Genshin Impact: I Sell Jars In Tivat Continent

Chapter 358

If you have this motorcycle yourself, it is really convenient.

Someone immediately ran to contact the Liyue merchant they knew and pulled the Liyue merchant over.

In Mond, there are still many Liyue merchants.

"What means of transportation."

The businessman Youliyue was pulled out and looked at his friend in confusion.

He had never heard of a means of transportation that was faster than a carriage.

"That's it."

Someone hurriedly pointed to the motorcycle that was slowing down in the distance, and quickly said: "Is the means of transportation that Hall Master Hutao rides the means of transportation developed by you Liyue? Why did you come to Mond this time and didn't ride it? That's coming, that's not very convenient."

"Yeah, brother, you Liyue ride this kind of means of transportation, it must be very easy to travel."

"Can you tell my brother, what is this, and how did you Liyue sell it? I want one too."


Seeing that the Liyue merchant was pulled over, the surrounding Mond people also approached one by one and asked the Liyue merchant.

Many people want this mobility tool.

"That means of transportation is Liyue's?"

Hearing this man's words, Li Yue's businessman hurriedly looked over.

When he saw the motorcycles that Walnut and Mona were driving, his eyes widened.

What the **** is that, why has he never seen it.

He recognized the Hutao Hall Master of the Rebirth Hall, but he didn't know the Mona behind him.

But it was the first time he saw that motorcycle. When did Liyue show up?

You must know that he came to Mond a week ago to sell goods and was about to leave. He didn't expect to encounter a wind demon, so he temporarily gave up his plan to leave.

As a result, I didn't expect that when I came out, I was informed that the dragon disaster had been resolved.

Now, I even saw the Hutao Hall Master of Liyue Reincarnation Hall, riding a strange thing.

That thing, he had never seen before.

"You are Liyue's businessman, don't you know?"

Hearing the words of the Liyue merchant, Mond's people were dumbfounded: "You ask me?"

This businessman from Liyue was stunned when he raised his doubts just now.

What's the situation, this is your Liyue thing, you ask me?

"I've never seen anything like this before."

The Liyue merchant was speechless: "I don't know what the means of transportation that Hall Master Hutao is driving is. When I was in Liyue, I never saw or even heard of it.

"Are you sure this thing belongs to Liyue? If it is Liyue, I can't have heard the news. I've been out of Liyue until now, and it's only been seven days. If Liyue develops something , even if it is not developed, there will be news released, I don't know this (cbbg) thing at all."

I have never seen that thing.

It can't be some kind of transportation tool developed by Li Yuexin these days.

It's impossible. If it was a means of transportation developed by Li Yuexin, then there would be no news.

"You don't know? I thought you knew."

"Actually, I really want to know, but it's not impossible to ask directly."

"Yeah, Hall Master Ren Hutao is over there. If you want to know, just ask, and you won't lose anything if you ask. What if I tell you?"

"That thing doesn't seem to belong to Hall Master Walnut, but Miss Mona. I remember that when Miss Mona came to Mond before, she rode this strange means of transportation, and it caused a great sensation at the time. "

"I'm embarrassed to ask, I always feel like asking, I'm like a shameful bumpkin."

"Oh yes."


Hearing the words of Liyue Merchant, the residents of Mond were also speechless.

It's really strange that even Liyue Merchant doesn't know about it.

If it's Liyue's stuff, it makes no sense that Liyue merchants haven't heard of it.

However, some people quickly thought that it would be better to ask Hall Master Hu Tao directly, after all, it was simple and straightforward.

But as soon as he said it, he was interrupted decisively.

"Okay, here it is."

At this moment, Hu Tao looked at the building in front of him with satisfaction.

The location that Mona chose was to the right of Mond City Gate.

There is a flower shop next to it.

You can also buy flowers directly from the flower shop across the street.

And whether it's going out of Mond or entering Mond, you can see the reincarnation hall she opened at a glance!

Business must be good then!

"Hall Master Walnut, Miss Mona."

At this time, the knights of the West Wind Knights who were patrolling saw Hu Tao and Mona here, and immediately came over.

They were notified that Hall Master Hutao chose a branch of the Resurrection Hall in the shop. If they were able to provide help, they needed to provide assistance as soon as possible.

