Gate of Technology

v2 Chapter 490

Hologram plus intelligence!

If Zhao Jun does not want to move, it must be false. After all, there is such a combination technology in a technology crystallization company. They have naturally seen it and are very envious.

But how this combination will behave, he is not very clear. Despite his heart, he asked cautiously: "Mr. Cheng, what kind of function does this combination have?"

In any case, ask the situation first. The others were also very curious and looked forward to waiting for Cheng Yuan's introduction.

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly and did not answer the question: "Mayor Zhao, holographic technology coupled with intelligent control, I will not be able to describe in detail how much change, I will give an example."

"When these two technologies are used in combination, once a person who enters the city is connected to the city's unique network, then he is equivalent to bringing with him a Best Buy."

Cheng Yuan looked around at everyone, with a smile on his lips, calmly said: "When a stranger enters our city, he can open a holographic screen at any time after connecting to the city network, and then use voice or gesture to directly indicate his purpose And smart will show them the clearest route, and at the same time make perfect route adjustments based on the traffic conditions in the city. "

"In addition, Smart will give these people connected to the network a detailed overview of the city of Anhe and some common sense of life."

This sentence Cheng Yuan said very reluctantly. After all, the reason why Anhe City is not comparable to other cities is that it has no tourist attractions.

Even if there are, they are unknown places. How can such attractions attract outsiders' attention and drive the city's economic consumption?

His words made everyone overjoyed. If this is the case, they can fully integrate this function into the city publicity clips, and then greatly increase the city's fame and attract everyone's curiosity.

Not only that, although there are no tourist attractions in Anhe City, they can create one by themselves. Did n’t Cheng Yuan just say what satellite projection was used to directly cover the entire city?

They can add some holographic elements in some garden squares, and then transform them into special attractions, just like the Big Wild Goose Pagoda Fountain Square in Xi'an.

Maybe they are technically inferior to such a wicked man as Cheng Yuan, but in terms of developing cities, they can proudly say that Cheng Cheng is dozens of streets away!

Just as everyone was dreaming about the future, Zhao Jun suddenly moved in his mind and asked, "Mr. Cheng, can your intelligent technology be integrated with the transportation department of our city?"

As soon as he said this, the crowd instantly sobered from the fantasy and looked at Zhao Jun staggeringly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Cheng Yuan gave a strange glance at Zhao Jun, then nodded gently: "Of course, Mayor Zhao wants to use my satellite and intelligent system to manage the traffic environment of the whole city?"

Although Cheng Yuan had this idea before, he was worried that Zhao Jun would not agree in this regard, so he lost his mind.

After all, once this kind of intelligent supervision is implemented, maybe it will steal the traffic police's job. He doesn't want to take the lead in such a thing. Although he is not afraid to offend some people, he will not blame people for no reason.

Cheng Yuan wants to monitor the whole city, and he has his own plans. First of all, he wants to better understand the movement of the whole city and eliminate some hazards in advance. Secondly, the use of intelligent monitoring can also make the city's traffic environment more superior. In the end, once such monitoring was implemented, he would be able to monitor the situation in various places.

Otherwise, there are some things that he really can't do well in the future.

Of course, this is just Cheng Yuan's most preliminary idea. Deeper considerations are for stronger oversight and the hunt for criminals.

Supervision, to put it plainly, is a deterrent to those who abuse their power. Of course, such supervision is one-sided, but it is better than nothing.

It also allows people to see more clearly what happened, and things like touching porcelain have the most complete video recordings.

At the same time, this method can also better ensure the security environment of the city. As long as your mobile phone is connected to the city network of Anhe City, you can also call for help at the fastest speed if you encounter a dangerous situation.

Smart will perfectly record your location and automatically contact the nearest police station.

Cheng Yuan has a lot of thoughts. As for what Zhao Jun thinks, he doesn't know.

And Cheng Yuan directly explained his thoughts, and Zhao Jun did not deny it. He seriously said: "I do have such thoughts. After all, the combination of intelligence and holographic technology is equivalent to ruling out some accidents that may be caused after power failure. It can also reduce large maintenance costs. "

Zhao Jun's statement made everyone here agree very much, but the director of the Transportation Bureau Wu Zheng, who sat in the fifth position on the right side of Zhao Jun, frowned slightly.

But he covered up well and didn't make anyone see.

However, his expression did not escape as far as Zhang Li and Chen Yu's eyes. After all, the three of them have been strengthened, and their observation ability is not comparable to ordinary people.

