Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1425: road encounter

Although Ai Junyi habitually called Lin Feng his brother, but after all, Lin Feng had already acknowledged his identity earlier.

And Ai Junyi also understands the several magical powers that Lin Feng has mastered.

The secret technique that bursts combat power, the secret technique that is invincible, the secret technique that can forcibly reduce the strength of the enemy...  

These three kinds of explicit magic are no longer secrets, and people from all realms have heard of them.

Others, prophets, forbidden magic, etc., because they are not explicit, they directly attack the enemy, but no one knows about it at present.

Lin Feng hesitated for a while, but still shook his head: "I can't use it."

"Too big now?" Ai Junyi was suddenly disappointed, and the light in his eyes went out.

"Almost..." Lin Feng fooled.

Of course, it's not completely deceitful. Because, in addition to paying energy points, any magical technique of glass beads also needs to pay a corresponding price. Vitality, blood, soul power, etc.

The ancient ape in front of him was a semi-sage, Gao Linfeng in four realms.

Lin Feng was afraid, if he used the divine ban and took out most of the power of his soul at once, it would be bad, and he might fall into a long and long period of weakness.

"Follow me." Lin Feng ran forward.

He took out the dark little box. This treasure is even more terrifying than the holy artifact. Nothing can stop it. It is truly indestructible. Since I got it, I have never seen anything that can resist it without breaking it.

The only bad thing is that this thing devours vitality and spiritual power, and the two are directly swallowed by instilling it, without any response.

In other words, there is no way to carry out a long-range attack, you can only hold it and carry out a real physical attack, that is, swing it up and smash it down!

Ai Junyi and Yao Chen didn't know what he was going to do, so they could only keep up. But after seeing the quaint black box, his eyes lit up.

Because, they had seen Lin Feng use this thing to directly kill a half-holy black dragon. Although the black dragon itself was seriously injured and dying, it was still very remarkable.

The three of them ran all the way against the ground, occasionally flying at a low altitude, but not rushing into the sky.

Right now, the top is very chaotic, the world is like a furnace, explosive energy is surging everywhere, and the aftermath of many masters is quite terrifying, like a hurricane.

"En?" Suddenly, Lin Feng was surprised.

He turned his head to look, and saw someone behind him. As they got closer, it became clear that that person was Qi Yongheng.

He was the only one, and the guardians didn't know where they went, maybe they were scattered, maybe they died.

"He's here too?" Ai Junyi and Yao Chen were taken aback at the same time.

At this time, Qi Yongheng's condition was not very good, his hair was disheveled, his clothes were ragged, and his body was stained with dust. After all, his vitality was completely blocked.

Still, his expression was calm and composed.

"The three fellow Daoists, can we take a ride together?" Qi Yongheng said with a faint smile on his face.

"As long as you can keep up." Lin Feng didn't have too many opinions on this character, neither liked nor disliked it.

The rescue earlier, on the one hand, was forced, and on the other hand, he was upset by being played with.

In the current situation, it doesn't matter if Qi Yongheng is saved or not.

Even if this one dies, it has nothing to do with him.

Ai Junyi and Yao Chen's emotions were a little fluctuating. It seemed that the names of the top ten top talents touched them very much. However, in the current situation, they did not say much.

It's all about escaping!