Getting Simulated By The Empress Is Not My Intention

Chapter 169: Those who offend my Great Yan will be pu

  Chapter 169 Whoever offends my Great Yan will be punished no matter how far away!

  【The Yan army surrounded the royal capital of the Guishuang Empire, and the army surrounded the royal capital tightly. 】

  In the royal palace, Ci Nian is still imprisoned here. She could also learn a thing or two about the recent news of the royal capital from the discussions of the guards and attendants.

   What made her feel the most ridiculous was that the army of Yan State had already besieged the city, and the soldiers and civilians in the capital were not thinking about how to fight the enemy, but how to pray!

  I heard that there was an eminent monk who was willing to imitate his ancestors and feed a tiger with his body. He went out of the city to persuade the Yan army to retreat, but he was directly beheaded by the Yan army.

  The soldiers and civilians in the city not only did not feel stupid, but praised him greatly, thinking that he had become a Buddha.

   Right now, a large-scale ceremony is still being held in the city, praying for the Buddha to appear and drive away the enemies!

   "It's better to ask for others than to ask for yourself, this country is already rotten!" Ci Nian secretly said in her heart.

  【The Yan army attacked the city rapidly, and attacked the city for half a month. 】

  King Kanishka did not expect his army to be so vulnerable. Not only was he killed to the capital, but he couldn't even defend it!

   If this continues, the city will be destroyed!

  King Kanishka once again consulted with the threat.

  The venerable threatened said: "Amitabha, the devil is so arrogant that the king can only hold on for less than ten days. For the current plan, we can only use the whole city to fight the enemy to the death!"

   "With the blessing of Buddha, the king will be able to kill the devil king and restore peace to the world!"

   "That's the only way!" King Kanishka made up his mind.


   That night, the one who threatened the honored person found compassion.

  Seeing Zun Zun again, Ci Nian's mood is extremely complicated. In the past ten years, she has regarded her as the most respected person, like a reborn parent!

   But after learning that her parents and relatives were killed by the threatening person, she wished to kill the threatening person to avenge her parents and relatives!

   "Amitabha." The venerable man called out the Buddha's name, and he said, "Ci Nian, you have gone astray and been bewitched by the devil king. Now do you know your mistake?"

   "Bewitched? Then, my lord, how did you get bewitched to do all kinds of evil deeds?" Ci Nian asked back.

  The venerable threatened with no expression on his face, and said: "You have been deeply poisoned. Fortunately, the king has pity on you for many years of practice, and is willing to give you a chance to wash away your sins!"

   "Ci Nian, you must keep in mind your mission and dedicate everything to the King!"

   After the Venerable Yan finished speaking, he directly sealed all the spiritual power in Ci Nian's body.

   "What?" Ci Nian realized that something bad would happen.

   After finishing all this, the venerable threatened to leave directly. Soon, some palace servants took her to the palace, the bedroom of King Kanishka.


  In the bedroom, King Kanishka sat cross-legged on a dragon tower, with a string of Bodhi-seed Buddha beads coiled in his hands, and he was chanting Buddhist scriptures.

   "My lord, the Buddha girl has been delivered." After the palace servant reported, he left cautiously.

  King Kanishka opened his eyes and looked at the compassion.

  He praised: "You are the Buddhist girl who has fascinated me the most for decades, and I have waited for ten years for you!"

  Ci Nian took a few steps back and asked, "What do you want to do?"

   "So disrespectful to this king?" King Kanishka wanted to get angry, but his expression calmed down quickly, and he said, "Ci Nian, have you forgotten your mission?"

   "You are a Buddha girl, you are born to dedicate yourself to this king! Now is the time for you to dedicate yourself, come on!"

   After finishing speaking, King Kanishka began to perform a peculiar exercise, and behind him appeared a phantom of a desire Buddha and demon.

  Seeing this, Ci Nian suddenly realized, "What you practice is not Buddhism, but magic! You want to use me as a furnace and devour my cultivation?"

  She finally understood why the Buddha girl can only live for ten years. It turned out that as soon as the cultivation level reached, it would be devoured by King Kanishka with magic power. No wonder King Kanishka's cultivation progressed so quickly!

   Venerable Hakka knew about this a long time ago, and specially cultivated a cauldron for King Kanishka, so that the sacrificed person would die willingly.

  At this moment, Ci Nian hoped that he could kill the King Kanishka in front of him, and then expose the true face of the Venerable Threat.

  But her entire body was sealed, so she couldn't resist at all.

  Ci Nian wanted to escape, but the door had already been locked. She gritted her teeth and decided that she would not be sacrificed even if she died, so she simply slammed her head against the pillar.

  King Kanishka just touched her hand, but she couldn't move.

   "It's interesting." King Kanishka approached Ci Nian step by step.

  Ci Nian was almost desperate, her face was full of fear, tears fell from the corners of her eyes, and she thought in her heart: "If I knew this, I would have left with Zhang Beichen and never came back!"

