Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 213: hope

"Xiaofeng, you are all successful... No, you are able to kill the God of War, and we have to leave Zhongdu?" After a while of silence, the aunt couldn't help but said.

The family members also nodded subconsciously and cast doubtful glances.

"On the side of aliens and monsters, it is expected that the number of Gods of War will not be less than three digits." Lin Feng said softly.

However, even though his words are plain, they can fall in everyone's ears, but it is tantamount to a thunderbolt.

In an instant, all but his mother Li Susu's face was pale.


The aunt even covered her chest subconsciously, her lips were not bloody.

And even fighters like Jiang Yu and Liu Fei who have experienced a lot of fights, their faces are still green at this time.

The car fell into dead silence again.

The atmosphere became more and more depressing.

At this time, the car had been withdrawn from Zhongdu City, Lin Feng looked through the car window, faintly watching the three towering city walls in front of him.

To be honest, Lin Feng, who was born in this era, is accustomed to the city wall.

However, he had talked with the principal Wang Lei and those of the older generation. He knew that in the past society, the word city wall only existed in history.

Without even accidents, humans would never build walls again.

But the irony is that with the accidental integration of Blue Star into the Taiyi Realm, there is no doubt that the entire Blue Star has driven a historical reversal, Yanhuang built the city wall, and the West built a castle...

"I still remember that when we first came to Zhongdu, in the car, Jiang Yu, you talked about the two Gods of War of Yan and Huang." Lin Feng said in a low voice.

Liu Fei and Jiang Yu's expressions moved.

"I didn't say it at the time, but I swear silently in my heart that one day sooner or later, I will also become the **** of war, and that day will not be too far!"

"Indeed, I am not yet a God of War, but I believe it will not be too long..." Lin Feng said word by word.

Everyone in the car couldn't help but move.

Anyone can feel the strong confidence and determination contained in Lin Feng's tone.

"I said, within the next two years, we will definitely return to this city, and I believe that this time there will be no exception!" Lin Feng said solemnly.


Meeting Lin Feng's eyes, everyone couldn't help but move.

"I believe you!" Jiang Yu blurted out.

"Me too!" Liu Fei's simple and honest face was a rare seriousness.

"Mom believes in you too!" Mother Li Susu said, but worried in her eyes, "But Xiaofeng, don't put too much pressure on yourself. It's okay if you don't live in the city, as long as we are safe... "

"Auntie..." Auntie's lips moved.

"Brother, when Xueer grows up, she will also become a **** of war, and then help you fight off these nasty aliens!" Lin Xueer clasped her small fist and said loudly, her face full of seriousness and sacredness. , As if making a vow.

Lin Hua and other children in the car were busy talking as if they were afraid of falling behind.

Listening to these innocent and immature, but also full of vigorous words, the adults in the car smiled, unknowingly, the atmosphere became a lot more lively.

Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but show a smile.

Although these young children are small, they can be said to be powerless, but they are the younger generation of Yanhuang and the future of the human race.

Lin Feng once was just a mediocre member of all beings.

Who can be sure that in the next generation, there will not be someone as good as him?


Children are hope.