Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 260: Great opportunity

Li Ye finally made the point and told Zilong seriously that he could help Zilong develop the Wudang Mountains.

Zilong didn't show up on his face, but he sneered in his heart.

After all, isn't it the Wudang Mountains that conspired in the end? Moreover, I want him to be a dog.

"I want to clarify something so that Brother Zilong will not misunderstand us."

Li Ye turned the subject again, his eyes were slightly sad but sincerely said: "About your world, the impression of us outsiders is mostly barbaric and arrogant. They only know about killing. They are very overbearing, but I want to clarify. Yes, not everyone is like this."

He told Zilong that he and others came with kindness in the hope that they would cooperate with each other for a win-win situation, not a unilateral squeeze.

Zilong nodded slightly, but still sneered in his heart. If he disagrees, I am afraid that what Li Ye said, the impression of a stranger, will be displayed on him, right?

This may seem like a heartbreak on the surface, but in fact, is it not a veiled threat?

But Zilong still echoed: "I believe you came with kindness, and are different from those outsiders who only know about killing."

It seemed that he was very satisfied with Zilong's answer, and smiles appeared on the faces of more than a dozen people present.

Li Ye said, "Brother Zilong just knows our minds."

Then, he began to offer a price to win Zilong, and it must be said that it was very generous. First of all, they will transform Wudang Mountain, deploy many formations, a large defensive formation, and an array that helps Wudang Mountain gather vitality and evolve quickly.

In addition, they also gave Zilong a lot of rewards, such as all kinds of magical powers, practice techniques, combat skills, etc., no less than a hundred.

This is undoubtedly a very shocking figure.

Even if there are a lot of superficial and low-level magic combat skills among them, just relying on this number makes people a little short of breath.

In the end, they are more willing to provide Zilong with ten treasure pill, and tailor a god-gold-level equipment for Zilong.

"They are all first-class treasure pills. Each one is very precious. It needs more than a thousand years of holy medicine to be refined, even in the Taiyi realm. It is an extraordinary product." Li Ye introduced.

As for the treasure pill of healing type, broken mirror or the treasure pill of increasing background, let Zilong choose.

With such rich conditions, I have to say that Zilong is really excited.

Even his heart was filled with emotion, it would be nice if these people could come earlier.

But a pity...

Now it is impossible for him to take refuge in this group of people anyway.

However, Zilong was not completely moved, he still remained calm, "What do I need to pay?"

For no reason, he didn't believe that the other party would only benefit him without any request.

Zilong believes that there is no free lunch in this world. The more generous the reward, the more things need to be paid.

"It's very simple. I just hope that Brother Zilong will join us. On weekdays, Brother Zilong can do whatever he wants. You only need to help one or two in a critical moment." Li Ye smiled, two rows of teeth were crystal clear, and his smile was very bright.

"It's that simple?" Zilong couldn't believe it.

"Of course." Li Ye nodded, telling the other party with an expression that you did not make a mistake.

Zilong fell silent.

At this time, I just heard Li Ye say again: "In addition, there is a great opportunity. If Brother Zilong is willing, we can help. Of course, if we want to cooperate in this area, Brother Zilong. We have to pay more, because this matter also requires a high price for us."

"A great opportunity?" Zilong wondered, "What kind of opportunity?"