Gao Wu: Awakening the Indestructible Body of S-class King Kong at the Beginning

Chapter 500

"I said I just came here, do you believe it?"

When Bi Kena heard the words, a black line appeared on his head, and he almost said to Mo Tian, ​​"Do you think I look like a fool?"

Several dozen miles away from the half-dragon spaceship, on the petals of a flower.

Mo Tian and Bi Kena were lying on the pink petals, looking in the direction of the spaceship.

I saw that a group of half-dragons stepped on the aircraft and returned to the spaceship.

Soon, the angry roar of the half-dragon man came from inside.

When the two saw this, they stepped back and slid into the petals.

"You really want to work with me?"

Mo Tian looked at the little fat man in front of him strangely.

Although he did not feel any malice in the other party, he was not familiar with the other party.

When they met in the spaceship just now, the first thing Peak did was not to beg for mercy, but to ask if he could work together.

"Of course! I have the information, and the speed is very fast, you are very powerful, and you have a colony that can exert your star power!

Together, the two of us can definitely make a fortune! "

Picna said excitedly, and projected the map of the seventh star in front of the two of them.

Looking at the map in front of him, Mo Tian's eyes lit up.

He noticed the little yellow dots on the map at first glance, and the most prominent red dot among them!

Mo Tian, ​​who had stepped on many pirate dens, immediately recognized the small dots marked.

"See the red dot in the middle? This is the largest group of pirates on the entire seventh star!

Compared with them, those pirate nests we looted before are very poor! "

Picner pointed to the red dot on the map.

"Wait! We ransacked? Wasn't it just me?"

Mo Tian interrupted Picner.

Hearing this, Piccolo opened his mouth, and finally, replied:

"I...I also demolished a door..."

Afterwards, Piccolo continued to show Mo Tian his biggest pirate stronghold, and even took out his own notebook in the middle.

Said that he had already made detailed plans.

Mo Tian looked at it for a while and found that it was a language that he could not understand.

However, Mo Tian still frowned and looked at it carefully.

"Well, it's well planned."

Mo Tian nodded, and handed the notebook back to Picana.

Bi Kena took the notebook in a speechless manner, but did not reveal what happened to Mo Tian.

"How's it going? We two work together, you seven and three?"

Picna looked at Mo Tian expectantly.

Mo Tian did not reply immediately, but asked:

"Why do you want to work with me?

Moreover, I preempted it three times and let you go empty.

It stands to reason that you should at least hate me. "

Hearing the words, Bi Kena shook his head, "No, there is no need. It is better to be your enemy than to cooperate with you to gain more benefits."

"And, I trust my gut, and my gut is never wrong."

Picner added.

"Oh?" Mo Tian was a little surprised, "You mean, our vote will definitely succeed?"

"No." Picner shook his head, "My intuition tells me that if you are your enemy, I will die."

Mo Tian heard the words and was a little speechless.

It was such a simple reason.

"Well, we can work together. However, this plan needs to be revised. I don't think it is stable enough."

Mo Tian finally agreed to Bi Kena.

Hearing this, Picna was very happy, "Okay! I just like to work with stable people!"

On the seventh star, a group of slender figures covered in blood came out of a pirate's lair.

The leader was a woman with white hair, slightly pointed ears, and a blindfold over her left eye.

The woman is wearing a light armor, and the armor exudes an energy field, which tightly wraps her.

This kind of armor that can release the force field has better protection effect than those heavy armors, and the price is more than ten times more expensive.

The woman raised her hand and held the long, narrow and slightly curved long knife in front of her chest.

Then, the other hand stretched out two fingers, clamped the blade at the bottom of the handle, and wiped it hard towards the tip of the blade.

The sticky blood on the knife was slowly wiped off by the fingers.

"The seventh group of pirates has been resolved. If this group is resolved, there should be no threat to the landing site of the spaceship."

After the woman wiped the blade clean, she inserted the blade into the scabbard around her waist.

The entire narrow blade is three meters long, but the woman's scabbard is very short, and the long blade is inserted into it, like a dagger.

This kind of scabbard with folding space technology is as high-grade as force field light armor, and it is expensive.

"Silence, something has changed!"

In the team, a slender man walked out.

The woman named Ji nodded indifferently.

The man walked to Ji's side, and in the blue eyes, countless characters flashed.

After a few seconds, the characters disappear.

"Is there so much reward for the first place?"

Ji said indifferently, not as if he was expressing his surprise, but more as if he was talking about something unimportant.

"Getting the first place is not only rewarded, but also able to get that person's attention.

In comparison, the reward for the first place is insignificant. "

said the man.

Ji nodded indifferently, "If this is the case, then I will win the first place in the assessment. You guys, go and rob the surrounding contestants."

Silently gave the order.


Everyone replied in unison, then turned into afterimages and disappeared.

Ji was sitting cross-legged directly on the ground, one eye staring blankly ahead.

"What do we do now? Their most valuable things are in that leader's space ring!"

Mo Tian took off the binoculars and looked at Bi Kena next to him with some irritability.

Not far away, is a giant battleship with a height of more than ten stories.

Inside the battleship is the largest group of pirates on the seventh zodiac star - the Bug Man Kerner Pirates!

Since there were too many people on the other side, Mo Tian and the others initially prepared to sneak in and steal their belongings.

As a result, what surprised Mo Tian and Bi Ke was that these guys willingly handed over all their belongings to the leader Kerner for safekeeping!

Insect man Kerna, but the strength of the pinnacle of planetary level!

And there are more than a dozen equally powerful insect protection around.

"No wonder they can become bigger and stronger... This kind of organization is unmatched by other pirates..."

The little fat man Piccolo murmured, the two tentacles on his forehead swaying non-stop.

Chapter 504 Crazy before the mission is completed! (The first one!)

"Hey, now is not the time to analyze any business model!"

Mo Tian reminded.

After hearing the words, Picner came back to his senses, and his face was a little sad:

"I don't know what to do either... or let's just go back to the meeting point. Three days are almost here, and our mission is complete anyway..."

"No way!" Mo Tian shook his head, "thief... we can't get away!"

Looking at the ferocious spaceship in the distance, Mo Tian said solemnly:

"Come on, you have to take something with you!

Moreover, I don't believe that he will put all the valuables in the space ring on his hand!

There must be something else in there! "

The little fat man Bi Kena looked up at Mo Tian: "Then... what should we do?"

"It's still according to the original plan, but this time, you don't need to divert the enemy, the two of us, sneak into the spaceship together!"

Mo Tian said in a deep voice.

Returning empty-handed like this made Mo Tian very unhappy.

Originally, according to the plan, the things of the Bug-Man Kerner Pirates should be available.

As a result, there is no way to get it now.

This is equivalent to the thing that was obtained, which was robbed by the other party!

This is absolutely unbearable!

Gotta find a way to get it back!

Even if you can't grab all of them, you can grab a little bit!

"Okay! Let's go together!"

Picana was a little infected by Mo Tian's emotions.

"I have a space concealer, as long as the opponent's strength does not exceed the star level, they will not find me!"

Picker replied emotionally.

So, Bi Kena and Mo Tian sneaked all the way towards the lair of the Kernahai clan.

At the same time, under Ji's order, her team members are robbing other participating members.

Because the three-day period stipulated by the assessment has almost seven or eight hours left.

Many contestants who caught enough fog beasts came here in advance, waiting for the spaceship to arrive.

Originally thinking that there are many people here, those pirates dare not come to do it.

As a result, unexpectedly, it was robbed by other participating members!

The key players are the Sacred Heart people.

The Sacred Heart Race, a natural fighting race, has a strong fighting talent.