Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1562: Excited

Ji Yongwen and Huo Xingchen are the top geniuses in the Taiyi world. They are known as the top ten talents, and they can almost be called world-class figures. There are countless legends about them.

Now, they actually came to the Star Valley, which is really rare.

The crowd was crowded, and countless people were inquiring about where they were, and they wanted to go to see them.

There are too many legends about the two, and it is a myth of invincibility.

"Jiang Bufei is here, asking to see the Son of God!"

"Tu Liming is here, I ask to see the Son of God!"

"Wu Shenkai is here, asking to see the Son of God!"


There are thousands of people, including not only young, strong and heroic youths, but also young men with sword-brows and star-eyed eyes, and some old people with gray hair and almost all teeth.

Naturally, there is no shortage of women.

Beautiful and touching peerless beauty, with splendid eyes flashing, two peerless people, in the future, they will also stand at the end of humanity, who can not be moved, who can not be emotional?

Thousands of calls were made, and the human feelings were boiling, making the world tremble.

"Are these two people so popular?" Dong Mengqi couldn't help sighing when she saw this scene from a distance.

"When those people saw Lao Qi earlier, they didn't seem so excited, did they?" Dong Mengqi was a little puzzled and complained about Qi Yongheng.

"The same generation of geniuses, there is also a gap between them." Ai Junyi shook his head with a wry smile.

Although there are no major forces to make a clear arrangement, Qi Yongheng and Zhang Daozhi belong to the middle and late existences among the top ten talents.

Ji Yongwen and Huo Xingchen are different, they are one of the best!

Li Yuechan's aura was ethereal, like a mysterious girl descended from the Nine Heavens, with peerless elegance, immortal muscles and jade bones, she quietly stared into the distance, there was no emotion in her pupils like autumn water, and no one knew what she was thinking.

Xuan Tianyue said in a low voice, "I see, my goddess will not be weaker than them..."

In the distance, it was very noisy and lively. The world seemed to be boiling. Lin Feng on the mountain was disturbed and broke free from his practice. He noticed that so many people suddenly came from below. .

Under everyone's attention, two stalwart men finally walked out of a crystal and sacred jade boat.

Ji Yongwen and Huo Xingchen, one in white as snow and one in green as mountains, are both elegant and unparalleled, with extraordinary bearing, they don't look like cultivators, but more like exiled immortals.

Lin Feng watched silently. He knew a little about the legend of these two people. He never thought that they came here.

Ji Yongwen and Huo Xingchen came out together, and the atmosphere became more and more frenzied in an instant, almost reaching the peak. People cheered, and some fanatics even fell to the ground and bowed to them.

Ji Yongwen, Huo Xingchen's whole body surging with divine light, like the son of a god. The two stood on the jade boat with their hands behind their backs, leaning against the railing, their clothes fluttering, their hair flying, sacred and gentle, and at the same time, there was a surging terrifying energy in their bodies, which made people feel palpitations.

"Fellow Daoists..." The two said, their voices were very gentle, not too loud, but clearly echoed in everyone's ears.

They said hello to the people around them, soothed the emotions of the people, and signaled that they didn't need to be so excited, and they didn't need to pay homage.

However, people didn't listen to them. After hearing such words, some people became even more excited, screamed and turned into the most fanatical believers, and some people even fainted because of the excitement.