Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 442: Go to school

"Aren't you afraid that he will run away?" Three days later, Li Ye recovered his expression and started officially on the road. Looking at his distant back, Di Xu secretly poked him again.

"Just run away." Lin Feng retracted his gaze and smiled faintly. Even now, he is not absolutely sure that he is really checking and balancing Li Ye.

But there are very few things in this world that are stable.

Di Xu glanced at him in astonishment. He hadn't expected such an answer, so he was eager to try, and once again suggested that in order to ensure that there are no future troubles, he can kill Li Ye.

"No need!" Lin Feng vetoed it.

Di Xu took the initiative to invite Ying, and said: "Are you really afraid of him running away? So let me follow him. Once he has the act of running away, I can help you take him down!"

"No need!" A black line appeared on Lin Feng's forehead.

He didn't know how this Li Ye offended Emperor Xu, so that this resentment was so great. He knew very well that for Di Xu to go out with Li Ye, 100% of it was going to happen, and the meat buns and dogs would never go back.

"You are so arrogant now, there will really be a problem when you cry!" Di Xu shrugged, regretting, and then ridiculed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was too lazy to talk to him, turned and left.

Li Ye's strength is not weak. He had fought against him earlier, and even Lin Feng couldn't really win him, so Lin Feng sent him out to sweep the Central Plains war zone by himself. He could do it.

"Now that I am free, hurry up and continue to comprehend the dragon corpse, and take out the good things inside!" Di Xu chased up and walked side by side with him.

He still resents Lin Feng for not being able to go to the other two gathering places of Taiyi Realm people, but he knows that Lin Feng has made up his mind and is irreversible, so he can only try to make up for his loss through other places.

"Since you want to flatten the other two gathering places so eagerly, it's better to go by yourself." Lin Feng glanced at him.

Di Xu shrank his neck and murmured for a while, wasn't he unsure, if he was sure, he would have done it a long time ago.

Lin Feng walked with wind, and said: "You don't need to urge you to urge the dragon corpse. I know it in my heart. This is about my own practice. I am more concerned than you!"

Di Xu was dissatisfied, and said: "If you say that, you are doing it!"

Lin Feng was speechless, completely extinguished the thoughts of talking with this man, stopped speaking all the way, and went straight into the school.

Now that he is free, he is going to see the good seedlings that the principal Wang Lei said, if appropriate, he can give some pointers.

At the moment, Lin Feng has gone a long way on the path of cultivation, coming first, and he is stronger than the principal Wang Lei. He has the qualifications to point anyone to the current Blue Star.

The school was built in the foothills of the southern part of the mountain range. Despite the difficult conditions, it was built very well. No matter how hard it is to educate, everyone understands this truth.

After Lin Feng bid farewell to Dixu and entered the school alone, he didn't attract many people's attention.

Because, at this time, he used the method of changing the heavens and the earth to disguise his appearance, becoming a middle-aged man with an ordinary face.

Lin Feng's current reputation in the human race is too great, if he really appears, it will cause a sensation and onlookers. He has experience in practice, but he doesn't like the world so much. He always finds it troublesome and simply pretends.

Of course, the middle-aged man he incarnates has also greeted the school a long time ago, and it is recorded in the book, and the file is an honorary teacher.

Otherwise, strangers will not be able to come in. The school is one of the most important places in the Funiu Mountains. There are too many seeds inside. If outsiders sneak in, the consequences will be disastrous.