Getting Simulated By The Empress Is Not My Intention

Chapter 78: Chu is unstoppable

  Chapter 78 Chu is unstoppable

   Ying Yiren reorganized government affairs.

   Zhang Beichen was suspended, and she did not remove Zhang Beichen from his post as prime minister. Instead, Zhang Beichen was set as prime minister on the left and Jing Ping was prime minister on the right.

  After being cultivated by simulating time and space, Jing Ping now has the cultivation base of the nine realms of Legalism, which is enough to handle internal affairs well.

  In addition, Qin has no shortage of generals.

  Ying Meng has reached the peak of the Nine Realms, and is attacking the Half Saint Realm.

  Pang Ming, the surrender general of Wei State, was also reused by the Yingyi people. In addition, there are Che Yang, Ying Ge, Bai Jiayi and others.

  Qin State is full of talents now, in order to grab the position, these people are eager for Zhang Beichen to be idle.

  【You rested for a year, digested the territory of Wei State, and prepared to attack Yan State. 】

  【You appoint Ying Meng as the general and Pang as the deputy general to lead an army of 400,000 to attack the country of Yan. 】

  【Yan State was defeated and asked Chu State for help. Chu State sent 200,000 troops to support Yan State. 】

  Originally Chu State also wanted to attack Yan State, but in order to contain Qin State, Chu King chose to support Yan State at this time.

  【With the aid of the Chu army, attacking Yan became more difficult. In the first year, the Qin army only captured a quarter of Yan's territory. You choose to withdraw and rest. 】

  【The following year, the Qin army continued to attack, and this time captured a quarter of Yan's territory. 】

  【Seeing that the King of Chu could not keep Yan, he tore up the covenant and attacked Yan. 】

  【Ying Meng made a decisive decision, and the army directly attacked Jicheng, the capital of Yan State. The Yan army held on for half a year, and finally surrendered because of the lack of food and grass. 】

  【Ying Meng ordered people to search for King Yan, but no trace of King Yan was found. 】

  【Yan Kingdom is destroyed. Qin State occupied three quarters of Yan State's territory, and Chu State occupied one quarter of Yan State's territory. So far, Qin and Chu each occupy half of the country! 】

  Ying Yiren looked proud, "The widow can rule the world now!"

   "Zhang Beichen, you just watch carefully."

  Of course Ying Yiren knew that if Zhang Beichen was appointed, the progress would be faster. But Zhang Beichen actually got involved with someone else's woman and gave birth to a child. It broke her heart, and now she can't let it go.


  Zhang Beichen still takes care of the baby at home. Wei Bi grows up very fast and is very beautiful. Like her mother Wei Yao, her looks are at the level that confuses the common people.

  And Wei Bi is very smart. He is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, martial arts, and art of war, especially the art of war. Wei Bi has outstanding talent in art of war.

  In order to teach her, Zhang Beichen often conducts military exercises with her.

   In his spare time, Zhang Beichen will also pay attention to the general trend of the world.

  【The state of Qin has digested the state of Yan, and its national power has greatly improved. 】

  【The King of Chu selected elites across the country to increase the number of the Overlord Army. The Overlord Army has reached 100,000! 】

  【The king of Chu breaks through to become a martial sage and is invincible in the world! 】

   In this round, the King of Chu became more shrewd. She not only improved her own strength, but also increased the number of elite soldiers.

   If she encounters the formation of House of Flying Daggers again, she is sure to break through the formation!

  And this time, the king of Chu specially ordered people to find a panacea and gave it to her teacher Fan Lue.

   There is this half-sage military strategist, plus the king of Chu, the invincible martial sage, and the Overlord Army and hundreds of thousands of Chu troops. The combat effectiveness of the Chu army has reached an unprecedented height!

   "I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Qin army this time." Zhang Beichen thought in his heart, it would be too difficult to conquer such a Chu army!


   After resting for another year, they have prepared enough food, ordnance, and trained the army. The Yingyi people are ready to go out to destroy Chu State and rule the world.

  【You appoint Ying Meng as the general, Pang as the deputy general, Che Yang, Bai Jiayi, Ying Ge and others as the generals of each battalion, leading a total of 400,000 troops to go to Chu. 】

  【Before departure, you held a swearing-in meeting in Liyang, the capital of Qin. 】

  At the swearing-in meeting, Ying Yiren was among the courtiers.

