Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1638: Is it an oolong

"You!" Zhan Gongwen pointed.

Still here... Zhen Shanshan sighed in his heart, there were not many people around him anymore. What will happen next, he is very clear in his heart, once everyone leaves, Lin Feng still does not show up, the semi-sage in front of him is likely to urge the holy weapon to directly attack the entire restaurant and turn it into powder.

But what can be done?

Zhen Shanshan took a step forward, but he was not walking fast, and he was thinking and struggling in his heart, whether he should turn back now, rush back to the room, and see if he could take Lin Feng away.

With his eyes like a sword drawn out of the scabbard, he locked onto him, and Zhan Gongwen's eyes were extremely sharp.

Zhen Shanshan sighed in his heart, he gave up.

"Brother Lin Feng, it's not that I'm weak, it's really..." Zhen Shanshan knew that if he turned around and returned at this time, it would probably irritate the group of people in front of him.

Zhan Gongwen may have misunderstood him, regarded him as Lin Feng, and launched an attack directly.

In the end, Zhen Shanshan walked into the crowd, and Zhan Gongwen only took back his gaze after confirming it again and again, stopped looking at him, and focused his gaze on the remaining few people.

"Hold on, I hope to be able to drag it until dawn..." Zhen Shanshan mixed in the crowd and looked up at the sky. It was not long before dawn, at most two hours.

But two hours...

Zhen Shanshan wailed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Outside the restaurant, near this low mountain, the air seemed to freeze, and everyone held their breath. Those cultivators who were ready to go, all clenched the Taoist tools in their hands. Some people were too nervous, and sweat oozes from their foreheads and palms.

In the restaurant, there were only six or seven people left, all with pale faces.

They were drenched like they were being pulled out of a well. At this time, there are only a few of them left, and Lin Feng is likely to be among them.





Zhan Gongwen pointed one by one, and in a blink of an eye, the last person was left.

It was an ordinary-looking young man, with an ordinary temperament and a strong aura of life. He was just a first-timer, and he couldn't find it even if he was thrown into the crowd.

"Your Excellency..." The young man shivered and his face was extremely pale.

He was really about to cry.

In particular, everyone in the quartet was full of murderous intentions, as if he was going to strike him with a thunderous blow if he had the slightest change, and he was so frightened that he didn't even dare to breathe.

Zhan Gongwen didn't speak, his face was suspicious.

Because the person shown on the compass is not the ordinary young man in front of him.

"What's wrong with the compass?" Zhan Gongwen was also a little confused.

At this moment, dozens of people in the restaurant came out one by one, and the hour hand on the compass never completely pointed to a certain person, which made Zhan Gongwen very big.

In the end, the young man also came out.

The compass is still exuding a blue halo, but there is no more change, indicating that this person is not Lin Feng.

Around, a little dazed.

People looked at each other, what's going on, Lin Feng, didn't he say he was here?

Everyone looked at the compass in Zhan Gongwen's hand.

This is a magic weapon refined by outside saints. It is said that it has Lin Feng's breath inscribed in it. Unless he has become the most holy, he can hide himself with the help of heaven and earth. Otherwise, there will be nothing to hide, and it is absolutely impossible to avoid and escape!

It's just that theory belongs to theory, reality is reality, and the current situation is in everyone's eyes!

On the low old mountains, there are crowds of people, and people from all circles cast their eyes here, paying attention to the changes in the situation. At this moment, many people show strange expressions, and the magic tools refined by the saints have failed. got a mistake?

If this gets out, it's really...