Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1641: Fleshly sturdy


Stopping at the position of Zhan Gongwen's hundred paces, Lai Weifeng kept the boy in his hand on the ground, and then surrendered his life.

It's not that he didn't want to move on, but Zhan Gongwen stopped him for fear of cheating.

"This is Lin Feng?" Zhan Gongwen was also suspicious.

"This... subordinates are not sure..." Lai Weifeng hesitated.

"You wake him up!" Zhan Gongwen ordered.


Lai Weifeng answered the order, and without hesitation, he stretched out a hand, performed magic, and pointed at Lin Feng's body, but it was useless.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and pointed to Lin Feng's eyebrows.

In an instant, his face changed, unbelievable, extremely dazed.

"What?" Zhan Gongwen noticed something different.

"There is no divine soul..." Lai Weifeng said in disbelief, "The spiritual platform is empty, and the divine soul has disappeared, like... silenced!"

"What?" Zhan Gongwen was startled.

And all around, there was an uproar, and there was a lot of discussion.

Zhan Gongwen couldn't care about anything else at this time, he hurriedly strode over, and pointed his finger at Lin Feng's eyebrows. After a while, he came to a corresponding conclusion.

"Lin Feng is dead?"

Zhan Gongwen withdrew his hands and stood there in a daze.

Without the soul, the spiritual platform is empty, and there is only one result, and that is death.

All around, there was an incomparable uproar and boiling, no one had ever imagined such a result, it was too unexpected and unexpected.

They are already prepared for anything.

Whether it is an oolong or a **** battle, it is acceptable.

But in the end, it was like this. The young man suspected of Lin Feng's spirit disappeared and died, leaving only a body.

"Is he really Lin Feng?"

"If it's really Lin Feng, how could it be like this?

"The team searching for Lin Feng will appear once every three or five days. That is to say, if he is really Lin Feng, it will only take a few days for him to come to the Saint Duan Mountains. How could he suddenly die?"

No one can be calm.

Qi Yun also flashed over and stopped blocking the north face. The two half-sages stood facing each other, looking at each other for a while, and they were speechless.

"This is the end of the matter, first determine the identity of this person, whether it is Lin Feng, and then talk about other things!" Qi Yun said.

If it is said that there was a huge oolong in the end, it is really...

So embarrassing!

Zhan Gongwen nodded, then raised his hand, and attracted more than a dozen practitioners from the crowd. These people had met Lin Feng before and were familiar with Lin Feng's breath.

"Verify the real body!" Zhan Gongwen said.

More than a dozen cultivators looked at each other in dismay. They had all planned to go shopping with Lin Feng, but this was the result when it happened.

"It's your lord!"

After a while, they calmed down and handed over.

More than a dozen cultivators immediately started, and the divine blossoms filled the palms and fingers, dazzling and dazzling, hitting all over Lin Feng's body.

Generally speaking, even if the spirit of a powerful practitioner is dead, the body will still maintain a certain vitality and natural response.


The palms and fingers of more than a dozen people fell. Although they did not try their best, they also made a ruthless hand. If they were ordinary people, they would not be able to hold it, and they would be maimed in an instant.

However, after falling on Lin Feng's body, it made them change color.

It was so hard that it didn't look like it fell on a human body at all, but on a supreme Taoist weapon made of divine gold. The coldness and hardness made their hands hurt for a while.

"Forget it, let me do it. You guys pay attention to capturing the breath that his body reveals when he passively counterattacks." Zhan Gongwen sighed.

Between the palms and fingers, the dazzling golden artifact converged. Zhan Gongwen put away the sacred artifact and flicked it with a flick of his finger. A golden rainbow pierced through the void and hit Lin Feng's chest.