Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 73: Swallow golden moon fruit

Fang Tianche stared at Lin Feng's eyes, as if he didn't get the answer, he refused to breathe.

Lin Feng was silent for a while, and slowly uttered two words: "Lin Feng!"

Hearing this, Fang Tianche's pupils shrank abruptly, then a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he slowly closed his eyes.

After making sure that he was completely dead, Lin Feng drew the knife. Then he grabbed Fang Tianche's arm with one hand, carried him, and strode upstairs.


"Is it all resolved?" Lin Feng returned to the house just now, glanced at everyone, and asked nonsense.

Geng Lin and Zhan Pengfei, who had passed out in a coma earlier, had their masks removed at this time, their faces were pale, their eyes closed tightly, and they were dead.

"It's all solved." Zhong Haohui smiled and appeared in a good mood.

Others are happy too.

"Next!" Zhong Haohui threw the metal box in his hand over.

Lin Feng raised his hand and grabbed it. As he opened it, he asked casually, "How many spiritual fruits are there?"

"I didn't watch it."

Lin Feng didn't feel any surprises. He is the captain and has the right to allocate these things. According to the rules, he will open them to determine the number and the most appropriate allocation.

Lin Feng opened the metal box, revealing neatly seven crescent-shaped golden fruits.

Each one is the size of an egg.

Zhong Haohui came over and saw the golden crescent-shaped fruit, and there was excitement in his eyes.

"Yes, there are seven!" Liu Shu exclaimed.

It's not that this number is not enough, but it's enough.

Although there are seven Golden Moon Fruits, the number is not small. But with Lin Feng and their three teams of fifteen people, there must be more than half of the difference.

It is destined that at least half of the people will not get Golden Moon Fruit.

But this kind of thing, long before they started, everyone knew it in their hearts.

As compensation, those who waited out of the war zone and did not receive the Golden Moon Fruit would each compensate one million Yanhuang coins.

"Captain, what do you think should be allocated?" Zhong Haohui rubbed his hands, looking at Lin Feng expectantly.

Lin Feng pondered for a moment, and made a satisfactory distribution method.

"I have two. The rest, you four, plus Liu Fei, one for each."

After speaking, Lin Feng cast his eyes on everyone, waiting for their answer.

"I have no opinion!" Zhong Haohui shook his head.

Others also shook their heads.

Lin Feng seemed to be taking advantage of an extra one. But he is the captain and the one who makes the plan.

Work harder and get more money.

He has two coins by himself, and there is absolutely no problem.

"Okay, then I won't be long-winded, now I'll distribute it directly, just take it shortly before everyone swallows it, so as not to evaporate the medicine!"

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Lin Feng also had no ink marks, and immediately divided the seven Golden Moon Fruits in the box.

Generally speaking, storing Lingguo requires very professional storage tools, but Lin Feng and the others do not have them.

Therefore, the best way is to pick and eat.

You must know that this kind of precious spiritual fruit, even if the power of the medicine volatilizes 10 to 20%, it is a great loss.

Zhong Haohui took the golden moon fruit and swallowed it in one bite, closed his eyes, and enjoyed it with a face.

A few seconds later, he opened his eyes, their eyes lit up, and said to everyone who looked at him: "It tastes good, it feels like eating loquat fruit, but it's more sweet and fragrant!"

Everyone glanced at each other, and they couldn't help but have some expectations in their hearts.

The clock Haohui urged: "Stop the ink, eat it quickly."

Speaking, he found a corner and sat down cross-legged, and started to run the exercises, digesting the spiritual fruit in his body.

All the members in the house swallowed the golden moon fruit one after another, and Lin Feng was no exception, taking one bite and ate both of them.

This golden moon fruit has a thin peel, but with a light bite in the mouth, the flesh is exploded directly, without even chewing, it turns into juice and enters the abdomen, leaving only the mouthful of sweetness.

The taste is exactly what Zhong Haohui said, very good!

Lin Feng took a breath, and found a place to sit down cross-legged, and began to spit out thunder. He already felt the power of the medicine evaporate in his abdomen. It was originally the feeling of coldness when the flesh entered his stomach, but at this time it has gradually fever.

And this heat flow, a few seconds later, extended from the abdomen to the internal organs, limbs and eight veins.

The whole person seems to be in a hot spring, the whole body is transparent, and every pore can't help but open comfortably, breathing the vitality between heaven and earth freely.