Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 472: Corpse inference

"This is a good thing!" Di Xu's eyes lit up in an instant, like a small lantern. The weapon that can leave marks on the buildings here is absolutely extraordinary, even if it is broken.

"let me see!"

He took the stone sword from Lin Feng, waved it twice, and then nodded with satisfaction, and said, "I will help you keep it first!"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and didn't say much, which he had expected. Mainly because he already had a dragon corpse in his hand, Shi Jian first defended himself against Emperor Xu.

"Go back to me, I want to study."

Di Xu nodded, indicating that there is no problem. The two searched for a while, but there was nothing else to gain.

So continue on the road.

Perhaps because of finding the baby, Di Xu was much more active this time, and he left without yelling.

After a while, the two followed the stone slabs laid on the ground and came to a bridge made of iron cables.

If it weren't because the scenery beside the bridge was different, Lin Feng and Di Xu almost thought that they had gone back to their original positions.

Quietly jot down the road, and probably deduced a map in his mind. Lin Feng and Di Xu stepped onto this chain and continued to move forward. Still going well, the two came to the third mountain.

"There's a lot more life here!" The moment he walked off the chain bridge, Di Xu gave a chill.

He felt that the death energy originally stored in his body had changed.

Lin Feng nodded, he also saw that there was a strand of hair-like slender black air floating in the air, which was not a sight in the first two mountains.

At the same time, the evil spirits on the earth are getting heavier. The feeling is like someone holding a sharp sword and pointing straight to the center of the eyebrows, feeling the uncontrollable tension of the mind and body.

"There is a wreckage!" Lin Feng stopped shortly after he moved forward.

On both sides of the road, there are pieces of blackened bones, some the size of a human fingernail, and others the size of half a human.

On the bones, there was a deadly breath.

"It's like it was caused by the fracture of the human body after the fierce battle!" Di Xu's eyes showed a solemn color.

"Is it possible that the evil spirits and dead spirits here were born from these bones?" Lin Feng whispered.

Di Xu remained silent, feeling a bit chilly in his body.

The dead spirit that can cover this world, how many souls will have to die to be born? Or in other words, how high is the spiritual realm that will be born after death?

"In common sense, the buildings here are very similar to those of the undead. However, if an immortal figure falls, his corpse will give birth to the evil spirit, which is enough to cover the blue star and cover a million miles. Turn into a ghost!" Di Xu whispered.

Lin Feng looked at him, listening.

Di Xu pondered for a moment and said: "The lifelessness here is undoubtedly insufficient. I have two inferences. One is that there is no immortality buried in the dead, and the other is that something has suppressed the deadly spirits!"

"If it is the latter, it is very bad. Because the suppressed things can be damaged or invalidated at any time, and once so..."

"Once so, the entire Blue Star will instantly..." Lin Feng frowned, thinking of the terrible consequences, even he couldn't help but chill, and his body's hairs stood upright.

Although this site is far away from the Central Plains, it is actually located in the territory of Yanhuang. If what Emperor Xu said is true, the worst thing will happen and bear the brunt of Yanhuang.

For a while, an anxiety arose in Lin Feng's heart.

He didn't know about these things earlier, and he didn't have the slightest burden in his heart, but now that he knew it, even if it was just an inference, he was extremely disturbed.