Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1642: who is it

With a sound of "clang", the golden light disappeared, and there was little in Lin Feng's chest, and a dazzling spark of light shot out, and a golden collision sound erupted.

"This..." Zhan Gongwen clicked his tongue.

Others were even more stunned.

This is a half-sage, even if he didn't use his true power, but a random 10% or 20% of the strength is enough for an ordinary person to drink a pot, but when he hit the corpse of the young man, he couldn't even break the defense.

"Even if he's not Lin Feng, he might be an unparalleled genius, or some unknown giant!" People whispered.

"Although Lin Feng's strength is strong, it's not like that, right?" Some people showed strange expressions.

They felt that it was probably not Lin Feng, the compass was wrong. Because although Lin Feng once fought with the half-sage, it was with the help of a secret technique.

Zhan Gongwen's eyes were solemn, and then he shot again.

In the golden light, Zhan Gongwen stretched out a big hand and patted it like Lin Feng's arm, with a solid sense of strength. The reason why he didn't continue to punch his chest was because he was moved.

This corpse is too hard, and it can be said to be of great value. If it is used to make a puppet, or a Taoist weapon, it is very suitable.

And if it is broken, there will undoubtedly be a great loss.


The big golden handprint went up, making a deafening muffled sound, and the rocks under Lin Feng were cracked in an instant, and his figure was embedded in it.

However, still no response.

"This... is too hard, even divine iron is nothing more than that!" Zhan Gongwen was extremely shocked. The flesh of a saint is nothing but this, right?

He became more serious.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang"......

Zhan Gongwen continued to shoot, his left hand was filled with golden light, like a golden mountain pressing down, his divine power was overwhelming, and he slapped again and again, deepening his strength little by little.

Finally, at a certain moment, the body of the silent young man reacted instinctively, his left arm suddenly raised, his five fingers clenched into fists, and he slammed.

"Boom", the void collapsed, the wind was blowing, and some people's hair stood upside down, their clothes were hunting, their hair was upside down, and their whole bodies were numb.

Zhan Gongwen, who was the first to bear the brunt, changed his face slightly, raised his arm and sealed it in front of the door.

"Boom!" For a moment, it was as if he was hit by a magic mountain, and the huge pain made Zhan Gongwen's face shiver.

Under the tremendous force, he couldn't control it, and he took a few steps backwards, each step on the mountain under his feet, leaving a few inches of deep and clear footprints.

All the people who witnessed this scene were going crazy.

Everyone's scalp was about to explode, and a chill that pierced through the heart rushed directly from the bottom of the foot to the top of the head.

"Who is this?"

"It's just a corpse. It's unimaginable that a Venerable like Zhan Gongwen who passively counterattacks is so powerful..."

"He's Lin Feng!" Almost at the same time, the dozen or so practitioners who stayed by the side changed their colors and shouted in unison.

More than a dozen people's faces changed uncertainly.

Earlier, when the corpse was lying quietly, they felt a little familiar, much like Lin Feng. At this moment, the moment the breath leaked, they became more and more certain that they would not go wrong. The corpse of this handsome young man was undoubtedly Lin Feng himself!

But how could he die?

Moreover, he hadn't seen him in just over a year, why did he become so powerful again? With his soul dead, he could shake a half-sage just by virtue of his physical body. If he was in full bloom...

People are terrified!