Gate of Technology

v2 Chapter 1047: Angel action

"Technology Gate (

For the whole thing, the main agent is the domestic capital forces, which may not be expected by ordinary people.

But people with a certain status are all clear.

After all, it is absolutely impossible for them to be indifferent for an ordinary person to occupy such a huge interest on a planet.

Not to mention the beautiful words about the rise of civilians, which group institutions involving huge interests are not all kinds of capital forces participating in it?

Even the two old horses before the omnic crisis, how many shares did they occupy in the company they founded?

Isn't the big head in the hands of those capitals?

So even if Yang Yu let a lot of capital join the profit distribution of Phantasy Star.

But the part of the interest in his hands is still jealous.

After all, this is the benefit of a planet, completely different from the benefit of a market!

The benefits of a market may generate tens or hundreds of billions of economic benefits.

But compared with the tens of trillions of trillions generated by a planet, that is nothing short of a big deal!

How much is the return even if it is one percent?

So even if Yang Yu allocates 70% of his share, the 30% he holds is still a piece of sweet steamed bun in everyone's eyes.

Especially Yang Yu who has no background.

This involves not only the business sector, but also the shadow of another class.

Although these people did very secretively, when Cheng Yuan set out to investigate, the whole thing was in full view in his eyes.

There is no way to master the top technology and be in control of the production side.

He could find out exactly what battleship the other side dispatched, the manufacturer of the battleship, and even the weapon parts processing factory equipped with the battleship.

Naturally, in his eyes, which force the warships involved in the attack belonged to was also invisible.

During this investigation, Cheng Yuan suddenly discovered that when he was concentrating on his own research and working behind closed doors.

In a few years, China's own top-notch groups have already controlled the world.

Taking advantage of the immense crisis brought to foreign countries by the omnic crisis, they swallowed up the remaining foreign capital, and even some bolder companies directly controlled the economic lifeline of some small countries!

You must know that no matter how small these countries are, they are only independent countries, but their own necks are held by China's enterprises.

Although the technology crystallization company is still the top group, these emerging capital forces are also a force that should not be underestimated.

Although they don't dare to confront the technology crystallization company, it is still okay to act recklessly in the development of the universe.

Especially in the relatively barbaric environment of the cosmic pioneering era.

Without strength and background, you have been robbed of your own benefits and achievements by others, and you can't tell.

This is one of the reasons why Yang Yu hasn't done anything special until now.

Looking at the information in his hand, Cheng Yuan scratched his head in distress.

In his thoughts, shouldn't this group of people focus all their energy on external development?

How come it has only been a few years, and I immediately started to fight in the nest.

Explore and discover unknown areas and planets, obtain ownership of the planets and develop and build on their own.

Isn't this fragrant?

Perhaps it is more popular to buy this kind of exploration without a cost?

The greed of the human heart really has no upper limit.

Cheng Yuan sighed in his heart, and then put the matter aside.

Cheng Yuan did not want to intervene in the attack. He knew from the beginning that this kind of thing would happen.

After all, the universe is too huge, and there are many accidental dangers.

Exploring outside, who knows what accidents will happen, it suddenly disappeared.

Moreover, the farther away from the earth, the free-willed personality in people's hearts will gradually breed.

Although there are relevant laws, the cosmic law is not comprehensive and needs to be adjusted and changed step by step.

The direction of adjustment and change naturally needs to refer to various examples.

It is possible that this attack will also be added to the law of the universe, and it may not necessarily form a unique legal regulation.

"Cheng Yuan, those shinny spirits have not changed. However, the animals and plants we put in have become stronger, and their offspring have dominant characteristics."

Just when Cheng Yuan was about to take a look at Ai Nu Xing's situation, Zero suddenly reported on Chi Xing's situation.

The content of the report also made Cheng Yuan excited.

"Dominant features? Let me see!"

Of course, Zero knew what Cheng Yuan was thinking about, and he was about to open the video of the Akstar Lab.

What catches the eye is the rabbit with red fur.

This rabbit has ruby-like eyes, and the hair all over it is like a burning flame, beautiful and smart.

"This is their offspring? How many generations are they breeding?"

Cheng Yuan's eyes brightened, and the performance of elemental energy on animals made him look forward to it.

"In the first generation of reproduction, elemental energy seems to have hereditary properties. It allows the animal's offspring cells to have elemental energy directly."

"What special ability does it have?" Cheng Yuan asked.

The change of this rabbit surprised him very much, although the elemental energy was sinking into the sea like shinling.

But these animals that have been brought over from the earth have different behaviors.

"It can simply use elemental energy to breathe flames." Zero replied.

At the end, he did not forget to add: "The use is very rough, but for the rabbit's intelligence, it is already very good."

After seeing the use of elemental energy by angels, these rabbits' use of elemental energy is naturally very rough in Zero's eyes.

Cheng Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "Can you expect a rabbit to compare with an angel? Although elemental energy strengthens their bodies, but intelligence is not something that will increase when the body becomes stronger."

"Continue to observe this rabbit, as well as the offspring of those animals and plants that reproduced. Also, how is Nano preparing for the reproduction of the body?"

Cheng Yuan's mood is a bit happy now, which makes his tone a little brisk.

"It has been prepared and is in transit." Zero replied.

"Okay, tell me when I arrive, I'll take a look at Ainu Star first." Nodding slightly, Cheng Yuan set his eyes on Ainu Star.

At this time, on Ainu, the Angel of Death has gained all the power of angels and demons ~ Even the chaos and destruction in a dormant state are under the hands of the other demons, stripped of some of their power.

Including his own power, he is in control of all the power of the entire race civilization. The Angel of Death looked at the fourteen glazed orb-like power clusters floating around him.

There was a touch of seriousness and seriousness in his eyes, and it was full of expectation and enthusiasm.

"Do you really want to do this?" The ice angel sounded in a cold voice, her voice a little worried.

Because there are lessons for this kind of thing.

Not only him, but the other angels and demons are watching, and their eyes are full of expectation and worry.

"Don't worry, I am not trying these powers with my own body. I have found a more suitable container. As long as we succeed, it may allow us to break the barrier of dimensionality."

The angel of death slowly nodded and replied in a deep voice.

As he said, under the eyes of the angels and demons, he took out a mass of substance similar to soft mud.

"This is something I got from the Zerg, and they seem to be studying it. This thing can swallow and contain all matter and energy."

Without waiting for other people to ask, the angel of death said everything he knew, and then he controlled fourteen energy condensed matter like colored glass beads into the soft mud.

At this moment, a strong light burst out from the soft mud.

The dazzling light made the angels and demons take a step back, and there was a touch of heart palpitations on their faces.

They are not afraid of the angel of death using this thing to create a terrible monster.

It is simply afraid of the serious consequences caused by the out-of-control of the energy generated by the gathering of 14 strands of energy!