Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 259: Outsider

Returning to Taoist Temple, he noticed that some people from outside worlds were scanning the surroundings. Zilong's heart jumped and his expression shouldn't be smiled.

"Congratulations!" Fang Jing smiled, and some people's gazes were put away.

Entering Taoist Temple, Zilong took the initiative to shrink his body. This move caused Fang Jing and Sheng Guangzong's eyes to shrink.

They haven't provided Zilong with such magical powers.

Obviously, this is what other outsiders took one step ahead of them, and spent a lot of money to recruit Zilong.

Of course, they never thought that this magical power was taught to Zilong by a Yanhuang person.

Waiting for the three parties with their own thoughts to sit down. Zilong was very direct. He was the first to question Fang Jing in a puzzled voice, saying, "I don't know why the two schools came together..."

Fang Jing smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just that we have formed an alliance with the Holy Light Sect."

The guess was confirmed, and Zilong sighed in his heart.

Fang Jingxiao’s clouds are light and windy, but the words reveal a certain meaning, "This world is very big and has great benefits. It does not need to be monopolized and can be shared completely. We come from one world. The future is very long. There is no need. It’s not a good thing for anyone to break the scalp and form hatred for something..."

Then, he introduced the master of Saint Guangzong's trip, a young man in his twenties with a face like white jade, hair like a waterfall, and a faint smile on his face, which made people feel close.

"This is the holy son of the Holy Light Sect. He is powerful and has a high realm. It is far beyond me." Fang Jing smiled. Most people will always feel a little uncomfortable when they say that they are inferior to others.

But Zilong noticed that when he said these words, he was very calm.

This can only show that if it were not for the fact that Fang Jingcheng Mansion was very deep, and the young man of Sheng Guangzong had a big background, he was willing to sacrifice his reputation to flatter him. Either this young man has real strength, is indeed extraordinary, is a rare talent.

"Hello, my name is Li Ye!"

The young man noticed that Zilong stood up and introduced himself when he was looking at himself.

He is very young and handsome, with soft lines on his face and dark eyes. When he laughs, he feels that the whole world is brightened up, giving people a very gentle feeling.

However, Zilong was keenly aware that this young man was indeed terrifying. Although he did not detect what his realm was, his mental power was really not weak.

Because even him, following the simple words of the other party, a good feeling rose in his heart.

"Hello." Zilong said hello cautiously.

"Brother Zilong has a very good vision. This is an enviable blessed place, with abundant aura, abundant materials, and all kinds of precious and precious gold..." Li Ye smiled.

Such remarks are like guests complimenting the host’s decoration and good vision. Anyone who listens to it will be very happy, and Zilong is no exception.


When he thought of leaving such a holy place, the joy in his heart was reduced by more than half. However, his dislike or sorrow fell in the eyes of a group of people from outside the world, but he only regarded his city palace as deep and calm.


Li Ye spoke suddenly, then paused, staring at Zilong, and asked if he wanted to continue speaking.

Zilong nodded slightly and said, "Brother Li Ye continue."

"Okay, then I was offended." Li Ye showed a gentle smile, like the neighbor's big brother.

However, although his language is gentle and does not eat human fireworks, the meaning of the words is very straightforward, saying: "This kind of blessed land, the use and development of the above is really too insufficient..."

He directly pointed out that Zilong was too bad in this regard, as if guarding Baoshan without knowing how to use it, it was completely violent.

Then, he talked freely and told Zilong how to develop the Wudang Mountains as far as possible and make the whole mountain more prosperous and prosperous.

Zilong nodded slightly.

It's just using the formation of another world, can he not know? It's just that there is no such thing as formation in his hand.