"Come on!" The phantom behind King Kanishka was about to swallow his compassion. Suddenly, a magic seal fell from the sky, directly smashing the palace's defensive magic circle, and smashing through the roof of the palace together. Smash King Kanishka into the air!

   "Who dares to break into the palace?" King Kanishka was furious. He looked up to the sky and saw a heroic man floating in the sky, looking down at him from a high position.

   "Holy Realm? Are you Zhang Beichen?" King Kanishka realized that the person in front of him was probably the Prime Minister of Yan, Zhang Beichen.

  His aura is somewhat familiar, probably the mysterious man who sneaked into the palace before!

   "Why are you here?" Kanishka felt bad.

   Soon, he heard shouts of killing coming from the royal city.

  Zhang Beichen said contemptuously: "Gani Sega, my Yan army has broken the city. You dare to offend my Yan Tianwei, even if you are thousands of miles away, I will let you know the consequences!"

   "Zhang Beichen!" Seeing Zhang Beichen, Ci Nian seemed to see a ray of dawn in the abyss of despair. For a moment, she smiled through tears and shouted: "Help me!"

   "Looking for death!" King Kanishka was about to step forward to **** Ci Nian away, when another figure killed him.

  I saw a silver-armored female general holding a sword to repel King Kanishka and protect Ci Nian.

  Her aura is actually holy, and not weaker than her.

  Zhao Yun looked at Ci Nian and commented: "What a clean little girl, Zhang Beichen, I know you are restless!"

   As he spoke, Zhao Yun glared at Zhang Beichen.

  Zhang Beichen quickly explained: "I didn't do anything!"

  Ci Nian didn't know the person who came, but she knew that she and Zhang Beichen were together.

   "Zhang Beichen, if you dare to come here, this king will let you come and go! Where are the eight dragons?" King Kanishka roared, and saw eight monks flying out of the palace.

   Their auras are all in the Holy Land!

  Zhang Beichen was a little surprised. Soon, he discovered that these monks did not reach the holy realm with their own strength, but with the blessing of faith to reach the holy realm.

  For the sake of it, the eight holy realms work together, and Zhao Yun and I are also very difficult to deal with!

   "Let's retreat first, and wait for the army to come over!" Zhang Beichen and Zhao Yun were the first to kill, while the army was still fighting with Guishuang's soldiers at the city gate.

   "Benefactor, since you're here, stay here!" An old monk stepped out of nowhere and stopped Zhang Beichen and Zhao Yun.

   "You old bastard, you knew we would come?" Zhang Beichen sent someone to Maitreya Temple in advance, trying to hold back the venerable, but he didn't expect that the venerable was not in the Maitreya Temple, but in the palace.

   Obviously, the other party had already guessed that he would come, so they squatted on the ground in advance.

  The venerable threatening put his hands together and shouted: "Amitabha Buddha, the benefactor, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and you can turn your back on the shore. If you put down the butcher knife, you can become a Buddha immediately! The old monk is willing to shave you personally and let you convert to Buddhism!"

   "The old monk talks a lot of nonsense!" Zhao Yun directly raised his sword and killed, trying to tear a gap.

  Yan Zun didn't even make a move, and the eight dragons rushed up together, blocking Zhao Yun abruptly.

  Although Zhao Yun is in the late stage of the Holy Realm, facing the well-trained eight dragons, he will not be able to break through their defenses for a while.

   What's more, there are two strong men, King Kanishka and Hezun, next to her, so she dare not relax her vigilance.

   "Die!" King Kanishka took the lead, and the Buddha demon behind him opened his mouth wide and spit out raging flames. Everything touched by the flames instantly turned into ashes!

   "Be careful!" Ci Nian exclaimed.

  Zhang Beichen took up his pen to write, and wiped it out with water. Then sacrificed the Dharma seal to seal off the space around King Kanishka.

   "Peak of the Holy Realm?" King Kanishka was taken aback. The breath he felt last time was only in the late stage of the Holy Realm. Unexpectedly, Zhang Beichen is already at the peak of the Holy Realm!

  The Venerable Master also hurriedly shot, and behind him appeared a phantom of a Buddha, emitting golden light and standing a thousand feet tall, with a single palm, it seemed as if it could destroy the world!

  Behind Zhang Beichen, the three dharmas appeared at the same time, and they jointly blocked this palm!

  【You fought against King Kanishka and the Venerable Master, one against two, relying on your deep strength, you will not fall behind! 】

   On the other side, Zhao Yun fought against the eight dragons alone, barely able to maintain it.

   They fought in the dark here, and the Yan army had already rushed from the city gate to the palace.

  Those monk soldiers were completely vulnerable in front of the well-trained Yan army!

   When the cavalry arrived, the battle situation changed completely!

   "My lord, we have arrived!" the cavalry shouted.

   "Fix the formation!" Zhang Beichen shouted.

