Gate of Technology

v2 Chapter 402

The Rockefeller family's investment in the pharmaceutical industry is not small, accounting for 12.3% of the family's assets! After the war, although the technology industry made more money, the most stable drug was medicine.

No matter whether there is war or not, medicine is a must-have, because no one can guarantee that he will not get sick! So it is reasonable that the Rockefeller family has so much investment in this area.

However, at this time, Pfeiffer couldn't be happier. He and his son John Rockefeller only had 1.5% of the medicine-related shares, and the rest were scattered in the hands of other family members.

But now he can only operate 5.8%!

When he told John's thoughts and possible situations in the future, except for his two brothers who believed in himself and gave him the medical shares in his hands, others sneered at his statements.

I think he is a self-determined way of money. Their Rockefeller family of oil companies have been invaded and even their families are speechless. Although they still occupy a certain share, they can get a lot of wealth every year.

If placed in the eyes of ordinary people, they will naturally not be dissatisfied at all, and they can get endless money without doing anything. This is how they make a lot of money.

But born in the Rockefeller family, everyone received a much higher education than ordinary people, and they would naturally be dissatisfied with this situation.

Their own family business has become an outsider's thing, which is just hitting their faces alive, and it is heavy and crackling!

But they have no way to cause all of this. Is it not the exchange of the first generation of ancestors to stabilize their own interests?

In the capitalist society, if you want to start your business from scratch, you have to pay the same price.

Cross-shareholding with other companies, not only that, but also pay part of the shares to the government, relevant departments, etc., which makes them less and less shares.

And with the outbreak of science and technology, the crazy convergence of smart technology also allows them to obtain certain technology shares in exchange for their own shares and so on.

From generation to generation, it is normal for the number of shares to be held in the hands to be low. After some events and fluctuations, it gradually loses its power.

Similarly, they have lost power in the family business, but they have made great achievements in other fields. Although their family has weakened, it is still a behemoth that ordinary people cannot reach.

The wealth earned from the pharmaceutical industry is the only means of profit for many people in the family. It is simply impossible for them to give up this part of their benefits.

Although Pephis knew this situation long ago, he felt that with his reputation in the family, he could operate at least half of the pharmaceutical shares, but it was so ruthless.

Looking blankly at those family members who laughed at themselves, Pephis slowly closed his eyes. He should have said what he should say. The decision was in their hands. Then something really happened, so it ’s not strange. He didn't remind them anymore.

Thinking about it this way, his heart was much better, and he took a glance at these unknown people. He left the family conference hall and began to sell the medical shares he owned.

Before the recovery fluid has caused an impact, the pharmaceutical shares are still very strong. These shares can be sold for a high price, but this requires him to perform some operations.

As for how to operate, Pfeiffer is naturally familiar with it. All he has to do now is to speculate, and it is still very advantageous to do it during this time.

Nowadays, the topic of recovery liquid has just emerged. All he has to do is to discredit the recovery liquid, and then raise the pharmaceutical company's own shares at the same time. After getting attention, then carry out some operations from the stock market and raise the price. He slowly shot again.

As for how to smear the recovery fluid, this is not his concern. As long as he conveys his meaning to the media, someone will naturally help him complete it.

Thinking of this, Pemphis smiled slightly, and then began a low-key operation.

The second day after the promotion of the recovery liquid was finished, the drug was officially sold. After the recovery liquid was diluted in the technology crystallization company, it was shipped to the processing plant of Anhe Biopharmaceutical Company. After being packed in the processing plant, it was delivered to the customer.

After a vial of glowing green light like jadeite was successfully delivered to the buyer, a test operation began in full swing.

In the promotion of the recovery liquid, its effect was blown up, and most of the purchasers bought it with a try and trust in Cheng Yuan.

And fifteen dollars is really not expensive!

Wang Hu is holding this kind of psychology. When he was talking about the recovery fluid on the Internet, he ordered three bottles directly, one meter eighty-five, eighty-three kilograms in weight, neither fat nor thin, very muscular, He is burly.

He is not a troublemaker, but his height and appearance often cause some trouble. He has a very flat face.

He was also very depressed. His appearance was given by his parents. He couldn't change it. He was born that way. His face also made him often confuse some troubles when he was at school.

