Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1572: hunt down

"Where is Lin Feng?"

The half-sage who was sitting at the head spoke, his eyes swept to the group of people who were kowtowing on the ground, indicating that it was impossible to listen to only one side of the word.

Zhong Qing said: "He is now hiding on the mountain and refuses to come down."

"Go and call him down."

An old man said, "Remember, please come down, don't deliberately provoke, if you have a conflict, I will definitely punish you! You tell him what is right and what is wrong, explain it in front of us, and we will uphold justice for him of!"

This person is an elder of Wan Shizong. He is very old, with gray hair and a face full of vicissitudes, but he is very strong, and his energy has not declined seriously.

At the same time, he has always been upright and righteous.


Immediately, a few people agreed and got out of the crowd.

But after a while, they came back and said helplessly: "I can't see where Lin Feng is. We called him, but there was no response..."

On the sacred mountain, the power of the stars is like a waterfall, covering it, mottled everywhere, and the divine power is surging, blocking all prying eyes, making it ugly and too long-term.

"Then let's wait for dawn..." The half-sages pondered.

The next day, as soon as the sky was bright, someone left, and they took the initiative to ask Ying, and ran to the mountain to look for Lin Feng.

But in the end they failed.

Dozens of people searched around and found no trace of Lin Feng. The mountain is empty, only covered with star stones, and some sparse vegetation, not tall, somewhat desolate and cold.

Some people didn't believe in evil, thinking that Lin Feng might be hiding somewhere, but they didn't find it, but after another half day, they still couldn't find it. Moreover, many people are calling, but there is no response.

"He didn't run away, did he?"

"If you don't run early or late, why choose now?"

"It's not easy. With so many people here yesterday, can Lin Feng not feel guilty and be afraid?"

When the news came out, everyone was hot.

Xue Shihang and some other practitioners who had a deep malice towards Lin Feng looked at the situation in front of them without too much expression on their faces, but their hearts were undoubtedly happy.

Many half-sages frowned.

Xue Shihang signaled that someone suddenly jumped out at the opportunity, mercilessly, and criticized Lin Feng for a while, believing that he was absconding in fear of crime.

In the end, several demigods gave orders.

"Lin Feng, absconded in fear of crime, should be pursued!"

"Once people from all circles find him, they can arrest him. If they resist, they will be killed on the spot!"

Once such an order was issued, it immediately boiled, because it was completely clear that there was a cut between Lin Feng and the realms.

From now on, no matter who shoots Lin Feng, there will be full legitimacy and justice.

Some people regret that Lin Feng has a promising future and should have been brilliant, at least he can reach the end of humanity and become a rising star.

However, it is a pity that he is now being targeted by all worlds, no matter what kind of talent he has, it is useless.

Some people were laughing loudly, and their eyes were flickering with throbbing flames. They were very happy and felt that Lin Feng deserved it.

However, some relatively calm people frowned and were very thoughtful.

For example, some semi-sages feel that it is inappropriate to be completely hostile to Lin Feng. Because is it also hostile to the Yanhuang lineage and the Shentu lineage?

Under such circumstances, the clouds moved in all directions, and the practitioners at the foot of the mountain began to move around one after another.

In fact, someone has done this a long time ago, searching around for something more favorable.

It's just a relatively small number.

But this time, it was a large-scale operation, with a team of four or five thousand people walking out.