Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 690: Resolutely

After listening to what the old man said, Lin Feng found that he was too naive, thinking about things too simple.

The wisdom of the ancestors was unimaginable. They had done things that could be done a long time ago, and they must have tried things that could not be done.

Lin Feng retired and said no more. In the afternoon, he went to the cave as usual and entered the trial field to practice.

His strength has progressed very quickly and has been steadily moving forward, but if he wants to continue to break through, it can't be done in a short time, it will take a lot of time.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten days passed, and when it came to November, the weather was getting colder. In many places, the big trees were bald and their leaves all fell out.

This morning, when Lin Feng was attending class in the old man's yard, Jiang Xun suddenly came. He is tall, with hair like a waterfall, the face of a middle-aged man, and the eyes of God, all of which show his strength and sturdiness.

Facing it at close range, even Lin Feng felt an unspeakable pressure.

Not seen in a short time, this one is stronger, full of energy, has reached the peak, and blood seems to be rushing out of his forehead into the sky.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng sighed again in his heart. Such a powerful person, placed in any realm, can enter the most holy realm.

But Jiang Xun happened to belong to the innate human race, and was trapped to death in the undefeated state. This is a real good fortune, which is regrettable.

However, Jiang Xun himself seemed unaffected by the earlier events, and his eyes were still firm and confident.

"Fu Lao, I have decided to make an impact in these two days and enter the Most Holy Realm." Jiang Xun said.

Lin Feng suddenly showed shock when he heard the words. He is no longer ignorant of the situation facing the congenital family now.

What Jiang Xun said was to forcefully break through the principles of heaven and earth, instead of pursuing the identification of the principles of heaven and earth, but instead to swallow them, turn them into their own resources, and integrate them into their own heaven, earth and universe.

However, it is too difficult, and not many people have succeeded since ancient times.

No accident, Fu Cheng was equally surprised when he heard such words, and then strictly stopped.

"Don't do stupid things!"

Fu Cheng said, his face eased again, and said: "You are still young, unlike us, you have a lot of years, don't rush for a while. Keep waiting, maybe there will be new hope..."

These are all the words of Lao Chengmou for the country, and Lin Feng agrees very much.

However, Jiang Xun seemed to be determined.

He shook his head and looked up to the sky, his expression suddenly a little sad, and said: "Old Fu, we may not have so much time..."

Fu Cheng was startled, and then stopped talking, but in the end he fell silent.

For some time now, people from the Burial World have not reappeared. People from the Taiyi world did not appear either. Both sides seem to have disappeared.

But everyone knows that they will reappear after all. The current calm is just a prelude to the storm.

The longer the brewing, the longer the calm, the more terrifying what will happen next.

"I'm ready to die." Jiang Xun said, talking about life and death, but his expression was extremely calm, as if to explain what he was going to eat.

"Next, I will challenge and try to enter the holy, but success or failure will leave a little bit of experience for the people."

"And..." After a pause, Jiang Xun continued: "If I fail, I will die, and my flesh and blood are also valuable and can be consumed by the tribe!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Fu Cheng scolded.

"It's all from the bottom of your heart." Jiang Xun replied with a calm expression.