Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 1664: Crystal coffin exploded


The emperor's hair was flying wildly, like a **** of killing, and the surging murderous intent washed away the dark clouds in the sky. He strode forward, his burly body was full of wild power, and when he stepped down, the ground trembled violently.

Many people's faces changed.

"How can it be so powerful?" It was clearly just a cultivator in the early stage of the Invincible Realm, but the huge aura that appeared, made many cultivators in the later stage of the Invulnerability Realm all overwhelmed.


Di Xu raised his hand and fought forward, the void shook, and a blue-black tiger appeared, extremely huge, filling half of the sky.

This is the shadow of the Nether God Tiger!

After arriving at the Realm of Invulnerability, Emperor Xu can finally use such a method, using the breath of his ancestors left in the bloodline ruins to play it out through magical powers.

This is a very terrifying move. With the help of racial advantages, you can use the ability to completely surpass yourself, and you can go retrograde!

In the face of a demigod, Emperor Xu made a bold attack, extremely crazy, extremely bold, beyond everyone's expectations.

Someone said it was someone else, and even Zhan Gongwen was dumbfounded.

It wasn't until the fierce tiger pounced on his head that he regained his senses, trembling with anger, "Fine!"

Zhan Gongwen's eyes showed a crazy murderous intent. What did he even dare to do to him when he was only in the early stage of the Invulnerability Realm? !


Zhan Gongwen stretched out a big hand and patted it forward. It didn't have too much splendor and gorgeousness. It was quite simple, but when it fell, it cracked the divine tiger in an instant.

After all, it is a semi-sage, and the realms of the two sides are far from each other, and it is impossible to densely spread through magical powers.

"Let him leave it to me!" Jin Xuan rushed over.

The speed was too fast, and a brilliant golden light streaked across the air. The man had disappeared and appeared directly in front of Zhan Gongwen.

Zhan Gongwen was shocked even if it was a semi-sage.

In the face of Jin Xuan, he didn't dare to have any plans to hide it, even though the other party was as weak as him, and he was a little worse than him. But the difference is not that big anymore.

The moment Di Xu started, it was as if a certain signal was turned on.

At the same time, neither side continued to endure, and they all shot. In an instant, the world was boiling, like fireworks exploded, and Taoist tools, magic techniques, and magical powers were all shot out.


The roar was earth-shattering, like waves hitting the Nine Heavens, and nearly two hundred powerful creatures started fighting in this area.

In just an instant, someone died, and blood spurted out, adding a touch of blood to the deep night.

At this time, a huge explosion suddenly sounded, as if the world had opened up, shocking everyone's ears and eyes and dizzying their heads.

"This is......"

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously, and saw a dazzling blue beam of light rising into the sky, like a jade column connecting the sky and the earth, it was really dazzling.

However, when he saw clearly where the blue beam of light appeared, Zhan Gongwen and the other hundreds of people instantly boiled.

"Why did the crystal coffin explode?"

"What's the situation, no one attacked it!"

The clamor sounded uncontrollably, no one could be rational, all of them changed color, and the crystal coffin with multiple seals exploded inexplicably at this moment, completely beyond imagination and expectations.

Before this, no one thought that such a thing would happen at all!

No one noticed that in the splendid blue light that illuminated the whole world, a figure that was also filled with blue light crossed the sky like a ghost, without making any sound, and disappeared.