Regarding the change of Wu Zheng's expression, Cheng Yuan naturally knew what the high-profile traffic bureau chief was worried about, but it had nothing to do with him. Anyway, Zhao Jun was staring in front, he just cooperated.

Thinking of this, he immediately responded with a smile: "Mayor Zhao, rest assured, this kind of thing is very simple for me, as long as you can cooperate with me."

In the next few hours, everyone discussed about the topic of holographic cities for four or five hours before finalizing a lot of matters needing attention.

After the matter was over, Zhao Jun and Kong Jie, as well as people in the system, naturally enthusiastically retained Cheng Yuan and Zheng Jia to eat.

He refused to resolutely, and the four left the municipal building.

At this time, it was still raining heavily outside.

After getting on the car, Cheng Yuan complained, "How long will it rain, and nothing will happen." Looking at the gloomy sky, Cheng Yuan's two eyebrows tightened tightly.

Although Zheng Jia on the side did not think so much as Cheng Yuan did, after Cheng Yuan expressed her worries, her face was not very optimistic.

Looking through the car window, watching the stagnant water spread to the middle of the road, she comforted: "Nothing will happen, we still have the Yangtze River dam here."

"That's right, I'm more attentive." Cheng Yuan heard that Zheng Jia made sense, and then he didn't worry about this issue.

In the following days, as Zheng Jia said, although it continued to rain, the rain was much less, and Ontario's flood control work was in place, and no accidents occurred.

On October 22nd, Cheng Yuan received news from Wang Changqi that he had successfully synthesized the sun-fed grass and had begun to cultivate it in the breeding room. The specific results would take two weeks to observe.

This news is not very good or bad. Cheng Yuan just let Wang Changqi complete the overall experimental data as soon as possible. Zheng Jia, a patent related to Fangyangcao, had already applied for it.

Although there are clear regulations that animals and plants cannot be patented, not even synthetic plants, this does not mean that the technology of this synthetic process cannot be patented.

Therefore, there is no obstacle to patents.

The success of Fangyangcao also made Cheng Yuan happy for a few days, and also made him go to the satellite base more frequently. After all, time passed by day by day, the satellite also tended to complete, and Cheng Yuan ran naturally and diligently!

It's just that the process is far from happy. The experts who stayed at the satellite base went frowning one by one. They didn't learn anything here.

Although they have a copy of the same satellite technology data, the data they get is a very ordinary basic satellite structure, which is fundamentally different from what Cheng Yuan has made today.

In addition, there are still many defects in the satellite data that they get. They are just trying to make up for this defect.

As for the flaws they think, it is naturally about the things carried on the satellites, advanced space telescopes, high-precision nanoprisms, ion propulsion devices and antigravity drives.

Of course, these technical data cannot be handed over to the satellite data, after all, the satellite data they had negotiated was the satellite data!

No mention of these incidentals.

However, these days Chengyuan has been busy with satellite matters, Zheng Jia came with a news, a bad news.

Flood in Seoul, the capital of Hubei Province!

However, the country responded very quickly. It dispatched nearby military district troops to rescue it, and also sent a large number of airships for material transportation.

Compared with helicopter transportation, the advantages of airships are undoubtedly full.

In addition to daily necessities and medicines, smart robots are also essential, and powerful medical functions can save rescue forces a lot of energy.

And Huaxia's powerful rescue capability was also instantly manifested at this moment. One hour after the flood erupted, all personnel and materials were readily available.

Then launched a vigorous rescue operation!

Because the rescue was timely, it did not cause much damage, except for the residents near the dam where the flood broke out.

Zheng Jia's purpose of contacting Cheng Yuan is also very simple ~ ~ that is to ask for money!

Although the flood eruption was stopped, it still broke the dam, and in an hour, the flood will still cover a wide range.

So their rich entrepreneurs, at this time, changed their generosity.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these wicked capitalists are indeed the group who donated the most money at this time, which ordinary people will never know.

And the media have always only introduced to the public the donations of well-known companies, and some of the people who donate the most money.

As for ordinary enterprises, they will not appear in the content at all. Where they appear is a number, the total donation number!

Of course, donations from small or medium-sized companies are full screen willing.

This time, Cheng Yuan didn't refuse, he thought for a moment, and said, "Take out five million US dollars. Is our environmental energy subsidiary registered? Did Professor Wang have finished the product and can put it into use immediately? Now. "To be continued ^