Gate of Technology

v2 Chapter 793

"Head, Shennong II's food production for one month is enough for a large population and province to provide for one week!" Cheng Yuan said slowly, with a touch of pride in his expression.

Shennong-2 satellite base is smaller than those of the smaller farms on the earth, but the food produced by those small farms will definitely not support the food of all people in a large province for a week!

This is the advantage of technology and Cheng Yuan's self-confidence, because the food produced by Shennong II does not need to support the population of a large population province.

All he has to do is provide rushed grains and meat and vegetable foods to people in redevelopment plans around the world.

This multi-million population is more than enough for Cheng Yuan ’s Shennong-2 satellite base!

The leaders of the No. 1 team also understood this principle, so after Cheng Yuan said this data, they obviously moved. Cheng Yuan's method can definitely solve their current problems. The only thing that worries them is the result of the credit point once it becomes popular.

However, these are all future things. What they can do is to try to ensure that the amount of credits is in their own hands.

既然 "In this case, just do it your way." The number one chief looked at each other, and then made a decision.

I heard Cheng Yuan's consent and Cheng Yuan smiled.

"No problem, this matter can be resolved soon." Cheng Yuan promised.

The number one leader of No. 1 nodded and then closed the video call.

After the call ended, Cheng Yuan said to zero: "The food transportation of the Shennong-2 satellite base is accelerated, and the amount allocated to each place is increased by 30%."

After a pause, Cheng Yuan said, "The bank is ready to start business. Tell Zheng Jia and Xiao Lian to let them prepare."

Zero nodded to remember Cheng Yuan's words, and then began to execute the command. For zero, command execution is very efficient.

For a month, the technology crystallization company has long connected the global network together, and a huge earth quantum network covers any place in the world.

As long as you have the equipment of a technology crystallization company, you can log in to the quantum network anytime, anywhere, and exchange information with friends around the world.

Zheng Jia and Guo Xiaolian received the news from Cheng Yuan as soon as possible. They first listened to Cheng Yuan's actions.

A month ago, they had already discussed the promotion plan of credit points. According to the plan, the bank's opening time will be extended by three to four months.

After people everywhere are used to using credits, their credit banks can be formally accepted without rejection.

Cheng Yuan suddenly decided to advance in advance, and their first reaction was that Cheng Yuan must have made new changes.

For two people, this is considered a habit. Cheng Yuan can often do this kind of thing, and he will never honestly follow the set plan.

After confirming that this was Cheng Yuan's order, Zheng Jia directly contacted Fang Jing by phone.

Fang Jing, who is in Yuanyuan in Europe, is sitting in his office watching the information on the progress of the reconstruction in various places.

Most of the tasks are entrusted to intelligent robots, and only some of them are recruited locally. They are responsible for communicating with local officials and handling some plans for reconstruction.

Whether it is hydropower, information network, or the layout of commercial buildings, these are inseparable from human hands.

Even if Cheng Chengyuan seems to be completely surrounded by intelligent robots, local officials are not assured!

智能 An intelligent machine is familiar with the entire country's architectural layout, military distribution, and information channels, which has led them to destroy one strong country at a rapid rate.

The so-called fear of well ropes for a decade after being bitten by a snake, after one lesson, they naturally dare not abuse intelligent robots.

Even if these intelligent robots are the products of a technology crystallization company, they cannot rest assured!

After I approved a document on the consumption of urban planning resources from France, Fang Jing hadn't had time to stretch out and be lazy. The phone rang, and the intelligent assistant Veronica sounded, "Ma'am, the phone from the headquarters."

As soon as Veronica's words fell, Fang Jing jumped out of a holographic screen. There is a caller ID on the screen, and there is a smiling life photo of Zheng Jia on it.

"Sister Zheng, is there anything wrong?" After Fang Jing answered the phone, she saw Zheng Jia, who was also sitting in the office, and asked with a smile.

佳 Zheng Jia nodded, a slight smile appeared on his face: "Fang Jing, the boss's new order, the credit bank can be started, and banks in all places have been completed, right?"

Ken Fang Jing heard the words, showing a touch of surprise, but this surprise lasted for less than a second, and she returned to normal.

Wu Chengyuan's style, she really can not be familiar with it.

"The banks have already been built, and the bank's location is in the city center. The location is very good. However, the bank currently has no employees. If it starts, it needs to recruit staff locally, which takes time." Fang Jing thought about the reason , Answered.