  The cavalry immediately formed an army formation, and saw the military's killing weapon condensed in the sky. With just one blow, the copper wall composed of eight dragons was smashed to pieces!

  Zhao Yun took the opportunity to behead several monks, the eight dragons were directly killed and retreated, and a group of people joined Zhang Beichen in the battle with Zunzhe and King Kanisha.

  【With the blessing of the military formation and the help of Zhao Yun, King Kanishka and Zunzhe began to lose and wanted to escape. 】

   "Dark cloud formation!" Zhang Beichen sent out a picture of the formation, and according to his command, the formation of dark clouds rose instantly, trapping the two of them.

  Zhang Beichen and Zhao Yun also joined the formation and became the main generals in the formation. The killed Zunzun and King Kanishka were covered in bruises.

"Devil, do you really want to kill them all?" The threat of death has already been felt, and he tried to influence Zhang Beichen's mind with his words: "You have committed such a serious crime, and you will suffer in the eighteenth **** after you die. , will never be reincarnated!"

  After he said this, the soldiers seemed to really see the punishment they received in hell. Tongue pulling hell, scissors hell, iron tree hell... until the eighteenth level of hell!

   That scene made everyone shudder, and some even knelt down and wept bitterly to confess.

   "Huh, another illusion attack!" Zhang Beichen has seen similar moves. In the previous simulation, he learned the meditation spell and the evil spell. After using it, the illusion was directly broken!

  The soldiers came to their senses and organized another attack.

Seeing that his moves didn't work, the threatening man sent a voice message to King Kanishka: "Your Majesty, the old monk has nowhere to go. The old monk is willing to open up a way for the King to survive. Please continue to promote the Dharma and bring peace to the King. Demons of the world!"

   As he spoke, the Venerable Coercion burned the essence and blood in his body, and the golden light on his body vibrated, breaking the dark cloud formation, and his aura reached the half-step emperor state!

   "Zhang Beichen, the old monk will send you to **** with his hundred-year-old cultivation!" The sage threatened to smack Zhang Beichen into pieces with the word "*".

   "Change!" Zhang Beichen changed again, and with the strength of the soldiers on him, his aura even reached the half-step emperor state.

   "The old monk has explored the emperor's realm for many years, and today he will save you!" The coercive master thought that he had more delicate control over the laws of the emperor's realm.

  But when Zhang Beichen broke his "*" seal with a single shot, he realized that Zhang Beichen was even better than him!

  In the previous simulation, Zhang Beichen has really reached the emperor level. It is not the first time to fight against the Emperor Realm, and of course there is no problem if you fight half a step into the Emperor Realm.

  Zun Zhexian watched himself being shot through the chest by Zhang Beichen. At this moment, the light on his body quickly dimmed, and his body turned into fly ash and disappeared into the world.

  In Maitreya Temple, the Buddha Light Pagoda exploded, and blood rained from the sky!

   "The venerable has passed away!" In Maitreya Temple, the monks who were still resisting the Yan army saw this scene, they were all terrified and began to flee in all directions.

   Countless Guishuang soldiers put down their weapons and knelt on the ground to pray.

   "Threat Zun, did you just write it like this?" King Kanishka was even more horrified, for Zun Zun was the most powerful man in the Guishuang Empire!

   Was killed by Zhang Beichen just like that!

  At this moment, he truly understood the power of that Eastern Empire!

   They only sent hundreds of thousands of troops, and they defeated their Guishuang Empire!

  If it was their million-strong army, it would be easier to destroy the Guishuang Empire, right?

   "Kaniishka, where do you want to escape?" Zhang Beichen has blocked the space around King Kanishka, and Kanishka can't escape at all.

  Since there was no way to escape, the mighty Kanishka knelt down on the ground and begged: "Little Wang committed a serious crime. This was instigated by the threat, please forgive me!"

  Ci Nian looked at King Kanishka who was kneeling and begging for mercy with even more disgust on her face. Thinking of the previous ten years, everyone taught her to dedicate herself to King Kanishka. At this moment, she only felt it was ridiculous.

  If the people of the Guishuang Empire see that the king they reverence, known as the king of kings, and the King Kanishka that the Buddha taught is just a strong man, their beliefs will collapse in an instant!

Standing in front of King Kanishka, Zhang Beichen pronounced his crimes: "Kaniishka, you killed my merchants in Yan Kingdom, with tens of thousands of people. You plundered caravans and cut off my business. You even invaded the Western Regions and robbed a large number of people. King Yuezhi and his son."

   "Emperor Yan has ordered you to plead guilty several times. You not only ignore it, but also want to raise troops to fight against it. You have committed several capital crimes. According to my "Law of the Great Yan", you should be executed!"

  Hearing Zhang Beichen's words, Kanishka was even more heartbroken, and he hurriedly said: "Xiao Wang is willing to return all the property, and cede land for peace!"

  (end of this chapter)