Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 262: First encounter with Wolverine!

"Get black technology from Meiman(

Inside the feasting bar.

Lu Cheng slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at his surroundings vigilantly, and when he found that there was no danger, he relaxed a little.

This is indeed an ordinary bar, but since it is daytime, there are slightly fewer people drinking.

"Sir, what would you like to drink?" A sweet-looking waiter smiled and looked at Lu Cheng sitting in front of the bar.

Lu Cheng reached out and touched his pocket, and found only one hundred dollars, a driver's license, and a certificate of discharge in his pocket.

From the above information, Lu Cheng roughly understands his identity.

He is still called Lu Cheng in this world.

Chinese-American is a veteran soldier who participated in World War II and was discharged last year.

The United States does not have an ID card.

Therefore, these materials are his identification.

In this regard, Lu Cheng was not surprised.

It seems that since "Big Hero Heroine", Lu Cheng has traveled through his body every time.

It rarely borrows the identity of the characters in the original plot.

In this way, there are naturally pros and cons.

The advantage is that he can play freely without being bound by the plot and characters of the original.

Strive for greater benefits.

The disadvantage is that it becomes more difficult for him to get in touch with the characters in the plot.

"According to time calculations, the Second World War is now over, and the era of mutants is about to usher in." Lu Cheng secretly thought.

Mutants are caused by genetic mutations in the body.

During World War II, humans were more or less affected by nuclear radiation, which caused genetic mutations in the body.

It activates the X gene in the body.

Of course, nuclear war is just an activator, allowing more people's X genes to show up!

It is not a critical factor.

You know, according to the original movie, as early as 3600 BC, the first mutant, Apocalypse, appeared.

Generally speaking, genes have a mutation period every hundreds of thousands of years.

The nuclear war just made this sudden change period come a little earlier.

"A glass of whiskey." Lu Cheng looked at the beautiful waiter.

"OK, just a second."

The waiter made a mix of drinks and turned around and brought a glass of whiskey.

She looked at Lu Cheng and said, "Sir, are you a veteran?"

It can be seen that she has a good impression of Lu Cheng's handsome appearance.

Therefore, will take the initiative to strike up a conversation.

"Well, I just retired last year." Lu Cheng took a sip of wine and looked at the waiter. "Excuse me, do you have the latest newspaper here?"

This time through, the related memory was not activated.

Therefore, Lu Cheng still has to know what age it is now so that he can determine his series of plans.

The task this time is: Let mutants and ordinary people live in harmony.

It is not easy to do this.

Therefore, it must be planned in advance.

Seeing Lu Cheng's handsome appearance, the beautiful waiter naturally wouldn't refuse, and said with a smile, "I'll look for it."

Not long.

She found a Washington Post with the latest big news.

Lu Cheng took the newspaper and read it carefully.

Soon, he got the information he wanted.

The current time point is 1962.

The big brothers of the United States and the Soviet Union are in the cold war period.

The relationship between the two sides is very rigid, and it seems that war may break out at any time.

Moreover, both sides have extremely powerful nuclear weapons, which would be enough to flatten the earth if they were all released.

Therefore, neither the United States nor the Soviet Union dared to break out a war easily.

Otherwise it will be the result of both losers.

"In 1962, what a sensitive number." Lu Cheng exhaled.

He knows that this year, a well-known crisis will erupt, the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The cause of the incident was that the United States deployed missile bases in Italy and Turkey last year, plus missile bases in Federal Germany and a number of bomber bases.

All the industrial centers of the Soviet Union are within the range of the nuclear bomb attack of the United States.

It can be said that as long as the United States is happy, a cup of tea can destroy the Soviet Union.

In order to get rid of this crisis, the Soviet Union has been looking for suitable opportunities to reverse its current disadvantages.

Soon, this opportunity came.

In 1961, the United States tried to overthrow the Cuban government led by Castro.

So 1,500 Cubans in exile in the United States were secretly trained and fully armed.

This armed force landed from the Bay of Pigs on the southwest coast of Cuba and launched an attack on the Cuban government.

However, only 72 hours later, this secret army was defeated by the Cuban government.

More than 90 people were killed and more than 1,000 captured.

