Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 151: Counterattack


"Stay away from here!"

In the mountains and forests, Lin Feng and others were escaping quickly, their footsteps flying fast. Although I don't know why the sapphire tiger is willing to let them go, Lin Feng and the others will never miss this opportunity.

At this moment, on the land of long and long ravines in the distance, a dense tide of monsters is surging here, like a torrent, wanting to sweep everything.

Lin Feng and others dare not stay.

With such a large number of monsters, even if they are warriors, once they fall into the encirclement, the final result will only be four, and there is no second way.

After fleeing for more than ten kilometers, everyone stopped breathing heavily.

Taking off the mask, everyone's face was covered with fine cold sweat, and many people's faces were still embarrassed and grateful for escaping from death.

A total of eleven people were present.

Five of them are Lin Feng's team. The other six people were divided into two teams. These two teams were originally five-person teams with a full number of people.

Only four people died under the fishing law enforcement of the Xuanyumen earlier.

These six people also took off their masks. Four men and two women were very young. They were in their twenties to thirty years old, and they were in the prime of mankind.

"Brother Luohe!"

At this time, a young man with a baby face looked at Luo He in surprise and called out.

Lin Feng was startled, and looked at each other with Huang Hu, Liu Feng, and Lu Weiwei. He didn't expect that someone in the opposing team would know them.

"Li Xi, it's you!"

Luo He looked at the baby-faced youth, his eyes flashed after a moment of thought.

Luo He turned his head and said to Lin Feng and others: "Li Xi, one of my former teammates used to follow me for a while."

Everyone came forward to see it one after another. As for the other team, although no one knew Lin Feng or Li Xi, everyone was from Yanhuang. After a brief conversation, they quickly got in touch.

"We also withdrew from the coast, saying that we wanted to support the northern capital. As a result..." Li Xi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

They are not from 104 theater, but 105 theater. However, the goal is the same as Lin Feng and the others. They both evacuated from the war zone and were ordered to rush back to the northern capital.

Li Xi didn't finish what he said, but everyone knows that the current situation is that Beidu can't get in at all.

"Next, what are you going to do?" Lin Feng asked.

After he finished speaking, the six men and women looked at him. Lin Feng's performance in the mountains and forests was very strong earlier, so no one dared to despise him because of his tender face and age.

"I don't know, what we originally planned was to kill the monsters here while waiting for the return of the large forces. Now..." Li Xi shook his head.

Now they have a fishing law enforcement from the monster's side. Some shadows have already risen in my heart. Because it's hard to say whether the monster's side will do the same again.

I have to say that the monster's side is very bad.

After this change, if Lin Feng and the others see other squads besieged by monsters, they would not know whether they should go to the rescue.

Don't rescue it, what if it is really Yanhuang's other elite team? Do you want to sit back and watch the other person die?

And if the rescuer happened to be disguised by a foreigner, wouldn't it be a self-inflicted trap?

"Our plan is the same as yours." Lin Feng and the others looked at each other and said helplessly. Now that the northern capital can't get in, and they don't have support and logistics, they are all a bit confused and don't know what to do.

However, what Lin Feng and the others did not expect was. Two days later, on a rainy night, they were resting in the mountains and forests, but suddenly they heard the roar of the mountains and the tsunami.

The sound was so loud that it shook the entire world, and even the mountains where Lin Feng and the others were trembling.

"what happened?"

"I heard countless screams!"

"And the roar of artillery fire!"

Lin Feng and the others were shocked, and everyone's expressions and eyes were serious.

"Something big happened!"

Li Xi, who was watching the night, came out from the night and came to the crowd with a look of excitement.

"What's the matter?" Luo He asked.

"Come with me and you'll know!" Li Xi said excitedly, and ran towards the mountain first. Lin Feng and the others looked at each other, and they all followed.

After a few breaths, they came to the top of the mountain.

Looking into the distance and seeing the scene in the eye, everyone was breathing stagnant, as if the nose and mouth were covered by a cloth, the heart was pounding, and the mind was a little dizzy.

I saw that a dozen kilometers away, in the rainy darkness, the fires burst, like thunder, turning the dark world into white.

That's artillery fire!

And it's a scene where hundreds or even thousands of cannons fired.

The picture was too shocking, like endless meteors crossing the sky and falling to the ground, and every falling of this ‘meteor’, it brought death, like the fire of death in the legend!

"Very good!"

Eleven of Lin Feng and the others faced each other, and everyone's eyes were shining with fire, and they were also shining with excitement and joy.

"The team in Beidu launched a counterattack, it was clearing monsters on a large scale!" Liu Feng's voice trembled with excitement. Most of the others are like this too, very excited and joyful.

"We can take the opportunity to rendezvous with the large force!" Luo He smiled.

Of course, you have to wait, not just go now. Because if you approach the northern capital rashly now, you are committing suicide. The missile has no eyes, and it doesn't recognize you as an enemy or a friend.

"I just said it was wrong, how could we humans have no means of counterattack and let millions of monsters besieged the city! It turned out to be waiting, waiting for the monsters to get together, one at a time!" Liu Feng began to laugh afterwards. .

At this moment, everyone's heart is particularly excited.

However, they endured, waited patiently, and stood on the top of the mountain, staring into the distance like watching the most beautiful fireworks in their lives. Everyone's blood is rising. Because the scene before him was too shocking, hundreds of missiles were fired every second, bombarding the earth, bringing light and death.

The blood is blooming, and I don't know how many monsters have died tragically, with no bones left.

This scene is beautiful and cruel.

Maybe after this night, there will be millions of monster corpses under the northern capital. Maybe many monsters in the alien world will be lost in contemplation whether they really want to continue to fight Yanhuang.

Because Yanhuang is not as weak as they expected.

Yanhuang fired back with artillery fire, as if telling all the forces that Yanhuang is still very strong today, even if it is not an opponent of the otherworldly power, but it is enough to cause them trauma.

"Unless the **** of war is here, no one can survive such shelling." Luo He said.

Even if he is now about to reach the eighth level, he can only resist a few missiles at most. If he is covered by more than a dozen missiles at the same time, then it is him.

The crowd nodded, not thinking that Luo He was lying.

This kind of shelling is too terrifying and extremely dense, even in the God of War Realm, it is impossible to make such an attack. If you contend head-on, then there will be no warrior realm enough to kill.