Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 291: Deadlock

As for directly rushing into the central building area of ​​Ping Anfang and declaring war on more than twenty God of War realms face to face, Lin Feng ruled it out from the beginning.

He is not so iron.

Even if his strength has greatly increased now, it is Di Xu and Li Ye who have met the strongest God of War realm so far to join forces, he is not afraid, and has the confidence and confidence to win!

But he would not feel that in this Ping An Fang, more than twenty God of War realms are all rubbish.

The water of this realm is deeper than he had thought earlier. Weak people such as Yu Pingchang and Cui Bin are just ridiculous, and a powerful warlord can be killed.

But strong people such as Di Xu and Li Ye, with the ordinary God of War Realm in their hands, I'm afraid they can't go through ten rounds.

Lin Feng's budget for this trip is that if he can kill ten God of War Realm, he will be considered a great success, if he can't, kill three or four, then he won't lose anyway.

"I've said so much about me, why don't you talk about your son?" The young girl smiled and said: "I am also very interested in your Blue Star people, and I really want to hear the story of the son."

"I'm also very interested!" Hu Yanan grinned.

At this moment, he stopped yelling and drinking wine, instead he raised his ears, wanting to hear more useful information. Because he is regarded as a professional information trafficker, which is related to his livelihood.

"I don't have a story. I have been ordinary for twenty-five years of my life. Like most people, I went to school, practiced, graduated to kill monsters, and killed outsiders..." Lin Feng shook his head.

Hearing the words "kill aliens", Hu Jianan shrank his head, feeling a little chill in his neck, and the look in Lin Feng's eyes became very strange.

The young girl said seriously: "You'd better not tell these things to others."

"I know." Lin Feng nodded.

Then, the three of them chatted aimlessly. Soon after, Ye Linglong appeared. Although it was late at night, the whole West Lake was boiling.

After a while, there was no sound again.

The sound of the piano under the bright moon sounded, Ding Dong Ding Dong, like a mountain stream with clear spring stones, like a spring breeze in the forest and mountains, making the whole person suddenly quiet, and my heart has never been calmer.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and realized to himself that the sound of the piano is great, which is of great help to the practice, calms one's mind, drives away all irritability and distracting thoughts, and understands oneself.

No wonder so many people pursue Ye Linglong.

In addition to some people coveting her body, perhaps more people may not be indulged in the sound of such a piano.

After a song is over, the remaining sound stays for a long time.

The entire West Lake was plunged into huge silence, but Ye Linglong had already got up and left and returned to the pavilion of the ship. The distance was too far, Lin Feng only saw a hazy figure, curvy, and did not see the beauty of this beauty.

"This song should only be found in the sky, and the world can be heard several times..." After a while, Hu Jianan opened his eyes and shook his head with emotion, looking a little funny.

"Sister Ye's piano heart is getting purer." The young girl opened her eyes and exclaimed.

"Although I don't understand what the sound of the piano is expressing, I can vaguely feel the etherealness. It's really good and praiseworthy." Lin Feng nodded slightly.

At this time, the center of the lake began to commotion, and a light boat approached Lin Feng's boat. The young girl stood up, smiled after saluting: "I'm here tonight, the slave is going to retreat, two sons, I hope I can see you again in the future!"

"Goodbye." Lin Feng nodded.

"Miss Sister, goodbye..." Hu Zanan reluctantly looked at the young girl's back with eyesight, until the other side's figure disappeared completely, then he sighed and looked back.

After the scene was over, Lin Feng didn't stay too much, and went straight away and found a restaurant to live in in the West District.

In the next few days, Lin Feng kept wandering in Ping An Fang, searching for news everywhere.

What he wanted to know was whether these Taiyi realm's God of War realm were alone.

But the results were not gratifying.

Most people in the Taiyi realm are not only secretive about these great figures of the God of War, and they don't want to talk about it, but even if they are willing to say it, they don't know where to start.

This is because these people either stay in the central area of ​​Ping Anfang, or the dragons do not see the head and the tail, their behavior is mysterious and unknown.

The situation seemed to be stalemate, unable to open up, making Lin Feng frown and a little headache.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng decided to go to the West Lake again, and this time it was close to Ye Linglong to check if there was a guardian of the God of War near the opponent.