Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 206: Run away

How to enter the God of War realm through an unconventional route has always been a topic of local research in Yanhuang.

It's just that today, after so many years, the Yanhuang party still has not succeeded in finding a route.

Including the earlier plan to create gods, all failed.

Cultivation is not a simple thing. In a sense, it is a brand-new science, and what is even more bizarre is that each person and each practice is more or less different.

So it is sometimes as strict as mathematics, and sometimes very weird and unreasonable.

There is no doubt that it takes a lot of time to go far in practice.

In the past eighteen years, not only Yanhuang, but also other countries in the world have also used computer operations to develop a few exercises.

However, the results were very disappointing.

Because in the end only three exercises were reluctantly developed, and these three exercises are still the lowest-level exercises.

In a sense, this result is also exciting.

Because this means that as long as there is enough time, the Blue Star party may also be able to create local advanced techniques.

But the problem is that there is no time.

To this day, although Yanhuang has not found a successful route to make the warlord realm enter the God of War through a shortcut, Lin Feng has always believed that there must be such a way in the Taiyi realm.

The other party has gone too far on this path of cultivating.

But in the same way, Lin Feng believed that everything has a price. Being upright and opportunistic, the result will never be exactly the same.

It's like now.

Lin Feng didn't know what method the Yu Pingchang and three had used to enter the God of War Realm, but judging from their combat effectiveness, they definitely took a shortcut.

They are too weak, so they are slightly stronger than Mu Guangyuan.

Even if Mu Guangyuan is a descendant of the aristocratic family, he is only a ninth-level general and not a **** of war.


"That's it, I said why you are so weak!"

Listening to Lin Feng's extraordinarily teasing remarks, Yu Pingchang and Cui Bin's expressions became more and more grim.

The momentum of the two men declined a bit.

There was faint resentment, of course, these emotions were not directed at Lin Feng, but at their teacher.

There was a cloud of uncertainty on their faces, and there was no immediate action. Lin Feng was not in a hurry, after all, he hadn't entered the God of War realm, and he had just killed Qu Wenkai forcefully, which took a lot of energy.

Just take advantage of this opportunity to recover.

"You still don't kill him?!" In the distance, someone shouted, his voice full of grief and hatred.

It is Qu Chengfeng.

Earlier, when he saw his son being chopped in the thunder and turned into a scorched corpse, he was unbelievable at first, and then there was a deep sorrow and resentment.

at this time.

Qu Chengfeng's situation is a bit bad, or Yu Yongshi and Cui Kun are in a bad situation.

In order to target Luo Tiannan, Lin Feng and others, they naturally ambush a large number of manpower, and did not completely press the injection on the three war gods of Yu Pingchang.

However, these methods are completely useless.

Especially when Lin Feng forcefully beheaded Qu Wenkai, it seemed that some kind of signal was turned on, and many of his men fled.


There are only nearly a hundred diehards who are still fighting with Luo Tiannan and others around them, but these people can't stop Luo Tiannan and the others, after all, the latter are all 9th-level generals.

These diehard elites cultivated by the Xinghan, Shengshi, and Changfeng Groups may be able to make waves in the outside world, but in the hands of more than 30 warriors such as Luo Tiannan, they are almost like cutting grass, and they can easily kill a large area. .

Qu Chengfeng's cry not only awakened Yu Pingchang and Cui Bin, but also awakened Yu Yongshi and Cui Kun.

But their reaction was completely different from Qu Chengfeng.

"Pyeongchang, go quickly, leave me alone, as long as you are still alive, there is hope, and you will avenge your father in the future!" Yu Yongshi roared.

Cui Kun also said similar words, hoping that Cui Bin could escape quickly and leave here.