Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 687: Run-in proof

Guarding against possible accidents, Jiang Xun did not run into the same world in the Funiu Mountains, but chose to be three hundred miles south of the Funiu Mountains.

Lin Feng, Fu Cheng, Tai Huang and Tai Fei went with him.

In a valley with green mountains and green waters, Lin Feng was very curious, and stood not far away watching.

Jiang Xun sat cross-legged.

Under the scorching sun, after a brief silence, a five-color divine light appeared on the eyebrows, followed by a series of dense and fine inscriptions, and a kind of intriguing fluctuations also agitated in the valley.

Lin Feng stared. Although he didn't understand, he knew that this was Jiang Xun's life.

For practitioners, the importance of the inscription is self-evident. Once the practice reaches a certain level, it will be born naturally. Everyone's basic inscription will be different.

If the practitioner is compared to a child who develops in the mother's body, then the spirit, energy, and spirit are all flesh and blood, and the inscriptions are the bones that carry their flesh and blood.

Without bones, only a pool of flesh remains, and the road will naturally not be able to go on.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth seemed to darken. But in fact, it is an illusion, an illusion caused by the violent fluctuation of space.

Everything has become different, and the obscure and vague aura reverberates between heaven and earth.

Lin Feng was in a daze and saw that an indescribable and magnificent thing was unfolding, like a big net covering the world!

The way of heaven and earth appeared.

The inscriptions that are too obscure to understand are woven into chains of order, and the chains are woven into each other to form a **** net.

But all beings, the heavens and the earth, all tangible and intangible matters are covered by this big net, and they cannot escape or get rid of.

At this moment, Lin Feng's hair was horrified, and the hairs all over his body opened uncontrollably, as if a mouse saw a cat. The trembling came from the soul and instinct.

"Calm down the fear, don't need to be too afraid, as long as you don't try to subvert, the world will not hurt people." Fu Cheng glanced at him and said slowly: "Careful observation, even if you can't understand it, you will be hardened. Write down some of them, and you will benefit a lot in the future."

"Yes!" Lin Feng nodded.

The old man’s words and deeds are absolutely precious. He respected the words of the old man, took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, and stood not far away and watched patiently.


There was a loud sound, and in a trance, the chain of order gods hanging in the sky seemed to be rippling, like water plants in the sea, there were peculiar sounds, stirring in the ears.

Soon after, Jiang Xun was completely enveloped by the inscription. The nearest is his own inscription, and the outer circle is the principle of heaven and earth.

The aura of his whole person suddenly changed. It was strange to indescribable, sometimes ethereal, and he was clearly in front of him, but he felt like he was thousands of miles away.

Sometimes extremely magnificent, with a small body sitting cross-legged, but only a meter tall, but it makes people feel like facing a rising sun, the divine prestige is shining, and you dare not look directly.

At other times, Lin Feng felt sore in his eyes, tired of energy, and in a daze. Jiang Xun seemed to disappear out of thin air. He struck a spirit, and quickly opened his eyes to look, only to find that Jiang Xun was still sitting well, motionless.

Lin Feng gradually discovered what the so-called running-in was going on. In fact, the inscriptions of Jiang Xun and the inscriptions of heaven and earth overlap, combine and merge into one.

However, his own inscriptions are often rejected and repelled. Moreover, some of them shattered silently, disappearing into the void like a bubble.