Gate of Truth

Chapter 1051: Absolute truth, rank! ! (For subscriptio

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one day later.

On the empty island, Chen Anxia satisfactorily watched the progress of mimic analysis of Eni Road reached 100%.

This means that Aini Road is completely useless for Chen Anxia.

Because Chen Anxia successfully completed the mimic analysis, everything in Aini Road was naked in Chen Anxia's eyes.

This includes all the weaknesses of Aini Road, attack moves, attack routines, and even the ideas of Aini Road, which can be deduced by Chen Anxia.

This means that Aini Road could not escape Chen Anxia's Wuzhi Mountain completely.

Of course, this also means that Eni Road can no longer have a chance to make a comeback. Every action of Eni Road is in Chen Anxia's deduction.

This is tantamount to the fact that Chen Anxia can foresee the future while fighting Eni Lu.

Looking at Eni Road, who turned into Thor again in front of him, Chen Anxia did not hesitate and rushed straight up, suddenly a long knife appeared in his hand.

I saw this long knife wrapped in an armed domineering, in the incredible eyes of everyone, directly split Aini Road in half.

Armed color domineering can damage the devil fruit ability of the natural system, which means...The myth of Eni Road ends.

And Chen Anxia's trip to the empty island ended here.

Before leaving Kong Island, Chen Anxia quietly agreed with the former **** of Kong Island, Gan Fuer, the content of the agreement was similar to Wei Wei, let Gan Fuer set the **** of truth as the patron saint of Kong Island.

As for the management, let Gan Fall manage it himself.

Moreover, Chen Anxia can give Gan Fuer stronger strength, because Chen Anxia knows that in the future, there will be people who will board the empty island.

Gan Fuer also readily agreed to Chen Anxia.

After all, if the empty island has a patron saint like Chen Anxia, ​​then it is good for the whole empty island.

After Chen Anxia resolved the matter of the empty island, Chen Anxia did not stay, and left Valentine Island and his party directly.

As for Kulik, he chose to stay on the empty island and rebuild Sandora with the Sandias.

It didn't take long for a boat that fell from an empty island to splash water on the sea. The water returned to the sea in a moment, but it affected the entire new nautical era.

On the ship, Valentine's Day was practicing while looking at Chen Anxia and asked, "Captain, where are we going now?"

Chen Anxia heard and said, "The next goal, the capital of the Seven Waters."

With that said, Chen Anxia no longer paid attention to the things around her, directly sinking her mind into her mind, and at the same time chose to unlock the fifth seal of the gate of truth.

After another three days, Chen Anxia’s power of faith had already exceeded 50 million, although in this three-day battle, Chen Anxia also used part of it.

However, the part used is much smaller than the increase.

As Chen Anxia's thoughts moved, the fifth chain bound to the door of truth responded to exercise, and turned into a little star-shaped into Chen Anxia's soul.

At the same time, Chen Anxia also knew what was the ability to unlock the fifth level of truth.

This ability is indeed the same as Chen Anxia's speculation, and it has something to do with strength. Chen Anxia named it Absolute Truth.

The reason why it is called absolute truth is because once this ability is used, Chen Anxia will completely abandon any sensibility, and everything is based on reason.

It may be difficult to understand this, so it can be said that Chen Anxia in the state of absolute truth, like a robot, will accurately execute the commands that are analyzed by the eye of truth and are most reasonable for the current situation.

Not only that, in the state of absolute truth, Chen Anxia's various physical abilities will reach perfection.

Just like Sauron and Luffy were not perfect at the current level, Chen Anxia did not reach perfection at this level.

That is to say, once the absolute truth begins, then Chen Anxia's actual combat ability will reach a qualitative leap.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that in this state of absolute truth, Chen Anxia himself will be more close to the truth.

In other words, Chen Anxia in this state is a bit like being possessed by the truth and being consistent with the truth.

What does it mean? To put it simply, various moves and skills in this state of Chen Anxia will become stronger.

For example, Chen Anxia has now reached the third level of twisting ability cards. After turning on the ability of absolute truth, the power used can almost reach the fourth level of power.

However, if it is a repulsive field that reaches level 4, after turning on the ability of absolute truth, the power of this ability is only close to level 5, and will not reach level 5.

The reason is that Chen Anxia himself has just advanced to the field of repulsion, and the insight is not deep enough.

This means that absolute truth has a limit to the improvement of ability, and everything must be based on Chen Anxia himself.

In the state of absolute truth, Chen Anxia automatically divides the level of the strongman he has encountered to clarify his current stage.

For now, Chen Anxia has divided the strong men he has met into 4 levels, and each level has three levels: high-level, intermediate-level and primary-level.

Ordinary people are not in this rank.

The level 1 strongmen have almost learned the initial learning spirit, and can freely apply Xiaojie, Kurapika, Qi Zhi, which is the level of quasi-adept.

Level 2 powerhouses are almost the same level as Siso, Ilmir, Phantom Brigade, Luffy, Sauron, Sanji, and Klockdal.

The third-level strongmen are almost Jin, Nitro, Biyangde, Maha, Ant King, Jaeger, etc. should all be at this level.

Among them, Maha, Jin, Bi Yangde, and Ant King should be at the high level of level 3, Nitro is at the intermediate level of level 3, and Jager is the initial level of level 3.

In the world of One Piece, the strength conversion is almost the level of a quasi-admiral.

The strong level 4 is the strong level of generals and four emperors.

The ranks of each of them are different, but now Chen Anxia is not familiar with these generals and the four emperors, and cannot accurately rank.

Chen Anxia has also reached this level, but Chen Anxia is a 4th-level entry and is at the initial level of 4th level. However, if absolute truth is turned on, then Chen Anxia's strength.

For example, the peach rabbit Chen Anxia encountered earlier should be only at the beginning of level 4.

Enilu's comprehensive strength should also be able to reach the fourth level of the initial level. Although Enilu's body skills are poor, but the thunder fruit is too anti-sky.

As for whether there is a strong man above level 4, there are definitely some, such as Super Saiyan who do not know how much more than level 4.

When Chen Anxia was immersed in the time of absolute truth, she heard a harsh scream from Valentine's Day.

"No, it's a big deal. Luffy and they were caught by General Red Dog!!"


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