"Hey, how are you."

Hearing the words of the west wind knight, Hu Tao laughed: "This is the shop chosen by the hall master. After the rebirth hall is opened here, when will you be able to build it?"

"If Hall Master Hutao is sure it's here, I'll go get the title deed for Hall Master Hutao."

Hearing the words of the walnut, the west wind knight quickly said: "As for the construction, it should be able to be built tomorrow. It depends on the style of construction. If there is a model, it is naturally the best, and it will be faster."

"I gave the model to Qin, wait, I'll look for it."

While talking, Walnut took out some models from the storage ring again.

Soon, the model of Liyue Resurrection Hall was taken out.

"That's it."

While throwing the model of the Hall of Rebirth to the West Wind Knight, he chuckled: "Just build it like this."


Hearing Hu Tao's words, the west wind knight quickly took it and said, "Then I'll leave now and ask the craftsman to come over. Hall Master Hu Tao just needs to wait."


To the words of the West Wind Knight, Hu Tao nodded readily, and immediately watched the West Wind Knight leave.

"The efficiency is really good."

Seeing the west wind knight who quickly left to arrange, Hu Tao laughed: "It seems that this hall master is in Mond, and everything is going well. When the time comes, the head of Qin will directly assign two knights to guard the door of my shop."

Mona: "........"

Hearing Hu Tao's words, Mona was speechless.

What's the use of sending two knights to guard the door of the store?

The business of Rebirth Hall does not happen every day.

What are you doing at the door?

"Walnut, Mona."

At this time, a shout sounded, and a fiery red figure flew from afar.

Impressively Amber.

Amber was shouting at Walnut excitedly.

In Mond City, she directly used her flying wings to find Walnut and Mona.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Amber, Hu Tao laughed: "I didn't expect that Amber would come as soon as I finished looking for the store, and I don't know what happened."

At this time, the street where the Hall of Life is located is opposite.

Offset direction to the right.

On the door of a small house, a plaque with the words Do Not Disturb is hanging.

In the experimental workshop, Abedo's hands were dark, his face was also dark, and his eyes were fixed on the black water in front of him.

"Brother Abedo, you are so dirty."

Beside, Keli leaned against the corner and looked carefully at Abedo, who had black oil on her face.

Chapter 378: Abedo is curious about the jar shop, Liyue appears in the Crystal Palace? (two more, three thousand and five words)

All afternoon, under the eyes of Keli, Abedo has been fiddling with the black water.

As a result, whether it was on his face or hands, because the black water was dirty, Abedo didn't bother to wipe it, but continued to study.

As a result, after an afternoon of research, no results were found.

But he was sure that the smell in Mona's motorcycle was the smell of this black water.

It's just that the taste is much lighter than this one.

He felt that the reason why the means of transportation could be so fast was probably because of this black water.

As for how to study, he did not study it.

"Is it refining?"

Looking at the black water in front of him, Abedo used various methods, and finally found that it could only be done through refining.

However, the extracted black water is not the same quality of black water.

Thinking of this, Abedo looked at the three buckets of black water next to him.

These three buckets of black water were all extracted by him through alchemy, but the extracted black water was different, which made him feel amazing.

He really didn't expect that black water actually has such an effect.

Originally, I had always regarded this thing as a lubricant, or a igniter.

Now, through the motorcycle, he has discovered other functions of this black water, and can extract many different substances, and these substances seem to have different effects.


Just when Abedo was thinking, he suddenly heard a shout from outside the door, and he suddenly stopped.

It was Amber's voice.

Walnut, Mona?

Are Walnut and Mona around?

Several thoughts popped into Abedo's mind in an instant.

Beside, Ke Li, who was leaning against the corner, heard the voice, her eyes lit up: "It's Sister Amber, are Sister Hutao and Sister Mona also outside?"

She could hear that the sound was close, which meant that Walnut and Mona must be nearby outside the workshop.

"Brother Abedo, then I'll go first."

Thinking of Sister Mona's motorcycle and Sister Walnut's Hot Wheels, Ke Li trotted out excitedly.

It's great to see Sister Mona and Sister Hu Tao.

It is more fun to play with Sister Walnut.

Immediately, Kelly trotted out.

"Miss Mona's motorcycle should also be there."