Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 75: Almost buried alive


The loud roar of thunder sounded.

Then, I saw that the walls of the entire floor seemed to be exploded by a liquefied gas tank, directly exploding, and the shock treasure carrying gravel, steel bars, etc., impacted in all directions.

Zhong Haohui and the others who had just walked downstairs were shocked.

Looking at each other, there was a deep sense of fortune and fear in his eyes.

"Fortunately, I just went downstairs!"

"Yeah, otherwise we might get hurt."

"Speaking of Captain Lin Feng, this is too exaggerated. I have never heard of such a big movement in promotion to the rank of generals!"

At this time.

Several figures rushed quickly in the distance, it was Zhu Luo and the others.

"what's going on?"

They were guarding the building where Lin Feng and others were located, but they did not expect to make such a loud noise suddenly, frightening them, and they thought that someone bypassed them and attacked.

Now seeing Zhong Haohui a few people, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon his mind became tense, because Lin Feng was not found.

Zhong Haohui hurriedly stepped forward to explain.

After listening, Zhu Luo and others suddenly realized. But then, an inexplicable expression of horror appeared in his eyes.

Even people are in a trance.

Obviously, they were also frightened by the movement caused by Lin Feng.


At this time, some stones on the wall of the building fell off and hit the ground, making a muffled noise.

"not good!"

"Unfortunately, this building is going to collapse, right?"

Zhong Haohui's expression suddenly changed.

When the other people heard him, after a little startled, their expressions were also a little frightened.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at each other.

"Run out of the building first!"

"What about Brother Lin Feng?"

"It should be okay, after all, this is all caused by him, will it not hurt yourself?"

"That's not necessarily the case. On the 13th floor of this building, Junior Brother Lin Feng has just destroyed the sixth Zeng directly, in case the upper floor is directly pressed down..."

Following Zhong Haohui's analysis, several people around him suddenly took a breath.

Lin Feng was buried alive by the movement he made?

It seems ridiculous to think about it.

But they couldn't laugh at all.

Because it is really possible that this kind of thing will happen. No, it is not possible. As time goes by, more and more concrete turning heads fall away from the wall, indicating that their speculation will happen in the near future.

"I'll go back and bring out Brother Lin Feng, you first withdraw!" Zhong Haohui gritted his teeth.

Now the whole building is not safe, even the buildings next door are also the same.

Because if the building they were in were to collapse, the force of more than a few hundred tons would be tilted down, which is definitely not something they can resist, who are not yet in the realm of a general.

"Haohui!" Liu Shu stretched out his hand and opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Watching Zhong Haohui quickly rushed upstairs.


"what's the situation?"

At this time, Lin Feng opened his eyes and smiled, but soon his smile became frozen.

Because he found that where he was, the walls were ragged, exposing big holes one after another.

The ceiling above his head is the same, and dust and fine stones are constantly falling, hitting the armor on his body, and clinking.

Lin Feng was a little confused.

This was not the case earlier. Moreover, what about Zhong Haohui and the others? All the people are gone.

A thought flashed through Lin Feng's mind: Someone attacked, Zhong Haohui and the others ran outside to lead the enemy away in order to cover themselves?

But he quickly denied this idea.

Because looking at the destroyed environment around, it is really a bit different. If an enemy really came, and a large-yield bomb was used, then he would not be able to sit still here, he would have been blown up long ago.

At this time, a figure quickly rushed into the room in the thick dust.

"you're awake?"

It was Zhong Haohui who came here, and when he saw Lin Feng open his eyes, he was taken aback first, and then happy.

"what happened?"

Lin Feng asked, looking at Zhong Haohui at the same time, and found that he had no signs of injury.

"Hurry up, let's go out and talk!" Zhong Haohui looked anxious and didn't want to talk more here.

Lin Feng also noticed that this building might be collapsing, so there was no ink stains, so he responded and rushed out directly with Zhong Haohui.

Of course.

During this process, he did not forget to take away the bodies of Geng Lin, Fang Tianche, and Zhan Pengfei.

You must know that the three of them were still wearing battle armors, they stripped them off and sold them out of the war zone. A few of them were nearly ten million yuan.



After a group of people ran for nearly a kilometer and stopped on another building, they watched the previous building collapse.

It is really pushing Jinshan, like a jade pillar, the forty-five-meter-high building first collapsed the floors below, and then smashed against other tall buildings around him.

The powerful shock wave stirred up a storm, mixed with gusts of snow and dust.

at this time.

Lin Feng has already learned from other populations that the result of all this is self-inflicted.

This made him quite astonished, and a little bit dumbfounded.

At the same time, I felt a little fortunate.

Fortunately, there are still teammates around him, otherwise this time, wouldn't he have to play himself to death?

"Lin Feng, you have made such a noise this time, have you broken through to the realm of a general?" The clock Haohui looked over with scorching eyes, and asked with anticipation and excitement.

Looking at other people, and hearing Zhong Haohui's question, they all looked at Lin Feng.

A pair of eyes contains anticipation and excitement.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "No, let alone the warlord state, I am still an eighth-level fighter."


"real or fake?"

"If you haven't broken through the warlord state, why is there such a big movement?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, a group of people suddenly exploded, and they all felt incredible.

In the end, Lin Feng raised his hand to suppress the excitement of everyone, and said: "There is really no breakthrough!"

"Okay..." Zhong Haohui's eyes showed a deep disappointment.

The reason for this is that the expectations of Lin Feng earlier were too high.

But there is no way, who made Lin Feng's disturbance earlier?

When many people broke through the warlord's realm, their movements were not as big as Lin Feng's just now.

"Since it is not a breakthrough in the realm of a general, why is there such a big movement?" After calming down, Zhong Haohui and the others became more confused.

Regarding this, Lin Feng did not hide them.

"Although I haven't broken through the realm of warlords, my blood seems to have evolved!"


Zhong Haohui and Liu Fei looked at each other and said in unison.

"Yes, it's blood!" Looking at the doubts in the eyes of a few people, Lin Feng nodded, indicating that you heard it right.

When Zhong Haohui and Liu Fei heard this, their expressions were a bit stunned, and many of them flashed a dazed look on their faces.

For things like blood and physique, they really know too little information. It's not like the sons of those outsiders, who are blessed with the inheritance of the elders, and know more.