Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1462: Li Yuechan

According to common sense, a simple conversation should be left alone.

Because, the area where you are now is undoubtedly a place without any laws and regulations. The evil in people's hearts will be magnified because of this, and things like murder and arson are not new at all here.

But it is surprising that the woman did not retreat directly, but asked: "I don't know how long have you been here?"

Reaching out his hand not to hit the smiling man, Qi Yongheng said perfunctorily, "It's only been a month or two since I first came here."

The woman asked a few more questions one after another. Seeing that Lin Feng and the others were always vigilant, they could only helplessly smile and make a gesture of begging.

The two sides brushed past this.

I just never thought that in just two days, they would meet again in a swamp. When they met again, although the two sides were still vigilant, they were not as tense as they were at the beginning.

"Fellow Daoist friends, we meet again..." The purple-clothed woman was graceful. Although she couldn't see her peerless style, she had a peaceful temperament.

She introduced herself, named Li Chan'er, from the realm of the beginning, from all the wonderful gates.

"All wonderful doors..." Qi Yongheng's eyes were deep.

Ai Junyi, Yao Chen, and the others also showed shock, but Lin Feng was the only one who didn't know the depth of the other party.

"The wonderful gates are extremely powerful and are one of the top ten holy places in the Absolute Beginning Realm. Moreover, although the top ten holy places have never been ranked, in fact, there is a faint atmosphere of the number one holy place!" Cai Shiya folded her hair, To Lin Feng secretly voice transmission.

"So powerful?" Lin Feng was startled and couldn't help but looked at the purple-clothed woman a few more times, but never thought that the other party also looked at him and Cai Shiya.

Lin Feng was more and more surprised, the other party was sharp, and even noticed that they were communicating through voice transmission.

You must know that Cai Shiya is a person from the Divine Origin Realm, specializing in the spirit and soul, and the Taichu realm is the same as the Taiyi realm, but only specializing in the technique. .

"I never thought that my sect would also have a bad fate, and it was a great honor for Yuechan to be found out by several fellow Taoists!"

This woman's voice is soft, like a mountain stream and clear spring, which is refreshing, which can make people quiet, and her posture is so low, which makes people feel good in their hearts.

However, Lin Feng quietly tightened his heartstrings.

The so-called courtesy to others, there must be something to ask for, he can't believe that the other party is so amiable to them for no reason, even if it is graceful, it should not be so.

"What is your purpose, fellow Daoist, why don't you put all your effort into it?" Qi Yongheng's hair fluttered and his tone was calm, but his eyes gradually became sharp, like a world-shattering sword.

He suddenly said such words, which greatly surprised Lin Feng and others.

On the opposite side, the stunningly hazy woman's figure froze slightly, but she regained her calm in an instant.

She bowed slightly, apologized to everyone, and said, "It's Yuechan's fault, you shouldn't resort to sublime means to apologize to all fellow Daoists."

"What do you mean?" Yao Chen frowned.

Ai Junyi, Fu Junxian, and Wang Lu all frowned, showing a chill. Could it be that the other party really did some tricks?

Their faces were a little blue, not only were they unhappy about what the other party had used, but they were even more angry that they and others didn't notice anything.

You must know that as practitioners of the Divine Origin Realm, they have always been arrogant about the sharp one, but now they have been slapped with an invisible big mouth in front of them.

Li Yuechan hurriedly explained that she had no malicious intentions, but left a breath earlier, which is why today's reunion has been achieved.

"Why are you doing this?" Lin Feng stood up and frowned.

He was very puzzled, the two sides only met once, and asked himself that there was no grudge.

Moreover, if there is really deep hatred, this is not the case when they meet at this moment, the other party should bring a large number of people to ambush them.