Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 417: surrender

Lin Feng thought for a while.

Li Ye's words had to be said to be very tempting, and it directly pinched his dead spot, making it difficult for him to make a decision for a while.

In the end, after a while of thinking, Lin Feng decided to leave the other side talking first.

"Stay honestly, don't play tricks!" Lin Feng warned, then looked at the others.

Li Ye was relieved and relieved. In a short period of time, his life is safe, but the future...

He felt bitter and dazed, and he couldn't see where the future was.

Because he was not sure at all, even after surrendering a lot of magical powers, whether Lin Feng would keep him.

Maybe, after squeezing out his value, he will turn his face and kill him.

It hasn't been long since Blue Star has completely integrated into the Taiyi Realm, and half a year has passed. Will Lin Feng keep him until that time period?

"I am willing to surrender!"

"Daoist Lin Feng, everything is easy to discuss. There may be some misunderstandings between us. You can sit down and discuss it peacefully. There is no need to fight and kill all the time, that's not good!"

"Daoist Lin Feng, I have dropped, don't do it..."

The fifteen Gods of War spoke one after another, some of them flushed, and some of their voices were stiff. The reason for this is not that they did not surrender sincerely, but that they had never said such a thing and gave people such a low temper, so they were very unaccustomed and felt extremely ashamed.

at the same time.

Everyone felt sad in their hearts, and their hearts were mostly cold. Because they were not sure whether Lin Feng would let them go and not kill them.

After all, all the more than 100,000 practitioners in the Crystal Palace died...

Only Lin Feng and the three got out of it. They seriously suspected that the deaths of those people had a lot to do with Lin Feng.

It might even be Lin Feng's hand!

Thinking of such a terrible thing, even a group of Gods of War was frightened, feeling that he was really an executioner, the Great Devil.


The cry of killing had long since ceased, and all the alien practitioners who had rushed to the killing were stunned, standing stupidly on the spot, like an abandoned sheep, with blank eyes in their eyes.

What's happening here?

As soon as the war started, our general surrendered one after another?

Some people blushed, feeling very funny and stunned. Is it possible that everyone ran here all the way to perform the surrender ceremony to Lin Feng?

The magical reality has made many practitioners at a loss.

So when the surrounding shouts shook the sky, a large number of heavily armed Yanhuang soldiers came out of the Funiu Mountains, almost subconsciously, they threw their weapons to the ground and knelt to surrender.

After all, our generals are all kneeling, what are they trying to do with these little soldiers!

"Funny, I thought I was here... I didn't expect it to be like this in the end..." The gray-haired, morale-boosting old man from Taiyi Realm knelt on the ground, dumbfounding.

Fortunately, he had beaten others up earlier, but ended up in this situation.

He came excitedly, with a sense of war and greed, but the final ending was just like a feather, which made people laugh.

"That's it?" After waiting for a long time, but waiting for such a result, Di Xu looked unlovable.

Earlier, he geared up, thinking that he would kill a few Gods of War today in order to shine and win over Lin Feng.


"A group of gangsters!" Di Xu squinted, all the sixteen Gods of War took off their armor and handed over their weapons. At the same time, they were sealed and repaired, and even their bodies were imprisoned to a certain extent.

Hearing such words, several gods of war blushed immediately and shouted, "Skills can be killed but not insulted!"

When Di Xu heard this, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he drew out the iron sword from the waist of a warrior on the side of the road, and said excitedly: "You say it again..."

The man didn't say a word immediately, and the look in his eyes was a little frightened. What kind of person is this, I'm just talking about it, why are you taking it seriously?

They felt that Di Xu did not give them the respect they deserved, which was really infuriating.

However, they dared not protest.