Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 418: Take an oath

late at night.

The entire Funiu Mountains are brightly lit. Today is not the Spring Festival, but on the Funiu Mountains, it seems like a holiday, and there are laughter and laughter everywhere.

Because in the daytime, the fruits of the battle were so amazing, all 100,000 troops surrendered.

Of the eighteen gods of war, except for the two who were beheaded by Lin Feng, the remaining sixteen also surrendered obediently.

This kind of record made everyone extremely excited. Even if they didn't drink a sip of wine, many people had flushed faces and blurred eyes, as if they were drunk.

"Although there are no real blood blades and a few war gods of the Taiyi realm today, it is really happy!" The principal, Wang Lei, toasted and drank in a very bold posture.

"This is an unprecedented victory!" Vice President Liu Xu also smiled and excited, "In the past nineteen years, there has never been such a brilliant record for people from outside world!"

In addition to the two, there were many Yanhuang seniors who couldn't calm down at all. They couldn't help but talk about the blood and tears of the past. In the end, a group of middle-aged men shed tears on the spot.

Lin Feng knew that it was not easy for everyone to have had it over the years. They had been bullied by the Taiyi Realm and were trapped in lack of strength, and could not make a strong counterattack at all.

But today, everything has been rewritten.

Although the experience on the battlefield was very magical and did not go through real blood and fire, the people of the Taiyi realm bowed their heads after all, and knelt down in a fearful posture!

This made everyone spit out the gloom of the past.

Lin Feng stood up, raised his glass and signaled to everyone, saying, "This is just the beginning. From now on, the days when the Taiyi Realm people bullied us are gone. Every day since today, we will We must advance step by step and return all the shame they have given us! Take them back from our territory and take them back!"

As soon as this remark came out, the scene instantly changed from lively to deadly silence, as if everyone had been spotted dumb acupuncture in an instant.

Lin Feng didn't say a word, raised his glass and drank stubbornly, then turned the glass over, without a drop of alcohol spilled.

In a moment, cheers like boiling water suddenly sounded, shaking the entire Funiu Mountains, hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers.

"Return the shame!!!"

"Taking back the land!!!"

Everyone was chanting, and everyone blushed like crazy.

In the temporarily constructed prison, in the small black room, the hundred thousand Taiyi Realm people listened to the roar from their chests, their faces were trembling, and they were terrified.


After the excitement, early the next morning, Lin Feng came to the temporary prison where the 16 Gods of War were held.

Naturally, the first person I saw was Li Ye.

Among the sixteen Gods of War in the crowd, Lin Feng knew only one of him, and had dealt with him, and knew his extraordinary.

Not seeing him overnight, Li Ye looked tired.

I believe that yesterday was a very special experience for him. If he does not die in the future, I am afraid that he will be unforgettable in his life.

"Do you know why I came to see you?" Lin Feng was very straightforward.

Li Ye nodded.

"Don't use any tricks, otherwise, you know the consequences, I will not show mercy to your men." Lin Feng's expression was very cold.

For a proud person like Di Xu, a good old person like Wu Qingfeng, and a stranger like Ye Linglong with a story, he can be amiable.

However, this does not include people like Li Ye.