Zheng Jia smiled and said, "As long as it is built, there is no problem. You can take the time to recruit employees. After all, we only need a part of human services."

As for the employees of Credit Bank, Cheng Yuan and Zheng Jia made a unified decision after adopting a purely intelligent management model.

All employees who can access the credit point must be smart robots, because smart robots are the best controlled and the safest.

Can even prevent many possible accidents.

However, it is impossible to say that there is no one in the large bank. After all, some businesses still need people to complete.

Smart is always smart!

After the call was over, Fang Jing began to order Cheng Yuan's orders. Naturally, a dedicated staff member was responsible for these things.

Uh ...

Xi Chengyuan started to act, and Huaxia naturally would not be silent. One hour after the call with Cheng Yuan ended, a new message was notified to everyone through official channels.

"Given the current chaos in the currency system around the world and the collapse of a large number of currency values, we will adopt a new equivalent currency. This currency will undergo a large-scale trial. The trial area is part of China and other countries. Rebuild the area! "

The official spokesman stood on the podium, watching the excited reporter below, and loudly announced the decision made by the senior management.

新闻 This news spread rapidly around the world through the quantum network. When everyone saw the news and landed on the official website for details.

The people in Huaxia may be quite confused, but most of the people in the reconstruction areas in foreign countries are very strange.

They are very familiar with the credit point these days. Credit points are not only easy to use, but also more applicable than Huaxia!

In the redevelopment area, there may be a lot of things that Huaxiacoin can buy, but the credit point can buy more and more practical things.

Especially what the technology crystallization company sells is basically settled by credit point purchase. Except for a little trouble at the beginning, they did not feel the convenience of credit points until they actually started using it.

Go shopping in the supermarket, they will never have to wait in line. As long as they get what they want and pass the detection system installed at the door, a confirmation of the deduction reminder will automatically appear.

After confirming, you can find the shopping bags required by the staff and pack the goods you bought and take them away. In addition to this, the use of credit points can also buy various snacks and cooked food in the stores of the technology crystallization company, which are the most irresistible for people in the redevelopment area.

The reconstruction area is desolate, with ruins everywhere. Even after more than a month, because of the great reconstruction, restaurants will not be found everywhere like in China.

This makes many people who can't stand outside China to eat. They eat the same meals in the temporary resident every day. Naturally, some people cannot accept this month.

After all, although their original lives are ordinary, they are not so singular in eating this.

So when these foods appear in the large-scale store and supermarket established by the technology crystallization company, many people naturally follow them.

And because of this reason, credit points spread quickly in the reconstruction area and were used by most people.

Now when they read the news, they found that Huaxia official was promoting this credit as well as the technology crystallization company, and they accepted it very easily.

Even Hua Xia's settlement of workers' wages with credit points has not caused any doubt or rebound.

This point, even the senior officials in China are surprised. When the puzzled people asked the reason, they knew that the boy Cheng Yuan had already started the trial in the reconstruction area!

However, before pulling the national flag, credit points are like a universal shopping card, and they can buy their products.

Now with the support of the country, the role of this credit point naturally expands countless times in an instant!

Britain, garrison.

Mo Mosheng ended his day's work. When he just took off his individual armor and was ready to take a rest, his personal intelligent assistant on his wrist suddenly shook.

士兵 "Soldier, I have your new news." The intelligent assistant with mechanical metal sounds rang.

He opened the holographic window on the watch in doubt and looked at the new information displayed in the window made up of blue lines ~ ~ he froze.

"Need to read it for you?" The smart assistant continued to ask.

Mo Mo nodded and said, "Open."

"You have received a war victory subsidy from the military, 300,000 credits. Credits have been credited to your account and can be checked at any time. Do you have any questions?" Said the intelligent assistant.

声 The information that the intelligent assistant said made Mo Sheng a little scratched. He quickly asked, "What is this credit?"

The smart assistant explained: "Credit points are a new currency system jointly issued by Huaxia officials and technology crystal companies. It has the same purchasing power as the original currency value. You can log in to the official website for detailed information."

The intelligent assistant showed a brand new network address in front of Mo Sheng's eyes.

Mo Mosheng opened this page with doubts ...

Twenty minutes later, he understood the role of this credit point. After a clear understanding, he had no other emotions in his heart.

If the issue of Hua Xia coins, he may not be able to sleep all night with excitement, but the issue of this credit point made him feel weird.

Although he doesn't doubt the purchasing power of this credit point, but the first time he comes into contact with this kind of thing, he doesn't know how to face it!

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