Genesis Game Code

Chapter 681: Golden Finger

"Damage reduction!" Zhou Xiaobo controlled his spider and turned away. The blind monk on the opposite side didn't mean to pursue, and the two sides retreated as soon as they hit the jungle.

After this short contact, Zhou Xiaobo saw that the damage output of the opponent should not change much, which is consistent with the identity of the jungler with a lower level at the beginning, but it should be started when the dragon refreshes at 2:30. The main problem It is that he can hold the dragon's injury.

You know, in the early days, the dragon was still very fierce. Even if it was a jungler that rose to the fifth or sixth level, it was impossible to single out a dragon to have a healthy amount of blood.

The blind monk who had just had about half a blood, and his level was only level 3. Obviously, he ran over to fight when Xiaolong just refreshed. Because of this, he didn't actually fight. It was fast, but at the same time avoided Zhou Xiaobo's cheating finger. When he used the cheating finger to see the opponent's jungle position at the beginning of 3 minutes, it was too late.

"It is estimated that this guy has suffered less than half of the damage. Only in this way can he rely on his skills to resist some damage and eventually keep the blood above the safety line. Otherwise, there may not be so much blood after playing the dragon." Zhou With a little thought, Xiaobo determined that the injury reduction ratio of the other party was about 50.

This is already quite scary for the blind monk, because he has the ability to reduce shields, and the damage reduction ratio is doubled.

In fact, the blind monk was very powerful in the first and middle stages. Whether it was heads-up in the wild or gank in various places, because he has the skills of displacement and the ability to force enemy heroes to move, as well as the ability to slow down, so whether they want to fight or want To escape, they will take the initiative. However, in the later period, the blind monk did not have long-range attack methods and explosive damage from melee fighters. He could not quickly kill the opponent ’s hero. Instead, he would become a functional character, kicking him back with a big move during the team battle. The c-bit, or the c-bit that protects one's own side, cannot carry itself.

However, if there is a 50% damage reduction effect, the blind monk will become a super meat shield in the case of flesh. In a team battle, it is completely a super cuckoo stick, and it can still be full after being stirred. Retreat.

However, this is not a big problem. Although the blind monk opposite will have an advantage from the beginning and can still play a huge role in the later stage, in Zhou Xiaobo's view, his spiders will only grow stronger even if they develop. It is because the five heroes on the opposite side all have super high damage reduction effects, and they still do not exert any pressure on him. The problem is that Zhou Xiaobo is worried that the other four heroes of the opponent also have other "Golden Fingers". Judging from the current online situation, nothing can be seen, but if it is really like Zhou Xiaobo, it has a very strong late stage. Combat power, it is difficult to handle.

No matter how strong Zhou Xiaobo is, there is only one person, but the opponent is five people. There are not only three roads in the Summoner Canyon, but also wild resources such as big dragons and little dragons. The ancient dragons in the later period are also sufficient to affect the battle situation. Zhou Under wavelet's lack of skill, maybe he will be overturned by the other party.

In fact, Zhou Xiaobo really found out that the other four heroes of the opponent had golden fingers and were very powerful.

Among them, the golden finger owned by Shang Danbobi is the same as hitting the wild blind monk. It is to reduce the damage he suffered. This is against the original scary Bobby, and this guy will soon cross the tower and edg directly. The last troll hit, the bloodline of the latter has been unhealthy, and he has to run back from time to time, which is disgusting.

The Zhonglong Dragon King on the opposite side is more bt. It has a "golden finger" that increases the speed of 50. For the Dragon King who was originally suitable for support, it can radiate the deterrent power to the two roads of edg. Gank succeeded once, and the next lane was successfully twice by Gank. A total of four heads were lost. The auxiliary Thorns of the lower lane died twice, and Izelar died once. This is still the initial stage, and it is conceivable that a little bit later, the ghostly dragon king will definitely spread his footprint across more than half of the Summoner Canyon, threatening the four heroes on the edg line.

It is worth mentioning specifically that the other party's bottom line, of which adc Izelar turned out to shorten and strengthen the skill cooling time, the skill cooling time obtained from the equipment is doubled, and the upper limit of the cooling reduction is doubled. It has a cooldown reduction of 80, and the skill has only 20 cooldowns left, which is equivalent to three times the skill release speed of an ordinary Iserel hero with a 40 cooldown reduction. According to a skill, it takes 10 seconds to cool down. After having 40 skill cooldown reduction, the cooling time will be reduced to 6 seconds, while with 80 skill cooldown reduction, the skill cooling time will be directly reduced to 2 seconds. Although the cooling reduction has only doubled, the effect is The former is tripled.

As for the auxiliary thorns, it is magical to have more "seed" reserves.

To tell the truth, the hero of the thorn is very special among the auxiliary heroes. She not only has output and control, but also has the function of dividing the battlefield. In addition, she is also very powerful in combating consumption. Suddenly the explosive power is slightly insufficient, and the subsequent output will be relatively weak.

But these two shortcomings are due to the lack of "seeds" for the rise of thorns.

Under normal circumstances, there are two ways to output the rise of thorns. One is to rely on the damage skills, and the other is to rely on the plants that are activated by the seeds activated by the damage skills. The damage of these plants is not high, but the damage frequency It is relatively high ~ ~ and the attack range is also very large. If there are enough seeds, it can even suppress all types of heroes of the opponent, and these plants will be subject to the bonus effect of the thorny tactic. Gaining additional 50 health and 50 damage is horrible.

Zhou Xiaobo played a special mode of the Summoner Canyon in the previous life-unlimited firepower, in which the skill cooldown is directly 80, and the release of skills does not consume mana. In this way, the rise of thorns can be extremely powerful. The combat power is often easy to control the dragon. Just wait for a few seeds in advance, and then release all the seeds stored on your body. Then come on a big move, let alone a small dragon, even a big dragon with a lot of blood. One set will also lose a large amount of blood.

It ’s a pity that the seeds on the rise of thorns are limited and they accumulate very slowly. This makes its output only one wave. After being avoided by the other party, the subsequent output cannot keep up, so even if the damage is high, you often see it. An assisted thorn rises away one or two opponents encountered in the wild with one's own strength, but this hero cannot become the c-position.

But at this time, the thorny hero of the ssg team is completely different. She seems to have a lot of seeds, at least twice as normal. This is not just as simple as having twice the output. A large number of seeds are planted at the same time. , And then activated by the skills, coupled with the big move, it is even possible to quickly kill the dragon with one's own strength, while killing anything under the tower is nothing, the effect is like a chemical reaction, it is extremely amazing.

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