Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1663: tit for tat

"Why do you need to be aggressive, fellow Daoists, I just want to see Lin Feng. Just a friend, I'm looking forward to Haihan!" Jin Xuan said lightly.

His hair was golden, each strand seemed to be burning with golden holy flames, and his whole body was covered with golden glow.

In the darkness, he is like a golden sun that will rise.

On the side of all realms, many people shrank their pupils, secretly saying: "What a strong momentum, what a strong blood!"

He is clearly a strong man in the near-sacred realm, but his blood and power are not weaker than some semi-sacred ones.

At this moment, on the scorched and desolate ground, nearly two hundred people were confronting each other. Neither side made a rash move.

Because no one is weak.

Although in terms of strength on paper, the realms have the absolute upper hand. However, in the world of practitioners, in many cases, everything cannot be determined by quantity. When it really hits, anything is possible.

"I can understand how you want to see Lin Feng's corpse." A female half-sage said. The blue mist surged, wrapping her body, and only the voice came out.

Her tone was gentle but firm, and she said, "However, Lin Feng's corpse cannot have any accident. You can see it if you want, just go to the outside world with us!"

"Yes, in front of the saint, open the coffin for autopsy, you can watch as long as you want!" A half-sage carrying an iron sword sneered.

He glanced around with ferocity and malice, like a big bad wolf watching a little white rabbit. Very red fruit, he regarded Di Xu and others as prey, and he didn't hide it at all, as if he was already sure.

Around Di Xu, many people showed disgust in their eyes.

"Goddess, do you also want to participate in such a thing?" Zhan Gongwen looked at Li Yuechan, he couldn't be afraid of this goddess of the wonderful door.

Zhan Gongwen sympathized with heaven and man, and advised Li Yuechan not to mess around with them, otherwise, he would make a big mistake.

"Lin Feng is my friend." Li Yuechan only responded with one sentence.

"Alas..." Zhan Gongwen sighed.

He behaved quite hypocritically. People who didn't know it here would really think that he was very kind and really thought about Li Yuechan!

In fact, their group was very strong. No matter what, they never agreed to open the coffin and did not allow Di Xu and others to see Lin Feng's corpse.

"Old man, have you made up your mind that you won't look back if you don't hit the south wall?!" Di Xu shouted.

"Young man, I advise you to be polite and show some affection in your mouth!" Zhan Gong Wen Sen said, hearing the old man's name again, he could no longer suppress the anger and murder in his heart.

Quartet, shadowy.

On the blackened ground, in the black mist, and high in the sky, figures appeared one after another, and this area was completely blocked.

"It's useless to talk too much, let's see the real chapter under our hands!"

Emperor Xu roared, his hair flying wildly, and the dazzling blue-gold light shot out from his body, like a flaming blue sun.

At the same time, behind him, a fierce tiger with wings and a body like sapphire with mysterious inscriptions appeared and let out a roar.

The roar was silent.

However, it resounded in everyone's heart. Some people with weaker spirits and less powerful mental powers instantly became dazzled and dazzled.

There is no doubt that this is a divine soul attack, and it is quite terrifying, far exceeding the means of ordinary people!