Gate of Technology

v2 Chapter 590

The US President nodded with satisfaction after testing Robert's capabilities in various ways, and then took everyone out of the main engine room.

After coming out, his first sentence was not praise but inquiry.

"Doctor, is Robert in danger?" The president stared directly into the other person's eyes.

When the president looked at it this way, the doctor frowned suddenly. He hesitated: "I'm not sure, Mr. President. If it has to be said, once it is out of our control, the danger will definitely be the highest level!"

"So, can you control it?" The president asked again.

"Yes!" Bo Shi immediately nodded: "Since the original design, we have added the necessary control code to its core. As long as this source code is present, we can always control it."

The president then nodded: "Very well, doctor, when will it be officially put into use?"

"It will be tomorrow. Just as soon as we have uploaded it to the network, they will learn the knowledge of the entire human race at the fastest speed, and then use it, we can use it to bring great development to technology!" , The doctor was so excited.

As the person in charge of the construction of artificial intelligence, if his work can bring change to humanity, it will be a supreme honor.

"It will be put into use tomorrow. I will let the specialized department come to discuss with you. I hope that Robert can bring us change!" After the president spoke to the doctor earnestly, he left with everyone.

This situation is also happening all over the world. China, China, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, etc., except for China, there is not so much worry. In other countries, after a little test, artificial intelligence has begun. Follow-up construction.

After the formation of artificial intelligence, countries kept secrets, but privately began rapid mechanized intelligent construction.

The super-fast production speed of Cheng Yuan's intelligent robot factory has made them envied and don't know how many times, they already want their own intelligent factory.

Now that they have mastered artificial intelligence, they can't wait to start building related aspects.

With the help of the power of one country, the speed of intelligent construction is very fast!

In just two months, smart factories have become the mainstream of secret construction in various countries.

And the benefits of being able to build also made them very excited. First of all, intelligent robots are no longer the sole proprietor of the Huaxia family, and they also have their own artificial intelligence.

In the past, they were afraid that Huaxia's intelligent robots would enter relevant departments and steal their data, but after having their own intelligent robots, they need not worry.

And this kind of situation is that intelligent robots appear more in society!

The people of all countries have not expressed special concern for such changes, but they are very happy one after another. After all, the things of Huaxia are always Huaxia. How can there be things in their own country.

But this is also for those who do not yet have an intelligent robot. Those who already have will naturally not exchange for an intelligent robot that they are already familiar with and have feelings for.

But in any case, intelligence has become widespread, which is an inevitable fact.

Even more thorough than before, while the popularity of intelligence, another problem broke out, then artificial! With the advent of intelligent robots, their efficient work has impressed countless manufacturers in extreme time.

And expensive labor costs, coupled with manual work, the internal defective product rate has always been the worry of various factory owners.

If there is no defective product in your factory, the profit will be 100%!

Therefore, the precise work of intelligent robots has been valued by them. The bosses of these manufacturers are very enthusiastic. If it were not for the expensive price of intelligent robots, they would directly replace all workers.

However, the expensive cost is not an obstacle to the use of intelligent robots by the bosses of these manufacturers. Although most jobs will not be changed, some dangerous positions will be replaced by them.

After all, in some factories, some dangerous jobs can cause people to become disabled, or even lose their lives. Such positions are not only extremely dangerous, but also require great efforts from the workers on the job.

Often, workers in such positions are scarce compared to ordinary positions.

Therefore, once an accident occurs, it is difficult to supplement it in a short time. Not only that, once an accident occurs, hundreds of thousands or even millions of compensations are paid in, and it is impossible to calm down.

This situation is even more serious in foreign countries. Perhaps the factory owner will try his best to conceal such things and reduce his own losses.

But very little can be concealed. If it was okay decades ago, it will not work now.

Therefore, compared with a smart robot of about 100,000 US dollars, it can guarantee that no accidents will occur and that it can work all day.

So this small number of dangerous positions have been replaced.

Although these workers are very angry that they have been replaced by robots and lost their jobs, even if they are angry, they will not help.

