Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 67: reward

"Unexpectedly, we have been following, turned out to be such a coward..."

When Ma Fengpo, Li Yun, and Chen Yulin fell into the cold snow, their eyes were dim, and the corners of their mouths wore mocking smiles. The last thought flashed through their minds.

They were puzzled by Raleigh's actions, feeling both absurd and extraordinarily ridiculous.

Every time they think of the way Reilly used to speak big words, the sharp contrast with everything that has just happened, will make them feel an incomparable magical and absurd feeling in their hearts.

If they knew this early, they might not choose to follow Raleigh at all.

After all, I am a dog, and I definitely want to follow a more reliable owner.

But unfortunately, there is no chance to start again.

Everything is a foregone conclusion.

"Clean up the battlefield!" Zhong Haohui took the knife and let out a long suffocating breath. He felt relieved and said to the four people around him with a smile.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up, but only five corpses.

Zhong Haohui walked towards Lin Feng, walked to Lin Feng's side, pointed to the wound on Lin Feng's shoulder and said, "How is it, is there anything?"

Lin Feng lowered his head and glanced at the wound pierced by Lei Li's halberd thrown earlier. After such a short period of effort, it has basically healed.

The main reason is that the blade of the short halberd is not embedded too deeply.

"No big problem."

"That's good." Zhong Haohui smiled, "This time I can win these five without injury, all depends on you, brother."

"No, this is not just my contribution. This is the contribution of all of us." Lin Feng shook his head.

Seeing that he is not proud of taking credit, but still looks humble earlier, Zhong Haohui also feels a little emotional.

My junior brother, he is a truly proud person in his heart.

Only those who are truly proud will feel that what is in front of them are small achievements and never cares much.

"School brother, everything is done."

After a while, Liu Fei walked over with a smile on his face. Behind him were three sophomores.

The three sophomores were holding battle armors and weapons in their hands, and each of them had a happy harvest smile on their faces.

Even the equipment of Ma Fengpo, Chen Yulin, and Li Yun are all B2 and worth more than one million yuan.

Not to mention the equipment of Raleigh and Hua Xiangjian, all of which are at level B5, worth about five million.

Lin Feng smiled too.

"When the exchange game is over, these equipment will be sold, and everyone will divide the money."


In this exchange match, kill the sons of aliens, and their accomplices, and the spoils can be taken back without any concealment.

Of course.

Neither Lin Feng nor Zhong Haohui nor the school would admit that Lei Li's death was related to Lin Feng and the others.

Someone may ask, if so, where did these equipment come from?

The answer is simple.

Lin Feng and the others found Leili's body in the war zone. Unfortunately, they were killed and killed by a monster.

So in line with the principle of humanitarianism, Lin Feng collected the corpses for them. In return, they took away their equipment.

It makes sense to do so. Who can tell what's wrong?

After all, all of you are dead, and the equipment is still in the war zone.

Of course.

This is on the bright side.

In secret, everyone knows exactly what is going on.

In fact, this is the same as a person who has committed a crime without any evidence.

Under such circumstances, this person has committed a crime, but because there is no evidence, there is no possibility to punish him.

"Don't, we don't have a high level of egalitarianism. You will contribute the most in this battle, and you will get 50% alone!" Zhong Haohui waved his hand quickly.

"That's not good!"

"It won't be good if we split evenly!" Zhong Haohui said decisively.

Lin Feng looked at the other people, and saw that they nodded and agreed with him. He nodded, "Okay, let's distribute it like this!"

"That's right!" Zhong Haohui patted his shoulder, "If no matter the credit is evenly divided, who is willing to die in the future? All are sitting behind and waiting for the allocation."

They didn't stay in place for too long. After the five bodies of Lei Li and the others were processed and the battlefield was cleaned up, Lin Feng and the three teams left directly.



The cold wind howled.

In a hidden room.

The thirteen teammates had already lain down to rest, leaving only Lin Feng and Zhong Haohui to watch the night.

At this time, Lin Feng silently threw his soul into the glass beads.

Realm: Seventh-level warrior

Blood element: 701

Bloodline: 11% (Body of Thunder Spirit)

Burning energy: By burning 10 points of energy per second, the combat power is doubled. Burning 100 points of energy per second, the combat power triples. Note: After the outbreak, it will fall into a state of weakness.

Prophet: By burning 100 points of energy, you can predict what will happen in the next second in advance.

Cultivation method: Thunder Spit Nafa* Remnant (practice to the second floor. Blessing strength 400%)

Combat Skills: Scarlet Blood Knife Method (Xiaocheng: Blessing Attack Power 20%) Lightning Knife Method (Introduction: Blessing Armor Sunder, Attack Power 100%)

Energy: 16100

Divine Blood: 24


The rest of the attributes were basically unchanged. Only the energy points were reduced from 16,250 to 15,500, which was consumed by Lin Feng when he killed Hua Xiangjian and Leili earlier by using three times the burning energy.

In addition, the biggest gain is the blood of God.

Lin Feng, who originally only had 2 points of blood, got 22 more points this time, of which Huaxiangjian provided 10 points and Leili provided 12 points.

"Improve the blood!"

With Lin Feng's thoughts, the numbers on the Divine Blood page were quickly consumed, reducing by 20 points in an instant.

And Lin Feng's bloodline has changed from 11% to 13%.

Lin Feng couldn't help taking a breath.

This bloodline improvement is really costly!

Earlier, the blood was increased by 1%, but after 10%, every 1% increase would cost 10 points of blood.


Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a numb scalp.

What if it’s 20% blood, 30% later? Isn't it a tenfold improvement every time?

It is conceivable that if this is the case, then the number in the future will be an astronomical number.

Possibly, Lin Feng would not be able to raise his bloodline to 100% in his life.

"But what is the use of this bloodline?" Lin Feng felt as if lightning flashed across his body, and after a tingling tremor, he became calm in a flash.

He couldn't help sinking into thought.

"After I heard that the warlord, the importance of blood will be greatly increased? It can increase people terribly, and even derive some terrible magical power...I don't know if it is true or false.. ....."

Lin Feng shook his head.

Because he was a native of the Blue Star, not a force from outsiders, he knew too little about this information.

There is no way.

In fact, not only him, but the entire Blue Star side, the information that can be known is very limited.

Even people from outside worlds, if it were not for their ancestors to be particularly glorious, or fortunate enough to have seen similar knowledge, they would not have a special understanding of this.

"It doesn't matter! Even if you don't use it now, but according to the urinary properties of the glass beads, the higher the price, the greater the effect!"

Lin Feng didn't believe it. He spent a lot of sacred blood and tried to improve his bloodline level, but it was of no use.