This incident is also known as the [Bay of Pigs Incident].

It was also because of this incident that Cuba, which had a good relationship with the United States, completely broke with the United States and fell into the embrace of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union naturally wanted to seize this opportunity, so it followed the example of the United States and secretly deployed medium-range nuclear missiles in Cuba.

In this way, destroying the United States is nothing but the effort of a cup of tea.

This move, although secret, was discovered by the United States.

This also drew huge protests from the United States.

The relationship between the two sides has deteriorated sharply, and a nuclear war may break out at any time, triggering a third world war.

This incident is also known as the [Cuba Missile Crisis].

Of course.

In "X-Men", this historical event was processed and adapted.

Although both are in the same general background, the main messenger behind the deployment of missiles in Cuba has become a mutant named Xiao.

This Xiao is a powerful mutant who can absorb all energy and release it directly.

Is the nemesis of many mutants!

He is also the protagonist of "X-Men", Magneto's mother-killing enemy!

Like many big bosses, he has powerful capabilities and wants to rule the entire world.

Therefore, the nuclear war between the two powers was secretly provoked.

Finally, take the power of the fisherman!

"It seems that it is still in the timeline of "X-Men-First Battle"." Lu Cheng secretly thought.

The timeline of "X-Men" is very complicated.

Because in the movie, the mutants have changed history once through their special abilities.

Of course, the time node that changed history was in 1973, which has nothing to do with Lu Cheng for the time being.

"However, according to the information provided by the newspaper, the Cuban Missile Crisis has not erupted, and it should still be in the early stages of "X-Men-First Battle"." Lu Cheng made his own speculation.

What he has to do now is to get in touch with Professor X and others as soon as possible.

In this way, at least a few more abilities can be replicated.

In this world, the stronger the ability, the more things can be done.

In fact, the boss Xiao in "X-Men-First Class" and the boss Apocalypse in "X-Men-Apocalypse", they have enough strength to make mutants and ordinary people live in harmony.

Unfortunately, they just want to unify the world!

This also caused the relationship between mutants and ordinary people to worsen.

"A glass of whiskey."

Just when Lu Cheng was thinking about how to find Professor X and others.

A strong voice rang in his ears.

A middle-aged man wearing a v-neck cotton-padded coat and short short hair sat beside him.

He has a beard, is handsome, and holds a cigar in his hand.

Lu Cheng looked at the man in front of him with a strange expression in his eyes.

"Logan..." Lu Cheng couldn't help but stretch his lips.

This name may be a little unfamiliar to some people.

However, anyone who has watched "X-Men" must know his nickname, Wolverine!

Because this role is so lovable, Logan is also affectionately called Uncle Wolf by the majority of movie fans.

He is also the only one in the "X-Men" series to have a role in the personal movie "Wolverine".

Of course, except for "Deadpool".

after all--

In the "X-Men" series, Xiao Jianjian also performed a guest performance of the special forces in "Wolverine".

Moreover, in the "Deadpool" movie, this part of the experience has also been directly deleted!

Logan obviously noticed Lu Cheng's strange gaze, and said lightly: "Boy, you want to look at me again, believe it or not, I just cut your eyes off?!"

His character is very hot, and he seems to fight if he doesn't agree with him!

It is hard to imagine that he has lived for hundreds of years now.

Logan has super resilience, even if he gets a headshot, he can recover after a period of time.

This also led to his aging rate slower than ordinary people.

Even if he lived for a hundred years, he still looked young.

However, due to his childhood misfortune, coupled with his years of hard work on the battlefield, he has developed a grumpy character.

Difficult to get along with others.

However, if you become friends with him, you can find that he is also a cold-hearted person.

The indifference on the surface is just a disguise to protect oneself.

Lu Cheng didn't care about Logan's words, but smiled and said, "Logan, don't you remember me?"

Wolverine’s super resilience is the top ability among mutants!

Before the transformation, he belonged to the third-level mutant, and after the transformation, he was the fourth-level mutant!

Mutants can be divided into five levels according to their ability and potential.

The higher the level, the stronger the ability and the greater the potential.

A first-degree mutant, a mutant with weak abilities and physical defects.

