Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1463: go together

"Just want to wait with me, and use such a method?" Lin Feng was deeply surprised after hearing this.

He became more and more puzzled and asked, "Why do you want to wait with me?"

Li Yuechan didn't reply, a pair of crystal clear water eyes looked at Ai Junyi, of course, this was not an affectionate look at each other, and Ai Junyi changed his expression immediately.

The expressions of the others also changed.

Why look at Ai Junyi instead of the others? The answer is obvious.

The other party noticed the existence of the treasure hunter.

Ai Junyi sighed softly. He didn't expect that he was hiding and tucked. The first time they met, the other party directly saw through him. It was really... He was speechless for a while.


He opened his sleeves and let the Treasure Rat run out of his arms and jump onto his shoulders.

The furry treasure-hunting mouse is really cute, and Li Yuechan's eyes suddenly lit up with a smile.

She said: "To be honest, I am waiting for this trip because of a heavy treasure. If I can find it, Yuechan will definitely give it a generous gift!"

"Oh? What kind of treasure?" Lin Feng's mind moved.

And Ai Junyi and others also have their eyelids jumping. At the same time, almost everyone thinks of the possibility—

Star Flower, Star Iron!

Li Yuechan showed a tangled look on her face, hesitated for a moment, and sure enough, her red lips opened slightly, and the words Star Flower and Star Iron were uttered.

Ai Junyi supported his forehead: "How do you know that this place is Star Valley..."

"You know that too?" Li Yuechan's eyes widened, her eyelashes blinked, giving people a playful feeling.

Then, she laughed lightly, like a big pearl falling on a jade plate, and the laughter was extraordinarily crisp.

"I never thought about it, but it has the same purpose as a few fellow Daoists..."

Li Yuechan smiled and said generously: "It seems that we all learned something from the ancient books."

"That's right." Ai Junyi admitted that it would be meaningless to continue to hide it.


He frowned, showing embarrassment, and said: "Where are Xingchenhua and Xingchentie, we have been searching for a long time and can't find it. Besides, there are ancient beasts everywhere, not to mention looking for treasures, even It is difficult to guarantee the safety of one's own life!"

After he finished speaking, Li Yuechan didn't answer, looked at him with surprise, and then swept over the crowd.

"You..." Lin Feng frowned.

"Don't you know?" Li Yuechan said, "Since the life and death of Qi Yongheng, the son of Taiyi Realm, has not been known, and he has been living here, there has been an influx of troops from the outside world!"

"There is a message from the Holy One, we must thoroughly clean up this area, and all ancient beasts, whether captured or killed, will never be left behind!"

Li Yuechan's words were light and fluttering, like flowing clouds and soft water, without any weight, but it made everyone's scalp numb.

I just felt that a **** smell soaring to the sky was blowing in my face!

In a trance, I have seen that the bones form mountains, the blood flows into rivers, and all the ancient beasts are slaughtered!

Even if they didn't deal with the ancient beasts very much, at this moment, Lin Feng and others still changed their colors.

Because, it's a little too cruel!


"Really." Li Yuechan nodded, "Hundreds of near-sages have already entered this place..." She looked at Qi Yongheng and said softly, "It seems that fellow Daoists didn't tell the truth earlier, aren't you? I've been here for a month or two, but I've been here for a long time, and I don't even know the news from the outside world..."

Qi Yongheng stood like an iron tower, did not speak, was unmoved by the news, turned his head to look at Lin Feng. Lin Feng frowned and said nothing, but a worry rose in his heart.

The rapidity of the change in the situation was unexpected.

Not long ago, they were worried about the crisis of life and death, lest they would be besieged and hunted by a group of ancient beasts at any time, but they did not expect that in an instant, it was these ancient beasts who were worried about their life and death.

Although Lin Feng had some sympathy for these ancient beasts, he didn't care much. What he cares about is the Tianma family. As a rare beast, naturally, it will not be killed, but I am afraid that it will be taken away by force. It is difficult to tell what will happen.