Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 150: Emperor


A touch of shock flashed in the eyes of the two squad members who were rushing in the mountains and forests.

Especially there are two people who are already close to the three aliens.

The moment they faced each other, they saw a flash of anger in the eyes of the three of them, and it immediately turned into coldness and mockery.

"Not good!" The two Yanhuang warriors were shocked.

Before they had time to retreat, they saw each of the three hit them with one palm, directly printed on their chests. In a moment, the two of them spurted blood and flew upside down, smashing into the gravel in the mountains and forests, not knowing their life or death.

"It's from Xuanyu Clan!" Lin Feng's eyes narrowed.

It was not only him, Huang Hu and Luo He were like this, and they obviously recognized the other's palm technique when they were out of the palm, as well as the familiar energy fluctuations.

"These three people seem to be only slightly weaker than the one they encountered earlier, and they should be level six generals." Lin Feng speculated in his heart.

"Kill!" Luo He shouted loudly.

All five people were killed. Almost at the same time, beyond the short mountain, a dozen monsters of the warlord state rushed out, all in the early, middle and late stages, and each one was full of blood and fierce flames.

The roar of beasts shook the sky, flying sand and rocks, and smog filled the mountains. In a short time, fierce battle broke out in this mountain forest, and more than 30 warriors began to fight.

Lin Feng took the lead and ran wildly between the mountains and forests, leaving the mountains and trees behind him, and almost instantly came to a stranger in the mysterious Yumen.


The sword light was like a horse, the thunder was thick, and it spun away, with a "poof", almost instantly, blood suddenly appeared, and the alien was cut in the waist.


The other party screamed, a pair of eyes staring at Lin Feng through the mask, full of weirdness and fear.

He never thought that Lin Feng's strength could be so powerful that he could be killed instantly.

The electro-optical laser shot, a knife light pierced the center of his eyebrows, letting him die, and his corpse was lying in the mountains and forests.

Lin Feng didn't hesitate, and with a strong wind, he slammed to the next one, approaching Dacheng's shining knife technique, like a thunder god's knife, blazing thunder light permeated.

There was no accident. With the blessing of three times the burning energy, Lin Feng was almost able to cut the immortal at this moment, splitting his power in half with a single knife.

At this moment, the mountains and forests fell into a weird silence, and everyone was stunned by this scene.

It wasn't until the third person of Xuanyumen was equally slapped by Lin Feng that everyone returned to their senses.


"When did Lin Feng become so fierce?"

Don't say it was the monster side, and Yanhuang's two teams, Lin Feng's teammates, were all stunned by Lin Feng at this time.

Killing two level six generals in two seconds, this kind of combat power is a bit too sturdy and frightening.

"This aboriginal has something, let me deal with it!" A sapphire tiger with double wings stared at Lin Feng with big eyes, his eyes gleaming with interest.

He is extraordinary, with extraordinary blood, and his whole body is cast like the most precious cyan black jade. There is a striped road on the body, like the legendary innate Taoism.

In an instant he moved, his wings spread out, and a cyan wind blew towards Lin Feng, like some kind of magical secret technique, and the air was instantly torn apart.

Lin Feng spread out quickly, transformed into a human-shaped lightning, and quickly avoided. Almost the moment he left the place, a big explosion occurred there, and the cyan wind blew everything up, and the smoke aroused a height of tens of meters.

A layer of blue thunder appeared on Lin Feng's eyes, and he stared at the sapphire tiger.

Lin Feng perceives a dangerous aura, the opponent's strength is very good, and his realm is far more dangerous than that of purple than Meng.

Perhaps at the eighth level, or even the ninth level warlord state.

Lin Feng sighed in his heart that the elites of this group of alien monsters really emerged one after another, no matter where they were, they would always meet so many.

"Indigenous people, remember the one who killed you, my name is Emperor Xu!" said the jade-like tiger quietly.

Perhaps he knew that Lin Feng's strength was weaker than that of himself, so he appeared very detached, with a high posture, watching Lin Feng fleeing away from the explosion area indifferently, before he moved again.

The two cyan wings on his back shook, and disappeared in place with a scream.

This speed...

Lin Feng was secretly surprised, too fast, suspected of a certain kind of magical pace, with extraordinary speed.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth, he directly used God's Forbidden and Triple Burning Energy, otherwise he would be killed instantly by this monster.


Approaching Lin Feng ten meters away, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of Emperor Xuhu, and his speed slowed down visible to the naked eye.

In addition, he noticed that his strength was declining rapidly.

"Interesting! Is an indigenous person actually mastering a secret technique similar to the Divine Transformation Technique?" Di Xu's thoughts flashed in his mind, and he stared at Lin Feng with interest.

He was not in a panic.

Watching Lin Feng slash it, he stood calmly and motionless, only the wings on his back moved, standing in front of him like a shield, guarding himself.


A huge sound like a yellow bell and a big Lu sounded in the mountains and forests, and layers of waves were visible in the air, and some rocks and trees were shattered under the waves.

But Lin Feng found in disbelief that this big cyan tiger was unscathed, except that there were bloodstains one meter long on the wings that were carved as works of art.

But almost instantly, even the blood did not drip, and it disappeared and was restored.

"It turns out to be so powerful..." Lin Feng was shocked. He had never encountered a creature in the same realm that could eat with him almost unscathed.

Moreover, he also used three times the burning energy.

Lin Feng exploded. He knew that the power of this monster was beyond his imagination. Once the time of divine forbidden time passed, he might be killed instantly.

Di Xu was also very surprised, his eyes faintly, "A person who hasn't understood the will to cut me, it's incredible!"

"Human race, you are amazing, you are the only genius I have seen in this world!" Di Xu grinned and said, "I am the contemporary emperor of the **** tiger clan. You are qualified to be my servant and accompany me to fight the world in the future!"

Lin Feng was in a daze.

It's okay for a beast to vomit, but he still recruits himself as a servant? ? ?

"I don't like the look in your eyes very much." Di Xu frowned and said solemnly, then stretched his brows and smiled lightly: "But genius, there is always some privilege. I forgive you!"


"I can let you go and go back and think about it. My strength and background are unimaginable. You will reap unimaginable brilliance and glory by following me, and all your people will benefit from it." Di Xu slightly lifted his chin, Said very proudly.

Lin Feng was completely messed up, he felt that he had encountered a neurosis.

However, he did not give up this opportunity, took a deep look at the sapphire tiger that looked like a work of art, and quickly retreated.

Almost at the same time, the other monsters stopped working, only two monsters said unwillingly: "Can't let them go, they killed the people of Xuanyumen..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw two cyan black lights flashing away, and directly cut off their heads.

Di Xu sneered and constricted his wings, and said lightly: "You are teaching me how to do things? Xuanyumen? It's just ants, and I am worthy to explain!"