This kind of mutants is the most, accounting for about 60% of the mutants.

The second-level mutants are powerful, but they have defects that seriously hinder their lives, such as deformed appearance and uncontrollable ability.

These mutants account for about 20% of the mutants.

The third-level mutants are powerful and look the same as ordinary people, but occasionally they can't control their abilities.

These mutants account for about 10% of the mutants.

The fourth-level mutants are powerful and can control their abilities freely, and their appearance is similar to ordinary people.

It can be said that as long as these mutants want to hide, they are no different from ordinary people.

These mutants account for about 5% of the mutants.

In the movie, Professor X and Magneto are at this level.

Finally, there is a fifth-level mutant!

In the movie, only Black Phoenix has reached this level.

"My ability to replicate is similar to Tianqi's, but it is stronger than him. I don't know how many levels of mutants can be divided into this ability." Lu Cheng secretly thought.

The apocalyptic ability is to control the substance at the molecular level.

He can transfer his thoughts to the new body and gain the power of the body.

Through constant transfer, he can gain immortality and gain endless abilities.

However, this method is also flawed and requires a period of sleep.

It is precisely because of this defect that the ritual of Apocalypse was destroyed in the process of a transfer, and he fell asleep for more than five thousand years!

Logan looked at Lu Cheng with a puzzled look in his eyes: "Who are you?!"

His name has always been secret, and it is only known to his comrades who had experienced World War I and World War II.

However, most of these people are dead!

"My name is Lu Cheng, and we performed a mission together during World War II. I am so famous for your name." Lu Cheng smiled.

Of course.

These are all stories made up by Lu Cheng.

In fact, the only thing he knows now is that he is a veteran.

I don't know anything else.

Naturally, I don't know if I have participated in the mission with Wolverine.

However, since they participated in World War II anyway, it's okay to call a comrade-in-arms.

In this way, it can be almost set.

Logan's face was calm, and he took a cigarette calmly: "Is that right, but I don't have any impression of you."

Do you want to be so direct... If you don't know Logan, you think he really sucks.

Uh, he seems to be a bit more cocky indeed!

Lu Cheng didn't mind, and said with a smile: "Comrades-in-arms meet again, don't you mind giving me a cigarette, right?"

Logan glanced at Lu Cheng, maybe because of his status as a comrade-in-arms, he did not refuse, and handed a cigarette to Lu Cheng from his pocket.

Lu Cheng reached out and took it, and deliberately touched Wolverine's finger.

next moment.

Lines of prompts appeared before his eyes.

[Discover the ability to be copied]

【Super Recovery】

【Super Vision】

【Super Power】

【Bone Claws】

【Beast Perception】

Lu Cheng's eyes condensed but he did not expect Wolverine to have so many abilities.

However, he still hopes to get a super recovery ability.

In this way, he can be regarded as immortal.

"Draw it." Lu Cheng said silently.

next moment.

The cursor in the field of vision flickered quickly, and finally froze on one of the abilities.

【Super Recovery】

At the moment of getting this ability.

Lu Cheng only felt that the cells and blood in his body were repairing and mutating rapidly.

There seems to be a steady flow of feeling!

Lu Cheng felt that even if he had broken his hands and feet, he could recover quickly.

"It's really possessed by the emperor of Europe, and he has drawn the strongest ability." Lu Cheng was overjoyed.

He now has the "Genetic Modification Law", as long as he practiced for a period of time, he may not be able to make this ability stronger.

after all.

The super recovery of Wolverine takes a long time.

Moreover, the heavier the injury, the longer the repair time.

If you get a headshot, you may even lose consciousness for a short time.

During this time, it can only be slaughtered by others!

If the "Genetic Modification Law" can be used for improvement, it may not be impossible to make this ability stronger.

Logan didn't seem to have any interest in talking, and after passing the cigarette, he drank to himself.

Although the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union is very tense, war will not easily break out.

This also made Logan lose the way to make money. Due to his special status, he usually can only do odd jobs to make money.


Naturally, these odd jobs did not come to the war as quickly as possible.

Lu Cheng glanced at Luo Gen, just about to continue talking.

Two handsome men stepped into the bar and walked towards Logan.