowed the soul of a person.

Occasionally, there will be wind and waves around, but soon it subsides.

This is a weird world, Lin Feng's dream, transcending events and space. It is not only false, but also real in a certain way.

Because if Lin Feng couldn't hold on, thinking that he was dead, then he would really die.


Lin Feng's eyelids jumped suddenly. He noticed the violent wind surging, the wind surging and the waves surging to the sky.

As soon as he raised his head, the huge palm covering the sky appeared in his field of vision, spanning most of the sky.

But this time, there was no Yanhuang God Slayer to save him.

I don't know how many times I saw this big hand covered with green hairs again, but now I look again, Lin Feng still has a sense of suffocation that can't breathe. Every cell in the body couldn't help being tight and sore.

His heart was pounding, his mouth was dry, his tongue was sweaty, and he felt a sense of horror that he would die in the next second.

The big green hand pressed down, like Mount Tai hanging upside down, and the sky collapsed.

The green hairs that looked like giant pythons quickly expanded in the field of vision, and Lin Feng's pupils shrank sharply and shaped like needles.

"No!" he yelled vigorously, like a madman.

However, everything could not be stopped, that big hand with the mighty force to crush everything, just like this, the black sea churned, and the waves rose hundreds of meters high.

And the yacht in the Black Sea, Lin Feng, under the palm of this hand, instantly turned into fly ash and disappeared.

Consciousness of nothingness.

Then regroup again.

"Huh...huh...huh...." Lin Feng trembled all over, sweat dripping down, panting, the whole person seemed to have had a nightmare, the memory was hard to trace, and only fear was in his heart.

It's been a long time.

His thinking gradually calmed down, and the scenes that happened earlier poured into his mind.

"I'm dead..." He was dazed for a while.

At this time, he found himself still standing on that small yacht. Surrounded by the vast expanse of black sea, at a glance, it is dead and vast, lonely and desperate.

"This is my dream..." Lin Feng opened his mouth, a bitterness in his mouth.