No way, the problem with the shape of his face and his tall body makes him the first impression that he sees him, ‘Is n’t this person foolish? ’

Because of this, Wang Hu often encountered troubles when he was in school, which led him to gradually pull down his studies and fight with others. As the number of fights with him increased, although fewer people were looking for him, the learning mentality was gone.

After he graduated from a third-rate college, he didn't find a job. With this body and his experience of fighting from school, he went directly to the bar and ktv.

And he also left a lot of ‘War Honors’. If he did n’t even care about it, a man with one or two scars would still be attractive.

But the only thing that upset him was that there was a trace on his face.

Extending from the cheek bones to the chin, the scars made him look even more fierce, but at the same time also caused him to have a subtle inferiority complex.

And his inferiority is different from others. As long as others stare at the scars on his face, he will be furious.

At the same time, he has been afraid to see his parents at home. If his parents know what he is doing at this time, will he not strip him? Wang Hu is a filial piety. He didn't want his parents to be angry about it, so he hid in another province for several years without a home.

However, the boy was married and the girl was married. He has reached the age of marriage. His parents have been talking to his family about marriage, but staring at such a large scar on his face, he dare not go.

If this is to go, let alone the parents' ability to pass, what would people in Shilibaxiang think? How did his parents raise their heads in the neighborhood?

The son is a second-rate boy, who is a thug?

Wang Hu himself doesn't care, but he cares about his parents' thoughts.

So after learning the effect of the recovery liquid, he didn't hesitate to buy it. Now that the item has been delivered, Wang Hu opened his eyes wide and looked at the glass bottle in his hand without blinking.

The glass bottle is very small, only the thumb is thick, about the same length as the index finger, the green liquid inside is very clear, and it emits a dazzling light in the sun.

Just looking at the appearance, the trust in Wang Hu's heart is one more point, and he can give a perfect score in this manner!

Then he opened the bottle cap, and a faint fragrance spread out of the bottle and got into his nasal cavity. "It smells good too!" But Wang Hu's face soon showed doubts, didn't he say that the Chinese medicine was extracted Why can't I smell a little Chinese medicine?

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Wang Hu didn't hesitate. He came to the mirror and poured a part of the recovery fluid into the palm of his hand. The cool feeling was instantly transmitted to his palm.

Looking at his scarred face in the mirror, he did not hesitate to wipe the recovery liquid on.

When the recovery liquid was applied to the scar, Wang Hu first felt the same coolness as when he poured it into the palm of his hand. After applying the recovery liquid, Wang Hu carefully looked at his face and found that there was nothing wrong with it. Go out.

The recovery fluid is magical, but if it is magical, there must be a treatment process, otherwise it is not an elixir? So after Wang Hu wiped out, he went straight out.

After spending half an hour by car, he came to the bar where he worked, because the time was still in the afternoon, except for a few staff members, there were no guests.

"Yo, Brother Hu, you came early today." The bartender said with a smile when he saw Wang Hu coming in.

Wang Hu smiled slightly and said casually: "It's okay, just come early and wait for the time when you are at work, it's all very bad when people get off work."

"So too." The bartender nodded in deep thought, and then looked at Wang Hu's eyes with a hint of curiosity: "Brother Hu, what's wrong with your face, it's all peeled off!"

Wang Hu didn't come to the bar just now. UU read the book The lights were dim and he didn't see clearly. When Wang Hu approached, he found out.

"Peeling?" Wang Hu touched his face in confusion, a rough touch came from the palm of his hand, he rubbed it hard, spread his hand open, and there was some white substance in the palm.

Wang Hu jumped to his heart and quickly said to the bartender, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Quickly came to the bathroom, Wang Hu looked at himself in the mirror, where the scar on his face, where he had just applied the recovery fluid, the color was slightly white, and when he touched it with his hands, the scar was originally hard The hard feeling turned a little soft at this time!

Wang Hu can be sure that this is definitely not an illusion, but there are some changes in the scar!

At this moment, Wang Hu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

And many people have the same experience as Wang Hu. An internet anchor in order to attract viewers exaggeratedly made a small spit in the back of his hand with a knife in front of his audience, and then quickly applied himself with recovery fluid The purpose is to confirm the effect of the recovery liquid to everyone!

Is it really so amazing! (To be continued.)