Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 632: You clean up

"Are we going to have a look?" Li Ye looked at Lin Feng and asked Lin Feng's opinion.

"Go." Lin Feng took a step forward.

He felt that this purple-clothed boy knew a lot, if possible, find a place where there is no one and ask more.

Li Ye said: "I observe that the cultivation base of this demon server should be the appearance of Dzogchen in the early stage of the star-picking realm. She may not be the opponent of this group of people."

Because, among the seven or eight people who followed her, there were two great abilities in the middle and late stages of the star-picking realm.

Lin Feng was noncommittal.

Li Ye was very dark-bellied and said, "If she is really lost, we shouldn't take action directly, but take action to rescue her at a critical moment. In this case, the gain will be even greater."

"I'm not mistaken, you really are very darkhearted." Lin Feng lightly squinted at Li Ye.

Li Ye said sternly: "I think about you."

Lin Feng ha ha.

Soon after, a group of people walked out of the city, and then, completely let go of their hands and feet, and ran wildly on the road, galloping quickly, flying dozens of miles away in a flash.

Many people have been left behind.

But this does not include Lin Feng and Li Ye. Li Ye has also entered the star-picking realm. Although it is only the initial stage, this holy son of the Holy Light Sect cannot be underestimated.


The roar of Huang Zhong Dalu suddenly came from a distance, and the vast energy bounced through the sky, as if the stormy waves hit the shore, the sky filled the sky with profound light, and the world was trembling for dozens of miles.

The two sides fought each other.

Lin Feng and Li Ye stood still, separated by 20 or 30 miles, observing from the sky, they did not approach rashly.

Strictly speaking, there were only three people fighting against each other.

One is the purple-clothed boy, and the other is the two star pickers who were called by the slapped man earlier. As for the rest of the people, they are all watching the show from a distance, because they are not qualified to fight because of their lack of cultivation.

Moreover, they were quite far away, even one or two kilometers behind Lin Feng and Li Ye.

Lin Feng and Li Ye were still observing the situation, but this group of people actually came up, aggressive and very sturdy, they wanted to clear the field and let Lin Feng and Li Ye get out.

"The Eight Desolate Sects do things, avoid the idlers and others!"

The headed man yelled, with a fierce look, madly boundless.

"You cleaned up." Lin Feng ordered casually, not too lazy to look back.

A group of miscellaneous fishes that are not above, Lin Feng's vision has long been up now, and the mere God of War is not in his eyes. His opponent is the star-catching realm and the power of no-deficiency.

Li Ye was speechless.

Is this a servant?

He stood there and thought seriously for two seconds, um...It seems that his current identity is indeed a servant, strictly speaking.

He had nothing to say, and turned his head to start.

Those few men who were originally very rampant couldn't help being stunned when they heard Lin Feng's words. Did they meet a big man? Look at this posture, it's very tall.

They hadn't figured it out before Li Ye started.

Suddenly, the horrible energy surged, and several people were shuddered and frightened. They really met a big man, and a servant who was with him was a star-picking realm and couldn't afford it.

They wanted to ask for mercy, but when it was too late, Li Ye had a fire in his heart. As the saint son of the Holy Light Sect, he was a very proud person. At this moment, he shot decisively and fiercely, and within a breath of time, he chopped melons and vegetables and all cleaned up several people.

Of course, it was not killed.

However, it was worse than death. All of them had their hands and feet broken. Their faces were pale, their bodies were bleeding, and they passed out into a coma. They were dressed with a rope and carried them so casually.

This is the true situation of the Star-picking Realm vs. the God-of-War Realm, and the two sides are not creatures of the same dimension at all.

"Quick, the battle is ahead!"

"The battle of star-picking power is not to be missed!"

"If you observe and observe a good student, you may be able to realize something and lay a solid foundation for future breakthroughs!"

Behind them, a group of three to five groups of God of War finally arrived, and then they saw the group of people carried by Li Ye, and they were suddenly startled.