Gao Wu: Awakening the Indestructible Body of S-class King Kong at the Beginning

Chapter 684

Mo Tian nodded and followed Ziyu.

Soon, the two came to the dungeon in the palace.

A woman was wrapped in only a few rags stained with blood. Her hands, feet, neck, and waist were all hooked by long hooks and nailed to the wall.

"This is?"

Mo Tian frowned when he saw the woman's miserable state.

He had seen this woman before, and she was a member of the team led by Tzuyu.

"She leaked the news of His Majesty's secret visit to Hedu to Hedu."

Tzuyu's face was heavy.

"Now, Your Majesty... there seems to be some trouble."

Hearing this, Mo Tian frowned, "What's the trouble?"

"Your Majesty has entered the forbidden land of the True God, it seems..." Ziyu said this, with some hesitation.

"Say it straight!" Mo Tian's brows furrowed even tighter.

"It seems... Your Majesty was won by the design of the Emperor of the Kingdom of Heguo..."

After Ziyu finished speaking, she didn't dare to look at Mo Tian.

"Any definite news?"

Mo Tian asked.

"Not yet, but, news from a few spies from Hedu..."

Before Ziyu could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Mo Tian directly waving her hand.

"If there is no definite news, then it will be fine!" Mo Tian said forcefully.

Hearing this, Ziyu opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Also, the traitor has to be dealt with."

Mo Tian turned to look at the miserable woman hanging on the wall.

"Well, we've decided to bury her separately and never reassemble..."

Ziyu just spoke.


Mo Tian's big hand was inserted into the chest of the woman on the wall.

The woman snorted and spat out a mouthful of blood, but there was a sneer on her face:

"Wait for the national teacher to capture the empress alive, you, you will end up miserably!

You can't kill me, the national teacher, but there is a way to kill you, haha! "

Speaking of the back, the woman's smile gradually became wild.

The method she said naturally meant being thrown into the blood cave.


Mo Tian raised his eyebrows, snorted, and pulled out his hand.

"Haha, you can be proud! The national teacher will never forgive you..."

The woman laughed loudly, but the smile on her face froze immediately, as if her throat was being strangled by life.

Because, at this time, her body is turning into black ash and disintegrating!

First the legs, then the abdomen, then up, to the chest, all turned black and gray!

"No! Impossible, I wouldn't..."

In the end, the woman's entire face turned to ashes.

Next to him, Tzuyu, who saw the whole process, opened his mouth wide, as if he could fit a duck egg.

Deng Deng Deng!

There were rapid footsteps.

A female warrior in red hollow armor rushed in panting.

"Sister Ziyu, He Huang issued an announcement saying that the Empress was captured alive and invited people from the entire Born Continent to go to Hedu and watch the Empress!"

When the female warrior said this, she gritted her teeth and was extremely angry.

"Sister Ziyu, should we lead the army..."


The surging divine energy exploded.

Under the terrifying energy, Tzuyu and the female warrior fell to the ground with a thud.

Both of them turned their heads and looked in horror at Mo Tian, ​​whose whole body had turned into golden light.

"I'll go to Hedu."

Mo Tian finished speaking.


The golden light flashed, and the prison trembled.

A big hole that went straight to the ground appeared above the heads of Ziyu and the female warrior.

Bang bang bang!

In the sky above the palace, Mo Tian swung his long tail, causing the space to explode, and his body speed was extremely fast.

On this day, half of the people from the Innate Continent saw a dazzling golden light fly by.

"With the ability of the teacher, it should not be possible to be caught by the emperor."

During the flight, Mo Tian, ​​whose anger subsided a lot, reacted.

Even if Xi loses, it will only be defeated in the hands of the only true god, and it is impossible for a single emperor to win.

But, no matter what, Mo Tian couldn't bear it if He Huang dared to say such words!

"First kill He Huang, and then kill the only true god!"

Mo Tian has already started to calculate.

Since Mo Tian has now become so strong that his entire body has been quantified, his flying speed is extremely fast.

In just half an hour, Mo Tian arrived at the border with China.

However, as soon as he flew into the territory of Heguo, several powerful breaths shot towards him.

"Van-level? Has it been ambush long ago?"

Mo Tian raised his eyebrows, ignored these people, and continued to fly in the direction of Hedu.



Various attacks came towards Mo Tian.

Mo Tian's eyes flashed with sternness, and he threw his hands around him with a vacant grip!

Bang bang bang!

A golden light bullet flew out!

That was Mo Tian directly throwing the condensed divine energy as a weapon.

The pure divine energy instantly hit the three Vatican masters, and the bodies of the three Vatican masters exploded directly.

However, they didn't panic, Mo Tian couldn't kill them anyway, just a little surprised that Mo Tian could release such a strong attack in an instant.

But, hum!

The air vibrated, and strange syllables came out.

The three Vatican masters whose bodies were being reorganized were all stunned.

"This is... worshiping God?"

Worshiping God at this time?

The next moment, the three of them understood.

Because, after chanting the God Worship Mantra for a while, the divine energy within the three people gushed out wildly!

"Can absorb divine energy?!"

The three of them suddenly felt dead and wanted to escape.

But, unfortunately, their bodies were scattered by Mo Tian's attack just now, and they are reorganizing!

After a while, Mo Tian continued to rush in the direction of Hedu.

In the air, the three Brahma levels have completely disappeared.

A few minutes later, the outline of Heducheng appeared in front of Mo Tian.

In Hedu City, Xi, wearing scarlet armor and holding an eight-edged spear, was walking out of the manor with thirty dead soldiers and Ji!

At this time, it coincides with a big sun rising from the east, and the fiery red light is along the horizon, shining on the top of the tallest building complex in Hedu City - the Imperial Palace!

Chapter 688 Misunderstanding, Mo Tian enters the game! (The first one!)

in darkness.


A light came on, and then, hoo hoo!

A series of lights lit.

Damp, cold, and narrow promenades emerged.

At the very front of the promenade is a stone tablet with black moss.

There is no text on the stone tablet.

At this time, the moss above started to move, and soon, a line of writing was formed.

"Hope is going to fight the true god, our chance to go out is here!"

The handwriting appeared, but quickly disappeared again, and a new line of handwriting emerged again:

"The real universe, something happened!"

After this line of handwriting appeared, the moss on the stone tablet began to move in disorder, and no clear handwriting was displayed.

A few seconds later, a complete line of writing emerged:

"The founder of the virtual universe and the virtual universe in the original universe forcibly opened the original universe channel and left."

"This is what happened ten hours ago in the real universe."

Blackened moss moves fast.

"When the two of them set off, several other masters of the realm of life and death also acted suddenly."

"The goal of these people... seems to be the Chaos Sea!"

After the handwriting appeared, it disappeared at once, and almost at the same time, several lines of simple handwriting appeared.

"Chaos Sea?"


"Is it about to start?"

"So fast?"