Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 679: Pass away

Sure enough, within a few days, Lin Feng's worries came true. An elderly old man sat down overnight, silently, and it was only when someone went to his residence to deliver the pill the next day to discover this situation. .

The old people are here.

Living together for thousands of years, the feelings are hard to say. When I was young, I was full of energy and spirit, maybe because of certain concepts, there was some disagreement with each other.

But as the years passed, these all faded.

After all, blood is thicker than water, and they are not only relatives, but also companions, comrades in arms, opponents, and even lovers. These kinds of emotions are mixed together, and the feelings of the two sides are difficult to describe in words.

Lin Feng asked if he wanted to do a big deal.

He felt that although the old people came to the Funiu Mountains not long ago, they did a great job after all. They sacrificed to protect the Funiu Mountains.

Without them, the entire Funiu Mountains would suffer, and Lin Feng himself would die, and he would not be able to oppose a group of people in the Burial World.

Lin Feng felt that the deeds of the old people should be known, eulogized, and received incense.

However, his proposal was rejected by Fu Cheng.

The elderly believe that practitioners are different from the world and there is no need to act wildly.

So in the end, only a small memorial service was held on the Funiu Mountains. Except for the three old people who still guarded Dongtian, all the remaining old people arrived.

In addition, there are only a few core innate human race juniors, and most people have not been alarmed.

Some old people had red eyes without tears, so they just stood there, staring at the coffin in a daze, without saying a word.

There are some old people on the contrary, whispering to themselves constantly, as if they have become a conversational tuberculosis.

According to custom, choose a good day before burial.

However, just the next day, another old man passed away, his injuries broke out, and he was excited. He didn't hold on, and left at once, and died.

And such things happened one after another in the next few days, and in the end, five of the fifteen old people who fought against the burial world that day actually left.

Lin Feng's mood was unprecedentedly complicated.

The war was really cruel, even if their side was victorious, beheading several near-sages of the Burial World, and one of the most saints, but their own losses were beyond imagination.

If these five old people are alive, in the near future, they may all enter the holy realm, able to live for tens of thousands of years and protect countless children and grandchildren.

But now, they are all gone.

The five old people left one after another, casting a gloom over the hearts of everyone present, and everyone was extremely sad. The person who was okay yesterday was separated from yin and yang in just a few days, and never seen again.

"It's good to go, good to go, I've been trapped in the same place since I was a child, and I'm on the dying. After all, I have seen the world outside, much better than our ancestors..." Tai Huang whispered and talked. His eyes were red when he read.

"You go all the way well, and soon I will try to enter the most sacred realm. If I fail, I will go to you. If it succeeds, don't worry about things about children and grandchildren!" An old man named Jiang Xun whispered.

Compared to other old people, he is younger, his physical condition is naturally better, he has the fastest recovery, and he is about to return to the peak.

"For relatives and companions of your life, go well. If there is Huangquan, we will pray for you. I hope you will have a better life in Huangquan!"