Getting Rich Overnight, Starting From a Multiple-Choice Question

Chapter 103: public opinion

  Daily Cool Running’s server was suddenly attacked by a large number of malicious attack packages, causing players to fail to log in.

   Within a few tens of seconds, the server was attacked hundreds of thousands of times from a single source IP, and Fenglin Games immediately entered a state of emergency maintenance.

   Guo Mengxue came very quickly, and the house he rented was nearby, but within twenty minutes, he had already started operating in front of the computer.

   Then came Sun Jian, and the others in the team, and the entire company entered the working state in almost the shortest time.

   Ye Feng naturally also received the news that his mobile phone was on standby for 24 hours, but because it was late and the dormitory was closed, although he was impatient, he could only wait patiently.

   But he also gave instructions, that is, use the fastest speed to restore the server to normal state without affecting the operation of tomorrow.

   Fortunately, it is late at night, and there is still time to save.


   Early the next morning, Ye Feng came to the company in a hurry.

   Guo Mengxue obviously didn't sleep all night, his eyes were red, and there were many empty coffee cups in front of him.

   Seeing Ye Feng coming, he yawned and cheered up.

"How is it going."

   Ye Feng asked in a deep voice.

   "Already basically under control."

   Guo Mengxue's complexion is not very good, very tired.

"  " is a ddos ​​attack, but fortunately, I also have a plan. Judging from the current situation, the attacker should have given up the operation.

   Fortunately, they prepared in a hurry, otherwise it would not be so easy to deal with. "

  Doss attack is simply the use of reasonable service requests to occupy too many service resources, so that the server cannot process normal requests.

   Because of its characteristics, it is very difficult to prevent.

   Ye Feng was obviously relieved when he heard that he was basically under control, and then asked the next question.

   "Can you find out who instigated it."

   "It's difficult, they use the most common dummy attack."

   Guo Mengxue's voice changed, "But when they tried to attack our database, I caught the tail."

   He smiled slightly, "I tried to inject the tracker in the file. Although he stole the file, I could find his location."

   "Check, until it's clear!"

   Who is attacking Fenglin Game.

   Is it a competitor Fuxi Studio, or other jealous game companies?

   It's all possible.

   And what Ye Feng has to do is find out and catch them.

   "You have to work harder."

   Looking at Guo Mengxue's appearance, Ye Feng was also a little unbearable, but now is the best opportunity, and he also didn't want to let it go.

   Guo Mengxue clearly understood this, so he nodded, and said nothing.



   A young white elephant in South Asia, the second largest country in the world, let out a curse while looking at the computer screen.

   Then he tapped the keyboard and sent a message to the employer that the attack had failed.

   "The respected scalper is here, this is really in a hurry."

   This white elephant has chagrin on his face, as if he is not satisfied with his performance this time.

   But suddenly, he looked at the computer and made a whisper, then entered an instruction, his face changed suddenly.


   "I found it very quickly."

   Guo Mengxue let go of the mouse and keyboard and spread his hands on Ye Feng.

   "I was noticed."

   "Is the source investigation clear?"

   Ye Feng asked immediately.

   "Above, this is their usual method, so that they can escape domestic supervision."

   Guo Mengxue clearly understands.

   Ye Feng was a little disappointed.

   Cyber ​​attacks are inherently difficult to verify, and even more impossible if people are abroad.

   "However, I still hacked for a few seconds."

   Guo Mengxue showed a look of luck and insult, "It can only be said that it is a coincidence. These few seconds have really made me find something."

   Guo Mengxue clicked the mouse, and quickly tapped the keyboard with both hands.

   "This is a chat log. We can search for the information disclosed through the chat log..."


   Guo Mengxue snapped his fingers, "found it."

   Then he seemed to see something incredible, "I didn't expect it to be him."


   "Dou Jiao."

   Ye Feng chanted the name softly, suddenly a little confused.

   What kind of madness did Dou Jiao suddenly go into, or was he stimulated by something?

   You do your Krypton mobile game, I do my cool running every day, everyone is in peace... You actually attacked me?

   See you when you look up and bow your head, you really don’t look so shameless, right?

   I even gave you money at a loss!

   Of course, this is understandable. After all, his peers are enemies, and it is possible for Dou Jiao to take the risk for whatever reason.

   "There is only a chat history, which obviously cannot be used as evidence..."

  Although Ye Feng wanted to let Dou Jiao taste what socialist iron fist is, but the evidence was not enough.

   These old fried dough sticks are very smart, even if they are attacked, they will not be easily grasped.

   Fortunately, the timing of Guo Mengxue’s invasion was relatively coincidental, otherwise even this chat history would not be captured.

   "You can't just leave it so easily."

   It is impossible to go back without revenge, but how to revenge becomes a big problem.

   Please hackers for the same?

   Ye Feng would not do this kind of personal end, and being caught by someone would be crazy Soon, he had a plan in his mind.

   In the afternoon of the same day, many Weibo big V also received a report from a mysterious person.

   Ye Feng understands the power of public opinion. Most of the big Vs he chooses are those who ask for money and shamelessly. Of course, they are not publicly known.

   In Ye Feng's mind, this kind of profession that existed in the Renaissance, even in the big V circle, is the most despised kind.

   Of course, you can also insist on making money, not shabby.

   But Ye Feng felt that it was shabby, very shabby.

   And the evidence of Dou Jiao’s invitation to the Navy came into use at this time.


   The two of them, one is an upstart who developed the game of Temple Escape and running cool every day, and the other is an established studio.

  Don't ask him where his old brand is.

   At the same time, these two are competitors and the first to eat crabs in parkour games. The gossip of their two families instantly attracted the attention of these big v.s.

   So even though they didn't give money, the group of big v still started to report frantically like sharks smelling a fishy smell.

   Heat, to them, is money.

   Soon, on the Internet, it attracted a lot of onlookers from eating melons.

   "Shocked! He actually did such a thing to him!"

   "Men and women are in tears, when will the flower planter game be able to stand up!"

   "99% of netizens are angry, don't do two things!"

   "Advice to entrepreneurs-from a veteran driver with 40 years of entrepreneurial experience..."

   is now 10 years, it is the time when the uc body is the most popular, so these big v titles do not consciously bring these things.