Compared with most ordinary workers who can still work, this part is too few and too few to have any impact at all, so the only thing they can do is to get another job with the wages and compensation given by the factory owner .

However, over time, the efficiency of intelligent robots is obvious to all, so more and more factory owners are excited, and more and more workers are unemployed.

And these unemployed people have received a fair amount of compensation, even if they want to protest. Of course, some unscrupulous bosses intentionally dismiss workers for various reasons in order to save this compensation.

So this also caused a lot of protests and lawsuits.

Of course, these things naturally will not affect the comprehensive social problems, it is only a small problem and it is very easy to solve.

After all, satisfying most people and satisfying a small number of people, no matter who will choose the former, and a small number of people can only become representatives of sacrifice.

These problems are quickly abandoned by the local media in the face of mainstream intelligence problems. Are they not unemployed? As long as the boss does not hack your money, this is not a problem.

As for being hacked, just sue them to the professional department. Now that the network is so developed, there are rarely high failures.

After all, many lawyers abroad are dedicated to help deal with such things, one is to accumulate their own lawyer experience, and the other is to fame.

Probability lawyers' litigation experience is very important for a lawyer. As for fame, it goes without saying.

For a lawyer, the more famous you are, the more high-value things you can receive, and the more you can earn.

In addition to this problem, with the large-scale application of artificial intelligence, the ultra-high and convenient life brought by artificial intelligence is also welcomed and loved by people.

In a society that is increasingly focusing on enjoying modern technology, many people have hardly resisted artificial intelligence coming into their lives.

As for the so-called intelligence crisis in the movie?

Come on, the country is not a fool. If there is danger, how can they be applied on a large scale?

Therefore, even if there were one or two people with danger theory, they would soon be swallowed up in the army of the people without causing any waves.

As people think, countries are very confident in their control of artificial intelligence, so they have little scruples about developing artificial intelligence.

News in this regard also quickly reached Huaxia.

In terms of Huaxia, the application of artificial intelligence is always undertaken by technology crystallization companies. The official artificial intelligence of Huaxia is only used internally and has not appeared in society.

However, problems have also arisen. Facing the vigorous development of artificial intelligence abroad and the spread of artificial intelligence to all walks of life have also entered the eyes of the Chinese people through the media.

The Chinese people are naturally envious of this open development of artificial intelligence behavior abroad, and they are also beginning to wonder why they remain the same.

Since Cheng Yuan came up with artificial intelligence technology, they can only see intelligent robots that rich people can enjoy, as well as Lan Yin mobile phones.

As for the urban network, many people have judged it as holographic technology ~ ~ rather than intelligent technology.

It's been almost two years, what is Cheng Yuan thinking about?

At this time, Cheng Yuan didn't know what the people of Huaxia were thinking. He had already been fully prepared for the development of artificial intelligence.

But in the face of today's situation, he is still a little hesitant.

The rapid development of various countries is indeed beyond his expectations. He did not expect that things developed with the power of one country would be so rapid.

"Zero, did you feel a collective power?" Cheng Yuan stood on the top floor of the cutting-edge laboratory, overlooking the scenery below through floor-to-ceiling windows, teasing.

"It was very fast, but I also made an unexpected discovery. After I got your permission, I checked the artificial intelligence of various countries, and I found that there are traces of information exchange in artificial intelligence servers in various countries." Zero said.

"Information exchange? It should be the exchange of countries. After all, don't they still have a JAD plan, and the results have come out." Cheng Yuanto didn't care about the problem of information exchange. In his view, this is a secret union between countries.

The purpose is to catch up or even surpass yourself!

"Perhaps." Zero hasn't considered that much, so it may be that the situation is really the private exchanges of the countries themselves.

"By the way, what's the situation with space law now?" Cheng Yuan asked again. He was still very concerned about this issue. After all, he didn't want to make any trouble before he got into the space.

Therefore, during the period when artificial intelligence was booming, the issue of space law was also raised.

In Cheng Yuan's opinion, this space law is said to be for the inherent interests of all countries to prevent a possible space resource war in the future, but to put it plainly is a law against him! (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL: