Gao Wu Arrives

Chapter 831: chill

On the broad plain, the autumn wind was bleak, with chill and dryness, as if it had blown directly into the bones of people. There were thousands of people on the court, and many of them were terrified and chilled all over.

Many people have never heard of Xin Mi in Yang Jue's mouth because they have no access to this knowledge. At this moment, I suddenly heard that everyone's first reaction was not shock, but panic and chills.

Humans cannot resist the will of heaven. This is something that every practitioner knows.

The higher the cultivation level, the deeper the cultivation, the clearer and clearer the meaning of this sentence.

After all, even Immortal and Tianzun are not only a realm in the strict sense, but more like a kind of Taoist fruit and a position.

The position of each big world is limited.

Once occupied, you will either be the prince’s arrogant or an inexperienced evildoer. In the face of such a situation, you can only say nothing, and then in despair, you will sit close to Shouyuan and watch yourself decay a little bit. Die.

And even if the immortal, Tianzun level Dao fruit is not occupied, once it has caused the wrath of the sky and annoys it, then the end will probably be the same, and it is also miserable.

The so-called acting against the sky is at best only temporary, but in the end it is a day of exhaustion and decline.

Those who were not convinced by the sky were all dead.

But what did they hear in Yang Jue's mouth? Someone wants to use human power to create a transcendent world, which is simply too crazy.

Even if it is a human emperor, a master of Tianzun level, it also makes people feel like a fantasy.

People finally know why, in all circles, the fear of the emperor is so secretive.

This is a lunatic!

"Senior, has the Divine Land World succeeded?" someone blurted out.

Speaking of the words, this person kept shaking his head. Obviously, the Divine Land World had failed, and now even the motherland has disappeared.

But at this moment, Yang Jue's words made their creeps.

Yang Jue had a solemn expression and said, "Strictly speaking, the emperor has not completely failed!"

The Divine Land World has disappeared, but Human Sovereign has not completely failed!

Such words are like a meteorite falling into a lake, causing a thousand waves of waves, and everyone is in an uproar. Such words are a bit too shocking. If the person who is speaking is not Yang Jue, someone must stand up and confuse the people loudly at this moment.

Someone was dizzy and trembling: "Senior, what does this mean?"

Yang Jue said: "The attempt is still going on, right under our feet. According to the few words that came from the land of the ruins not long ago, we learned some information."

Hearing this, many people sweated on their foreheads. The gods and immortals are things that only exist in legends. If they do appear, no one knows what they will be like.

Some people may think that this is a good thing.

But in the eyes of many people, this is not the same thing. The immortal realm and the **** realm may not be as beautiful as imagined, full of taboos, and unpredictable things may happen.

Because, when people first discovered the land of the ruins, everyone was pleasantly surprised, thinking that they might have found the immortal realm and the **** realm. But the result disappointed everyone, even hairy.

The land of returning to the ruins is fully in line with people's fantasy of the immortal realm and the **** realm. It is full of long biomass, but at the same time, it is also full of weird and unimaginable disasters.

Many people think that it is like a dead immortal realm or **** realm.

Will the immortal realm and the **** realm also die? I don't know the answer to this question. But everyone is cautious in their hearts.