Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1643: in the coffin of god

"Really Lin Feng?"

On the low mountain, among the mountains, and on the quaint buildings, the onlookers were completely in an uproar. The truth was revealed, and the compass was not wrong. Under the guidance of Bansheng, he really found Lin Feng.

"It's really Lin Feng!"

The dozen or so practitioners, men and women, young and old, were all extremely confident, swearing that they would never perceive mistakes.

People are boiling, like a volcano erupting, like an ocean flooding. In this darkest hour when dawn is approaching, everyone's heart can't be calm. In the cold night, it was difficult to extinguish their gradually boiling hearts and blood.

"How did he become so powerful?"

"It's good, why did he suddenly die suddenly, and his soul died?"

"For more than a year, I haven't been able to find him. Why did he suddenly appear in this area recently?"

Too many questions are fermenting in people's hearts, but no one can answer their questions and doubts.

In the end, countless pairs of fiery eyes were cast over. As far as the moment is concerned, Lin Feng has truly died, his soul is dead, and it is impossible for him to be alive. Then, no matter how powerful he was during his lifetime, it would no longer be meaningful. On the contrary, the stronger he was, the more valuable the corpse was.

"This is a treasure!"

If anyone can get it, cast it into a puppet, etc., the benefits will be great.

Besides, this is the cheapest way to do it. In fact, more people are suspicious and concerned about Lin Feng's secret. All the way, he has only practiced for thirty years, but he has reached such a state, which is unbelievably powerful.

Countless people have doubts in their hearts, that is how he did it.

Now, many people feel that after getting his corpse, they may be able to gain insight from it, and even if they can only gain one or two insights in the end, it may be a huge benefit.

Zhan Gongwen and Qi Yun showed smiles on their faces.

But immediately, the smiles of the two of them subsided, Zhan Gongwen beckoned, and suddenly more than a dozen practitioners stepped forward.

"You go to refine a divine coffin and keep Lin Feng's corpse intact. Remember, there must be no damage..."

Zhan Gongwen informed that Lin Feng had died, and his body had to be transported out and handed over to the saints outside.

"It's Venerable!" A dozen cultivators agreed loudly, and they were all powerful craftsmen.

"Sir..." The dozen or so practitioners who identified Lin Feng, and some nearby people who hated Lin Feng, opened their mouths.

"Well?" Zhan Gongwen raised his brows.

Seeing his sharp eyes, these people finally closed their mouths with unwillingness on their faces. They really want to destroy Lin Feng's corpse to vent their anger!

But they also knew in their hearts that it was impossible.

"Forget it, this Lin Feng is already dead, no matter how much resentment I have in our hearts, it is meaningless. Moreover, his fate may not be good. It will fall into the hands of those saints and will be studied at a deeper level!"

These people comfort themselves.

In the crowd, Zhen Shanshan secretly wiped off his sweat.

Fortunately, the semi-sages did not lose their minds. If people vent their anger and tear Lin Feng's body into eight pieces, then everything will be over. When the soul returns from the long river of history, where will it end?

Will become a wandering ghost!

More than a dozen master craftsmen stepped forward, and they had magic tools like coffins in their hands. They didn't need to re-refine them.

After a while, they chose a crystal coffin, crystal clear and ice blue.