  She scanned the crowd over and over again, but unfortunately she still couldn't find Zhang Beichen.

   "Did he not come?" For some reason, Ying Yiren felt a sense of loss.

   "What are you thinking, Zhang Beichen is someone else's husband!" Ying Yiren gritted her teeth and told herself that she must not be so humble as the king of Qin!

   "Soldiers and soldiers!" Ying Yiren stood on the high platform, holding a sword, "I am here to see you off today, and I wish you victory!"

   "Long live the king! Victory!" the soldiers shouted.

  After three lives, Ying Yiren took the lead in singing the battle song:

   "Don't you say no clothes? I'm in the same robe as my son. Wang Xing is in my teacher, repair my spear, and have the same hatred as my son!"

   "Don't you say no clothes? I have the same water with Zi. Wang Yu Xingshi, repair my spear and halberd, and work together with Zi!"

   "Don't you say no clothes? I wear the same clothes as my son. The king Yu Xingshi, repair my armored soldiers, and walk with you!"

   This is the battle song of Qin State - "No Clothes".

  The soldiers also sang loudly with Ying Yiren, and the black bird hovered above their heads to see them off. They rushed to the battlefield with high morale!

  Among the crowd, Zhang Beichen took Wei Bi's little hand and watched the scene quietly.

  He sighed slightly in his heart. At this time, he should be the general who went on the expedition.

   "It's much harder than fighting to make two women, who are kings over ten thousand, accept the same man!" Zhang Beichen thought.


  Since there was going to be a war, Ying Yiren naturally made all-round preparations.

  【You secretly ordered people to bribe the nobles of Chu State to cause chaos in the country. The king of Chu had to devote his energy to calm the chaos. 】

  【Seeing this, Ying Meng and Pang Ming divided their troops into two groups, each leading 200,000 troops to march. The two were invincible, winning consecutive battles. 】

   "Very good, Chu State is nothing more than that." Ying Yiren was a little proud in his heart, his subordinates were like clouds, how could he still lose in a battle?

  Ying Meng and Pang Ming also thought the same way.

  【Ying Meng and Pang Ming decided to join forces to attack the capital of Chu State, and the King of Chu led the army in person. 】

  Ying Yiren always pays attention to the battle report ahead.

  【Ying Meng and Pang Ming successfully joined forces, their strength has greatly increased, and they have already approached the capital of Chu! 】

  【The defense of Yingdu in the state of Chu is strong, and the Qin army can't attack it for a while. Suddenly, a large number of Chu troops appeared in all directions. The king of Chu led an army of 400,000 to attack the Qin army. 】

   "It's been tricked!" Ying Meng and Pang Ming led the army to fight, only to find that the combat power of the Chu army at this time is several times that of the previous encounter with the Chu army!

  The previous ones were all old, weak, sick and disabled, and the real elites are all here.

   And they were able to drive straight all the way, it was the Chu army who released the water. Now they have penetrated deep into the hinterland of Chu State, isolated and helpless!

  【The king of Chu personally led the army to charge, winning fiercely and being unstoppable. Ying Meng and Che Yang were beheaded by the King of Chu, and Pang Ming led the 100,000 remnants to retreat. 】

  【The king of Chu ordered Xiang Mu, a general of the state of Chu, to pursue him. Xiang Mu pursued him for three days and nights, and stopped by the river. Qin Jun was exhausted and took the opportunity to rest. Unexpectedly, Xiang Mu crossed the river in the dark and attacked the Qin army. The Qin army was defeated, and most of the 100,000 troops were wiped out. Pang Ming led 3,000 people and fled back to Qin! 】

  Seeing the news, Ying Yiren's pretty face turned pale.

  The 400,000 army, how long did it take to build up the strength, and it was just like that destroyed!

   Moreover, the two trusted generals, Ying Meng and Che Yang, were killed in battle!

   This is not just a failure, it is a fiasco!

   Originally, the strength of Qin State was higher than that of Chu State. This battle directly made Qin State a weaker side!

   Now it is not a question of Qin going to Chu, but worrying about whether the king of Chu will take advantage of the victory and go to Qin!

  Ying Yiren's heart is bleeding, how can she lose like this! The Qin army is so well equipped, so many military generals of the nine realms, in the state of Chu, they were killed like chickens!

   Is this still the invincible Qin army?

  (end of this chapter)