Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 737: Accidentally

Lin Feng was speechless. He didn't expect that the old man's brain was quite big. However, without information, the old man could not guess that he possessed such a treasure in the world as colored glaze beads.

Lin Feng is now suspicious that the Liulizhu may have come from the land of Guixu.

Because it can restore even the Tianzun's law, which is enough to show that its level is even higher than the Tianzun's. Apart from returning to the ruins of such a powerful treasure, Lin Feng couldn't think of where it could be born.

Or, from another world completely?

When he returned to his residence, Lin Feng began to wonder how to get the Yuanshi quickly. Nowadays, there are a lot of primordial stones in the Funiu Mountains. There are tons and tons of primordial stones. The universe bags containing the primordial stones are all piled into hills.

If everyone just consumes it normally, so many yuan stones can't be used up for hundreds of thousands of years.

Before, Lin Feng's glass beads had accumulated more than 10 billion energy points. In the name of cultivation, he used the primordial stone from the warehouse and swallowed it with colored glaze beads.

To restore both "Yan Dao Shu" and "My Dao Shu", the gap of 20 billion energy points is only a few billion shi.

Lin Feng pondered for a long time, and finally thought of a way. He ran to the warehouse and easily transferred 10 billion jin of Yuanshi.

In the name, he might have to make some transactions with Taiyi Realm next.

Although the number is huge, it passed easily. Lin Feng is the number one person in the Yanhuang Mountains in the Funiu Mountains. These family backgrounds are also accumulated by him, and they can naturally be mobilized.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason for making such an excuse was that he subconsciously wanted to pretend and act, instead of completely revealing it.

As for whether to trade with Taiyi people in the future, he has the final say. Even if he doesn't trade, it's impossible for anyone to ask him to take the Yuanshi back.

In the next few days, Lin Feng did not go out, hiding in the house alone, constantly devouring the primordial stone with colored glaze beads.

In the end, he swallowed a total of 5 billion catties of Yuanshi and gained more than 50 billion energy points.

The reason why it is not a whole number is because the primordial stone and the primordial stone are not exactly the same, some have more vitality, and some have less vitality.

Therefore, the energy points provided are naturally not exactly the same.

There are five billion yuan of stones left, and Lin Feng hasn't moved for the time being.

After getting enough energy points, Lin Feng didn't hesitate, and directly repaired the two scriptures of "The Art of Yan Dao" and "The Art of My Dao".

But he did not practice.

There is no way to practice.

Because "Daoshu" is similar to his magical power "Thunder Prison", both need to be swallowed, re-engraved, and inscribed. The Thunder Prison wants all kinds of divine thunder, and the "Dao Shushu" is the principle of Taoism, Taoism and reason, and inscriptions.

Without accumulating enough Taoism, there is no way to carry out the second step of "Daoshu", so let alone turn all the Taoism into one's own things and practice "My Taoshu".

However, Lin Feng did not rush to practice.

The reason why he quickly restored these two scriptures was mainly to help the elderly such as Fu Cheng. He has no way to practice, but it doesn't mean that they can't practice.

"...Your kid is the emperor's parent, right!"

When Lin Feng found Fu Cheng and told the old man that he watched the bronze plates day and night, and learned something ‘accidentally’, and after he got the "Daoshu" and "My Daoshu", the old man's expression suddenly became quite exciting.

envy, jealousy, hate!